Chapter 4 : Awake

The Nightmare

Chapter 4: Awake

“Guys, are we going fishing today?” DO asked as he rubbed his eyes tiredly, while he lightly pushed Lay. “Hmm…” Lay breathed as he shifted in his sleep. “No we were sort of planning to go into the forest to look for Baekhyun.” Luhan sighed as he got up. DO turned to him surprised, “So he’s here too? How do you know? Did you guys see him?” he asked as he went over to Luhan. Luhan shook his head, “No, but I found a piece of his shirt, we know it could be anything, but I know we are not alone here.” He finished as he walked over to DO. “Once Lay wakes up we’ll go, if you want something to eat there’s still coconuts.” Luhan said as he lifted one of the coconuts. DO shook his head, “No I’ll wait till we find Baekhyun.” He said a little too excited. “Why are you two up so early?” Lay yawned as he sat up, smelling himself, “Bleh, we stink.” He said sticking his tongue out. “Well we can’t really shower here, come on let’s go look maybe Baekhyun’s with more of the guys.” DO urged as he pulled Lay up. “Alright let’s go. Luhan you lead the way.” Lay sighed as he let himself get pulled out of the shack with DO. Luhan nodded and quickly went over leading the way to where he had gone.

When he reached the spot he looked around making sure he was going the right way as his eyes fell on Ji Hoo’s lifeless corpse. “Wait guys stay there. Don’t come through the bushes yet.” He told the others as he grabbed three big leaves to cover up the corpse. He didn’t want Lay or DO to have to see him. “Okay come on before I left yesterday I went a little ahead from this direction.” He said as he pointed in the direction for them to head into. Lay shook his head and took the lead walking in front of them. Together they walked through the path. “Guys it was here.” Luhan called out as he grabbed DO from going any further. Both DO and Lay giving their full attention to Luhan. “See those shoe prints, maybe he’s with a few other survivors.” Luahn sighed as he crossed his arms thinking.

“Maybe, look there’s more going that way.” DO whispered pointing to the left. “I didn’t see those yesterday, but what do you guys say, should we keep following them?” he asked as he looked from Lay to DO. Both of which nodded their heads. “Yeah, let’s go. We’re not losing anything by trying.” Lay smiled walking ahead of them. “Just careful that hill up ahead looks steep.” DO said following behind him, followed by Luhan.

They trudged on following the footsteps until they came to a sort of clearing, a cabin standing alone with a satellite on the roof. “You think someone lives here?” DO whispered not taking his eyes from the cabin as they hid between the bushes. “It looks like someone does, look.” Lay whispered, nodding his head to the side for Luhan and DO to see. When they turned a little jeep was turning up on to the clearing next to the cabin. Luhan put his finger to his lips to make sure the others stayed silent as they watched on secretly from where they were. The engine to the jeep shut off and a man with a black mustache got out from the driver’s side. “Hey Jin, come help me get the stuff out of the car.” The man yelled as he took out some of the bags as another came out from inside the cabin. “Got it.” Jin said as he went over and took out the rest of the bags. “How’s the boy? Is he awake?” the man with the mustache said a little frustrated. “No, nothing. Won Ho it’s his fault we lost Shin.” Jin said as he looked at the cabin with a nasty glare before turning his attention back to Won Ho. “No worries just drop the stuff off next to the door and let’s go. We still have to make some arrangements.” Won Ho sighed dropping the things off on the porch and returned back to the jeep, waiting for the other to get on.

Once they were out of sight Luhan turned to Lay, “You stay here and keep an eye out if you see them coming back give us a warning.” He commanded. Lay nodded and with that DO and Luhan went into the cabin to look for who they hoped would be Baekhyun. Both Luhan and DO separated once inside the cabin to look into every room.

After searching in all the rooms DO had but just one more room to go look into the one farthest from the entrance. Just as he was making his way to the room he stopped in his tracks the sound of the jeeps engine all he could hear. Immediately scrunched up his face upset as he turned around and ran out before he could get caught. He made it next to Lay just in time. “Did you?” Lay asked and in response DO frowned as he shook his head. “Where’s Luhan?”  DO asked noticing he wasn’t there. “He hasn’t come back yet.” Lay whispered as both DO and he turned back to the cabin. The jeep pulled up into the same spot and out came the two guys. This time one of them was carrying a black briefcase as the other stretched his arms. “Won Ho you think we can go back to what we were doing after this?” Jin asked a huge smile on his lips as he pulled the briefcase up to his chest hugging it tightly. “We just might, we just might.” Won Ho smirked swinging the keys in his hand before he put them into his pocket and with that the two walked into the cabin.

“Come on Luhan, where are you?” both Lay and DO whispered as they looked from side to side. “We can’t leave without him.” DO frowned as he scooted back a little, his hand slightly brushing up against what felt like a shoe. Immediately his eyes opened wide and forcing himself to do it he slowly turned around to face what was behind him. To his surprise Luhan was kneeling behind the both of them. “Aw…Luhan you almost gave me a heart attack.” DO whispered as he patted his chest. Lay turned around and noticed. “How’d you get here without us seeing you? And what took you so long?” He asked as he grabbed DO and pushed Luhan to start moving back from where they came from. “I didn’t have much time to go out through the front so I had to go through the back and I got us food. No worries they won’t be finding out anytime soon. They had a lot of it if I do say so myself.” Luhan smiled as they trudged on their way back. Slowly his smile turned into a frown as he counted their heads. “You didn’t have any luck finding anyone?” Luhan asked DO. DO shook his head, “No and before I could check the last room I heard them coming.” He frowned. “Let’s make a plan and prepare ourselves next time because we are not just dealing with ordinary people. These guys are the ‘Three Bangs’ we can’t just go in there and get whoever it is they have. We should hurry though because we all know these guys mean business.” Luhan explained adding emphasis to three bangs as he showed them the article he had found in the cabin. “Okay let’s make plans today and start working on it tomorrow so we can hurry up and take them down, I hope.” Lay said nodding his head in agreement. “Maybe we could take their jeep. There must be a town or something close by since they keep getting all this food or where else could they be going to?” DO half smiled, already thinking of how to escape the island. “Yeah we can do that, but none of us knows how to drive.” Luhan sighed. “Well actually I wanted to surprise you guys when we got back from the cruise, I got my license.” Lay smiled, “So it could be our escape plan. Now let’s go and plan.”


“Baekhyun you have to stay awake.” a voice echoed through Baekhyun’s head, enough to pull him out of the darkness that kept fighting to consume him completely. “I can’t.” He thought, not wanting to face reality. “Baekhyun you have to stay awake.” The voice echoed once again. “Ji Hoo hyung.” He breathed as he forced his eyes to open. Shivering slightly as he was covered in a cold sweat. He winced trying to lift his head a little, but to no avail. His body was sore and hurting, his head was pounding against his skull, tears threatening to come out. His vision was finally beginning to focus, the ringing in his ears still apparent. Darkness wanting to force him into a deep slumber once again. Just as he was about to give in to sleep, a hand forcibly pulled him up. “No, no, no, you’ve had enough of that. Won Ho, he’s awake.” Bang Jin smirked. Baekhyun winced as the man forced him up, stirring up every sore and broken muscle in his body. “That’s good. It means we can start now.” He said as he walked into the room. “Go sit him in the kitchen.” He commanded Jin. Jin nodded and with that he pulled Baekhyun over to the kitchen. “Let’s see what he knows about the explosion.” He thought before he walked out of the room.


Suho pulled his eyes open as he glanced around the room, a little shocked and surprised to see where he was. “Your awake, I thought you would never wake up.” Kai half smiled as he walked over to him. “Huh, what happ…Oh..oh…” he said as he tried to sit up, but Kai pushed him back down. “Yeah that’s how I was when I realized it wasn’t a nightmare and you probably shouldn’t sit up for a while you might hurt yourself, your still healing.” He said pressing his lips together into a thin line. “Mhm, how long was I out?” Suho yawned as he stretched lightly. “You were asleep for a whole week.” Kai answered as he tapped his chin thinking. “For that long? Was I in a coma or something?” Suho gasped shocked that he was out for that long. “No, you were asleep. The doctor said it was because of fatigue and the shock.” Kris answered as he and the others came in. “I didn’t know he was asleep. I thought he was in a coma.” Chanyeol frowned, Xiumin nodding with him. “And what gave you guys that idea?” Kris asked as he glanced at them. “Well…” Chanyeol frowned as he turned to Sehun. “I didn’t think they would believe me.” Sehun said lifting his hands up innocently. “Where’s Baekhyun, DO, Lay, and Luhan?” Suho questioned as he glanced around the room looking into all of their faces. He could see their mood all of a sudden drop before he could make a guess Tao spoke, “They haven’t found them yet…that’s why we’re listening to the news a lot lately.” He frowned. “So they’ve been missing for an entire week now?” Suho gasped as tears filled his eyes. Kris nodded, “We’re hoping they are all together that way when they find them, we get them all here faster.” Suho nodded agreeing with him as his tears glided down his face.

Hello everyone!! hope you are all enjoying this story so far!! Till next update! :)

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Chapter 6: You have done a good job author-nim. Eventhough its short yet i really enjoy your story. :)
haeri0610 #2
Chapter 6: Glad they're safe in the end...
Thanks for sharing the story, author-nim :)
ChooChooPanda #3
Chapter 4: I really love this story ;D
It's so interesting amg ;u; Please update soon and fighting~