Chapter 6 : The End

The Nightmare



“Guys they found them. They’re being transported to the hospital as we speak and they found the rest of the Three Bangs. Now those two will be going to jail. Come on let’s go to the hospital to meet the guys there there.” Kris said as he went over to the front door, grabbing the dorm keys. Everyone was already going behind him, in much of a hurry as he was.

Surprisingly their van was waiting for them outside already informed on where to take them too. When they arrived at the hospital they waited in the waiting room, not able to sit still as they paced back and forth from one end to the other. Finally when their members arrived at the hospital, the others knew right away. “Luhan!” they all shouted as they saw him standing in the front of the door. “Guys, oh boy am I glad to see you guys.” He smiled tears in his eyes, turning away from the hall as he walked over to the others. The others embracing him in a warm family hug crying themselves. Sehun never letting go of him once everyone else had. “We’re glad you’re okay.” Sehun said a small smile on his lips. “…and the others?” Kris asked. “Lay has to get a cut on his hand cleaned and stitched up. DO needs a blood transfusion and Baekhyun, I don’t really know about him…” he frowned glancing back towards the hall. “What do you mean?” Chanyeol asked stepping forward a little. “Yeah and why does DO need a blood transfusion, did he get shot or something?” Kai asked stepping forward as well. Luhan nodded his head slightly, “Well it's sort of a long story, so no interruptions until I'm done." he said looking at everyone carefully. Once he had their attetion he continued, "So after the ship left us stranded, we found our selves in an island. Me and Lay found DO and it wasn't until later we found Baekhyun. We had to get Baekhyun back from the Three Bangs and in order to that we set up some traps and one the leaders shot at DO and Baekhyun, but he only hit DO. Then Baekhyun since the cruise he's already been sick, but he got even worst now.” He sighed all of them glancing towards the hall now, taking in what they just learned. "We're glad you're all here now." Kris sighed everyone nodding with what he said.

A couple of hours later Lay was released, joining the others in the waiting room. All of them embraced him in a warm hug as they had Luhan. Lay glanced around seeing Luhan wasn’t there or Sehun, but before he could ask anything Suho spoke up. “Luhan went to get cleaned up and Sehun couldn’t let him go alone so he joined him.”

Lay nodded and took a seat next to the others. Waiting for word of the others, which they hadn't seemed to be getting much of. Night fall came everyone lay asleep in the waiting room afraid to leave when they were so close to everyone now.

The next day as they woke up DO was sitting in a seat by himself staring blankly into space. "DO oh boy I never thought I would be so happy to see you." Chanyeol smiled as he took a seat next to him, hugging him before he leaned back into his seat. "Me too." DO said sounding a little detachted. "What's wrong?" Kai asked as he rubbed his eyes from sleep. "Baekhyun." DO answered. "Don't worry He'll be fine you'll see." Suho said as he stood up. Everyone already awake by now. "Yeah we're all here and nothing is going to tear us apart now." kris said as he took a seat on one of the chairs. "That's true." DO smiled getting his hope rising.

Now they all waited for Baekhyun. “Can we go see him now?” Chanyeol asked as their manager walked into the waiting room. “Yeah, but only three at a time. They don’t want a lot of people to crowd the room.” he sighed taking a seat where they were sitting before. Chanyeol nodded and left not waiting for the others who would go with him, following behind him were Suho and Kai.

Once inside the room their concern grew more. “He looks so fragile.” Chanyeol frowned as he took Baekhyun’s hand in his, he could feel the others join him in the room. “Yeah, he does.” Suho sighed taking a seat on the other side of the bed. “When do you think he’ll wake up?” Kai asked as he stared down at Baekhyun’s motionless body. “I’m not sure. You heard what the doctors said, that they had to induce him in a medical coma in order to make sure he would make it through surgery.” Suho said as a tear glided down his face. “So it could be days, weeks, months, even…years…” Chanyeol said his voice barely audible as tears filled his eyes, nobody answered his question and he didn’t want them to, nobody wanted to hear the answer to that.

“Here let’s go so we can let the others come in to see him.” Suho sighed as he stood up from his seat a few minutes later. “You guys go, I want to stay here just a while longer.” Chanyeol frowned taking his eyes off of Baekhyun just for a little while to see Suho and Kai leave. Afterall him and Chanyeol were best friends and now that he was here he didn't want to leave him. “Okay, but don’t stay for too long the others want to see him too.” Suho said as they walked out of the room.

Before Chanyeol could turn back to look at Baekhyun, he could feel the others hand weakly hold on to his. “mm…” Baekhyun breathed moving slightly in his bed. “Baekhyun you awake?” Chanyeol asked standing up from his seat, the air inside of him knocked out from the surprise. Baekhyun’s eyes opened slightly to a squint as he looked up at Chanyeol, his brow furrowing. “What do you mean?” Baekhyun asked, his voice sounding tired and painfully raspy. Chanyeol’s lips spread into a grin as he ran out of the room at the same time calling for a doctor.

When the doctor came, Chanyeol waited outside patiently with their manager until the doctor walked out. “Well, he’s out of dangers reach, but he’ll need to stay here until he’s good to be up and about and when that day comes he may be released from the hospital. He could have a couple of visitors, I’ll let it slip by if all of you go in with him, but he does need his rest so make it quick.” The doctor said before he walked away.

“You heard that Chanyeol all of you are okay now. I don’t think I’ll be letting you guys go on any adventures for a long time.” Their manager smiled, relieved from the good news.

“We won’t want to go either.” The others chimed in walking up from behind the both of them, having heard the entire conversation. “We’re all glad everyone is fine and healthy now. Very glad.” their manager said smiling at all of them. They all nodded relieved themselves. Then they all disappeared into Baekhyun's room.



How was it? I know it was short, but the end has come. Who knows maybe I'll make an epilogue or some conclusion chapter I don't know yet.

We'll see. Thank you all for reading my story and showing all the love. I'm a miss you all! ^^

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Chapter 6: You have done a good job author-nim. Eventhough its short yet i really enjoy your story. :)
haeri0610 #2
Chapter 6: Glad they're safe in the end...
Thanks for sharing the story, author-nim :)
ChooChooPanda #3
Chapter 4: I really love this story ;D
It's so interesting amg ;u; Please update soon and fighting~