Lost in Love Special: Sooyoung's Birthday Party, Part II

Lost In Love

Taeyeon was accompanied by Jessica, who were answering the door and wanted to welcome their new guests. Opening the door, Jessica was hugged by a girl with the similar golden locks. “Hyo!”


"Oh, Taeyeon unnie!" The older girl was happy to see her younger sister, YoonA and her wife, Seohyun. They had a child, Hyoyeon, that was the same age as Jessica, only a few months younger than her. When Jessica and Hyoyeon were together, their parents called them, "trouble maker twins," where they both inherited blonde hair.


"YoonA, Seohyunnie, welcome! How are my two favorite little sisters?" She opened the door to let them and gave them each a hug. " We are great unnie, Seohyunnie made sure we were the first ones here. Now where's is my little shikshin?" YoonA smiled and went to look for Sooyoung.


Seohyun and Taeyeon let out a laugh, Seohyun noted, "Unnie, are you sure Sooyoung is yours? Our Hyoyeonnie is looking more like her Auntie Taeyeon." Taeyeon smiled, “Sooyoungie is looking like Sunny-ah everyday…I’m so happy she’s mine.”


“Kim Hyoyeon, greet your Auntie Taeyeon and Auntie Tiffany before playing with Sica!” Seohyun scolded her mischievous daughter. “Yes Umma!” Hyoyeon did she was told and greeted Taeyeon with a hug and kiss on the cheek.


Being the first guests arriving, Seohyun and Taeyeon entered the living room where Jessica and Hyoyeon were playing. YoonA was talking to Tiffany and had Sooyoung in her arms. Sooyoung was trying to understand what they were saying and squirmed in her Auntie YoonA’s arms, wanting to play with her sister and cousin. “Sooyoungie is three, but why is she still so small? Has she been eating good?” YoonA kissed Sooyoung’s cheek.


“She’s our little shikshin! She eats so much, Yoong. I can see where she gets it from,” Tiffany joked and looked at the doe-like woman. Sooyoung looked at Tiffany, “Uhma, pot-ty.”


“Sica want to accompany Youngie to the potty? Hyo can come help too!” Tiffany reasoned with her eldest daughter, knowing Sooyoung only wants to go with Jessica.


“Yes Umma, let’s go Sooyoungie!” YoonA placed Sooyoung on her feet and ran to her sister, holding her hand. The doorbell rang once again, notifying that more guests were arriving. “Uhma, Youngie did good! I gave her a candy, “ Jessica told their mother. Tiffany smiled, “Thank you, my Sica. Kids do you want to welcome the new guests?”




Sooyoung’s birthday party was in full swing. Everyone was enjoying the food and company, kids making friends and having fun. Taeyeon noticed guest at Sooyoung’s birthday party were all sporting pink. She was now looking for her wife, who was talking to some co-workers.


“Honey, may I have a word?” Taeyeon smiled through her grit teeth. Tiffany nodded her head and walked with Taeyeon to a secluded area. “Is anything wrong, Tae?” Tiffany asked.


“Fany-ah why is everyone at the party wearing pink?”


“Uhm, I kind of put it on the invitation?” Tiffany said nervously and smiled, she was unsure of her wife’s reaction. Taeyeon was about to reply, when they heard their eldest daughter scream out loud, “Oh no, Sooyoungie!”


“We will talk about this later, Tiffany.” Taeyeon huffed and grabbed her hand to see the commotion. The guests were surrounded by the birthday girl, who was on the floor crying for her mother. “Sica, what happened?” Taeyeon kneeled down to her two kids.


“Hyo and me wanted to play with our other cousins and Sooyoungie was following us....” Jessica looked down, feeling bad that she hurt her little sister. “We tricked her so she wouldn’t follow us anymore, she ended up tripping when she was chasing after us…” Hyoyeon said sadly and looked down.


Tiffany gently picked up Sooyoung and dusted her off, she looked at the damage of when Sooyoung tripped. She badly scraped her two knees and an elbow, she also had a scrape on her chin. Sooyoung was still silently crying in Tiffany’s arms, “I’ll go clean her up…”


“Everything is going to be alright, Youngie. Umma is here.” Tiffany soothed her and kissed her hair. While going back into the house with Sooyoung, Tiffany heard the doorbell ring. She found it it odd, everyone she invited already arrived. Making her way to the door, she opened it and stood there in shock.


“Fany-ah, is everything okay?” She heard Taeyeon. “Who’s at the door?”


Taeyeon was now behind Tiffany and then fell silent at who was at the door. She heard Tiffany whispered to herself,”Sunny?”



“I knew it was Sooyoung’s birthday and to stop by to give her her present...I apologize for coming here uninvited. I could just drop this off and I’ll be on my way.” SoonKyu suggested, not wanting to intrude.


Tiffany finally spoke in a low voice,” You’re more than welcome to stay.” Taeyeon put her hand on her wife’s shoulder, “Fany-ah, you should clean up Sooyoungie, we wouldn’t want her to get any infection on her scrapes. You coming, SoonKyu?” Tiffany nodded her head and went into the kitchen with Sooyoung.


The woman in the doorway, nodded her head and entered their home. While Taeyeon was welcoming SooKyu, Tiffany had Sooyoung on the kitchen island, preparing to clean her wounds. “Sooyoungie this is only going to hurt for a little bit,” Tiffany explained and applied the disinfectant.


Sooyoung let out a small cry and Tiffany blew on her knees to ease the pain. “You’re doing good, Youngie.” After cleaning it with disinfectant, Tiffany used neosporin and pink Hello Kitty bandaids on her knees. She later repeated it on her elbow and chin. She kissed where Sooyoung was hurt. “Do my kisses make your boo-boos feel better?” Tiffany smiled and kissed her cheek.


The birthday girl nodded her head and smiled at the her Umma. “Umma is Sooyoungie okay?” Tiffany turned her head, finding her daughter and Hyoyeon right behind her. “She’s fine girls,” She lifted her up and set her on her feet.


“Youngie, we’re sorry,” Jessica and Hyoyeon hugged Sooyoung from both sides. “We will play you from now on and promise not to leave you out anymore.” Hyoyeon stated and kissed her cousin’s cheek.


“Kwen-cha-na, un-nies,” Sooyoung kissed her unnies both on the cheek. Tiffany couldn’t help but smile. “Aw my girls are so cute, let me a take a picture!” Tiffany got her phone and captured the picture of them. “Now you can all play! We might be cutting the cake soon!” The girls ran off into the backyard where the party was held.


Tiffany’s smile turned into a look of worry. She was terrified. She was scared that SoonKyu was going take Taeyeon and Sooyoung away from her. She knew she was in the living room talking to Taeyeon. “Tiffany, can you come to living room?” Taeyeon hollered from the living room.


They both stood up when Tiffany entered, “This is my wife, Tiffany,” Taeyeon paused, “Fany-ah, this is SoonKyu. Sunny’s twin sister, she’s also Sooyoung’s godmother.” Tiffany’s jaw dropped, Sunny had a sister! “It’s nice to finally meet you, Tiffany.” SoonKyu held out her hand for Tiffany to shake and smiled.


Instead of shaking her hand, Tiffany pulled her into a hug, “It’s nice to finally meet you too.” They pulled away, “You should go eat and we are about to cut the cake soon.” They made their way to the backyard where the party resumed.




“Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday dear Sooyoung! Happy Birthday to you!” Everyone sang for Sooyoung when she was ready to blow out the candles. She looked over to Jessica who was pretending to blow out a fake birthday cake.


Sooyoung blew out the candles and everyone clapped for her.


“Happy Birthday Sooyoung, “ Her parents said together and kissed both of her cheeks.


“Youngie, Happy Birthday!” Jessica smiled and kissed her little sister on the lips this time.




After the party, Jessica and Sooyoung fell asleep on the couch. “Our little girls are pooped, “Taeyeon said tiredly and wrapped her arms around Sooyoung. “We had a great day today for the family though… “Tiffany smiled and wrapped her arms around Jessica.


“Many more birthdays to come…”




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I wrote this in like 20minutes so Im going to add some things to make it descriptive!


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Chapter 5: oh? she's sunny's twin lmao xD
Chapter 5: That's so cruel! Leaving the birthday girl behind! And not playing with her!
wang_juan #3
Chapter 5: How? What? When? Omg....is sunny the ghost is come back
grc_grace #4
Chapter 5: seriously sunny ? how came ?
JasKoh89 #5
Chapter 5: Oh no!!! Drama approaching??
Chapter 5: uh-oh! sunny is back O.O
Inni_Mini_Mimi #7
Really wonder fiction. ... nice work ^_^
Chapter 4: Hhhaa.... what a cute family >.< hihihi...
I hope jessica and sooyoung get along nicely... they are both so cute hahahaha
Tae and tiff are a good parent... really consider about what their kids needs...
Nice update author!^^
Chapter 4: cutie soo n family.hehe