chapter 2

The New Boy

Junhong saw that line that wrapped around the attendence office and let out a sigh, "how am i going to do this, class starts in 10 minutes?" he thought outloud. he saw a familiar face at the front of the line, a girl he dated last year, Eunji, she was standing with the other two most popular girls in school, Sam and Alex. he approached the girls, "well hello ladies.... Eunji. you look better every time i see you," he said with a very suave voice, winked at her and rubbed her arm. he moved and stood in front of her and turned around to face her, he was at the front of the line now. "you know Eunji, as hot as you are, i'll never make the mistake of dating you ever again," he wispered in her ear, winked at her, turned around and talked to the lady who was handing out the schedules.

"Good Morning, Teacher Kang, i need some help from you." he leaned on the counter and flashed a smile at the middle aged woman, "i need my schedule to be the exact same as someone elses, see my dad wants to buy another student's company and wants me to befriend them, do you think i can have the same schedule as Lee Sarang?" he smiled really big and covered his mouth with his fist. she looked at him and smiled,"anything for you Junhong-ssi. tell your dad i say hi," she said. she fluttered her fingers over the computer keyboard in front of her and turned around and walked to the printer to grab his schedule. she walked back to where Junhong was leaning on the counter. he was twiddling his thumbs and whistling pretending not to hear what the girls behind him were saying. the woman handed him the paper, he eagerly grabbed it and smiled, "oh thank you Teacher Kang! i owe you one!" Junhong almost yelled. 7 minutes till class started, he looked at the paper and saw where he needed to go. he saw that Sarah's homeroom class was on the second floor, that she took art and music instead of foreign language and math, he thought that was cute. She had a free period, instead of science and spent her last period of the day in the library for independent study instead of p.e.. Junhong smiled and nodded, he liked this girl a lot, she was smart, funny, pretty, but most of all different than all of the other girls he had pursued. 

Sarah walked up the stairs to the second floor. she looked at the signs hanging above each of the doors to the classrooms, she saw the white sign that said '2-2' and walked up to it. she looked down at the roll that was in her hands, she ripped off a piece and shoved it into happily, she smiled as she chewed and walked into her class room. she swallowed as she broke off another piece, shoved it in and walked to the back of the classroom by the window, where there were only two seats left. she hung her backpack up on the hook attached to the desk and opened her backpack. her pencil case fell out, and because it was open, the contents fell on the floor. as she reached down to pick up her pens and pencils she saw a pair of jordans on a pair of big feet step over the mess and take the seat next to her. "thanks for the help ," she thought. she picked everything up and put the pencil case back in her backpack. without looking at the person who sat in the desk next to her, she ripped off another piece of her roll and popped it in . she looked out the window as she started to chew, she saw students running into the building and some simply meandering in. she heard the bell ring and immediately grabbed the rest of her roll and shoved it into her already full mouth. she continued to look out the window as the homeroom teacher came in and took roll.

Sarah heard as names were called, Kim Jongin, Lee Jongsuk, Jung Minyeon, all names that werent hers. she continued to chew on the big wad of bread that was in . she was just about to swallow as she heard a name that she did not expect to, "Choi Junhong?" she choked. she started coughing and was still trying to chew the food that was in . she stopped coughing just in time to see all of the faces in her class turned around and staring at hers, now flushed and pink. "here..." she heard come from the seat come from right next to her. she turned her head to her right and saw the boy she had spent almost her entire morning with, after he almost hit her, Choi Junhong. 

Junhong turned his head to the left to look at her and did exactly that, he saw Sarah's mouth wide open, showing the food she was eating, and the look of surprise on her face. "Lee Sarang?....Lee Sarang? is there a Lee Sarang?" Sarah was still staring at Junhong. he pointed his finger towards the front of the class, with still full she said, "oh here, but i prefer to be called Sarah," she smiled and bowed her head. the teacher wrote her name on the roster and continued calling names. 

Sarah chewed really fast and swallowed, "hey. what are you doing here? you were never in my homeroom class before!" she interrogated Junhong. he took out a folded up piece of paper and showed it to her, "this is my schedule see?" she grabbed it before he could stop her. she analyzed it rather quickly, "no this isnt your schedule... this is mine with your name on it!!! it even has my address and information at the bottom!" he grabbed it from her hands, which were holding the paper in front of his face, pointing out exactly what she had discribed. "OH NO! give that back! it has my address on it!" Sarah whispered aggressively. he folded it back up and put it in his right pants pocket, away from her. The homeroom teacher finished her opening announcements and left the room. the classroom gradually got louder. especially in the back of the room by the windows.

she was now standing, Junhong was sitting in the chair sideways, facing her, his legs a tiny bit spread. "YA! how did you get the exact same schedule as me! and why?" Sarah asked. when Sarah didn't recieve an answer she coiled her arm back as if to punch him and placed her knee inbetween his legs, millimeters away from his pants zipper. he looked down and back up at her. he had never seen one girl display so much confidence. he loved it. he inched forward, allowing his crotch to touch her leg, knowing it would make her put her leg down. she looked down, unsure of what to do, so she did what her instinct told her, and put her leg on the ground. he stood up and grabbed her arm that was behind her in a fist, and lowered it, "what are you talking about, Sarangie? it's merely a coincidence that we have all of our same classes together," he whispered in her ear. the sound of her own name made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She felt very attracted to this boy, it was almost magnetic how he had the ability to just reel her in; but she didn't want to be played. She yanked her wrist out from his hand and sat back down. "whatever, i dont care. just dont let having my address give you any ideas, Junhongie." she had accidentally said his name in the way a girlfriend would have, and it didn't slip past him, "Junhongie? wow, Sarang-ah, you're moving a bit fast dont you think?" he laughed. she rolled her eyes and turned around, picked up her legs and hugged them to her chest, as she looked out the window, planning to stay that way until the bell rang. she reached out her hand for the book she previously placed on her desk and instead felt a hand. she pulled away and turned her head, Junhong was putting on his backpack. he looked at her, and smiled, then walked out of the classroom. Sarah watched as he walked out of the room. she thought it was adorable how his cheeks jiggled when he walked, the shock from his long legs hitting the ground reached all the way to his face. she thought about how she had touched his hand and looked down at her desk, looking for the book she had originally planned on touching. she found a note placed on top of it. it read:

a poem

just like there is no winter without fall,

i do not exist without you at all.

ditch your free period with me or else i'll show up at your house in the middle of the night and introduce myself as your boyfriend. -JH

Sarah laughed, "what an idiot," she thought, "what a cute, squishy, tall, handsome, stupid idiot." she folded up the note and stuck it in her bra, where she would be able to find it again, or at least she hoped. right then the bell rang and Sarah looked at her schedule to see where she was going next, "2nd Period- Free Period," she read outloud. she smiled and walked outside, and sure enough leaning against the wall by the stairs with a lollipop in his mouth was Junhong. he tilted his head up slightly and flared his nostrils, mentally telling her to follow him. a force within her compelled her to do just that. she jogged to catch up to him, and took a deep breath, grabbing onto the shoulder strap of his messenger bag, following him down the stairs, not thinking of what lied ahead. 

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YuniOfficial #1
Chapter 4: Please update. No body updates any more. I have 123 stories that are not finishrdand peeps rarely update
Claudine_NG #2
Chapter 4: I hope you update soon!
Egg-yeols0911 #3
Chapter 3: Omfg you updated! Hurray :)
And now, please update soon~~
kissmeoppa #4
Chapter 2: GAAAHHHHHH but i like it a lot
kissmeoppa #5