Chapter 3

The New Boy


Sarah held on tight to the strap of Junhongs messenger bag as he cooly walked down the stairs. Sarah didn't bother asking where they were going, she just followed the tall handsome boy to wherever their destination was. Her free period lasted only an hour and a half, and didn't seem like a lot of time for them to accomplish anything. They reached the bottom of the stairs and Junhong stopped, took the lollipop out of his mouth and smiled at Sarah. She realized her hand was still on the strap of his messenger bag, and she let go immediately, smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of her head while leaning forward on her tippy toes, "heh, um... I wasn't doing that consciously," she lied. Junhong thought she was cute, he laughed at her and stuck the lollipop back is mouth. She looked confused yet anxious at the same time, Junhong grabbed her hand and placed his fingers in between hers, and before she could react he walked down the hall, holding her hands.
They passed rows of lockers with students at them, the hallway was long and by the time they reached the end of the hallway, all the students were gone and the bell rang. Junhong momentarily let go of Sarah's hand to open the double doors, and with a heavy push opened them at the same time. He walked forward and Sarah followed, he reached down to find her hand, turned around and saw that she now had her arms crossed, and then felt a gust of cold air hit his face. He looked at Sarah who was wearing, her plaid skirt, collared shirt and sweater vest. Her bare legs were pale and cold looking, Junhong could see that she was cold. Sarah's teeth began to shake together, and she got goosebumps, she clenched her jaw and straightened her posture so Junhong wouldn't suspect, "wow it's so warm out today," she said as her voice cracked from talking while shivering. He smiled and shook his head. He ed his jacket, took it off and placed it on her back, "oh no no no, Junhong, don't please, I'm not even c-c-cold," Sarah shivered. Not even buying her own lie she succumbed to the heat that enveloped her as she took her back pack off, stuck both of her arms in the holes and put her backpack back on. She sighed, and took a deep breath, the jacket smelled like winter, like pine trees and a warm home, it felt like cold hands in front of a fireplace, and it made Sarah's heart flutter. She didn't want to seem like she was enjoying it too much so she wiped the smile off her face and said, "well I guess it was getting kind of cold." He smiled at her, and as she started to walk past him he grabbed her hand and pulled her in, she stumbled into his chest, his arms closing the space between them, he grabbed her hands and put his fingers in between hers, connecting them. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "you don't have to pretend. Don't deny me, Sarang-ah." His words traveled throughout her entire body, sending warmth and comfort everywhere they went. He rubbed his thumbs against the skin on her hand, he let go of her right hand and lifted his to her face, which was only inches away from his, and tucked her flailing hairs behind her right ear, kept his hand there and held where her jaw met her neck, and leaned in for a kiss. 
Sarah felt her heart start to race, she watched as Junhong cames closer and closed her eyes and felt his lips on hers. Junhong, moved his lips, making the kiss more passionate. Sarah loved the way he kissed, his lips were soft, he took his time, and she could feel his tongue run over her lips occasionally. "YA!! WHAT ARE YOU STUDENTS DOING OUT OF CLASS???" Their kiss was cut short by the stubby, overweight security guard wobbling towards them, "ya, Sarang-ah, can you run?" Junhong asked while grabbing her hand she smiled and took off, lengthening the distance between them, soon he was losing sight of her i the crowd of people, and took off after her. She ran across the street, turned the corner, and placed on hand on the wall of a store, placing her other hand on her knee, bending over to get more air into her lungs. It only took moments for Junhong to catch up to her, his long legs taking him wherever he needed to go quickly. He saw her bent over and caught a glimpse of her underwear, and immediately looked away, "what are you doing Junhong? It's just underwear. You've seen plenty of it," he thought to himself. For some reason though, seeing hers seemed like he was disrespecting her. He walked forward without looking at her, and tapped on her back, she turned around, "OKAY!!! IM OUT OF SCHOOL WHAT THE HELL ARE WE EVEN DOING?" She yelled. Junhong laughed as Sarah stood up, he grabbed her hand and began to run again, this time at a much slower pace, they ran straight ahead for a couple of blocks, and stopped in front of the new modern art museum that had yet to open.
"Sarang-ah, close your eyes." Sarah heard him say, and she followed his command. He held her hand tight as she heard him exchange hellos with some people and felt his hand tug on hers. She heard the ding of an elevator and felt a shift in weight under her feet. She felt the elevator ascend and didn't feel it stop for a while. The doors opened and Junhong led her up some stairs, she heard a door open and took a few steps into a gust of wind. "Open," she heard him say. She looked out and saw all of Seoul, the musty, muggy, gray city. "I bet you take all your girls up here," Sarah remarked, Junhong chuckled, "only the ones I feel myself falling for... It's funny, you're the first one I've ever taken up here," he said. She turned around and laughed, "oh yeah okay. And I'm supposed to believe that? Prove it," he walked behind her and breathed on the back of her neck, "fine. I'll prove it," he said, and put his hands on her waist. He moved them up and down in a provocative way and just as he seemed to be moving down to her hips, he start to tickle her. Sarah writhed around and laughed, she pushed his hands off, "okay fine. I believe you, but I think we need to get back to school, before we're late, if my mom finds out I ditched she'll kill me." He laughed, "mine too." He grabbed her hand and kissed her softly before running over to the door, opening it for them, and leading her down the stairs. 
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YuniOfficial #1
Chapter 4: Please update. No body updates any more. I have 123 stories that are not finishrdand peeps rarely update
Claudine_NG #2
Chapter 4: I hope you update soon!
Egg-yeols0911 #3
Chapter 3: Omfg you updated! Hurray :)
And now, please update soon~~
kissmeoppa #4
Chapter 2: GAAAHHHHHH but i like it a lot
kissmeoppa #5