You're Invited

Avoiding Pretty Boy's Heart [editing]

Chapter 02: You're Invited

It was the next day, and again, Youngjae burst into Jaein's room with pots and pans ready to scream his lungs out to wake her up. To his surprised she was already up.

"You're up early," he said.

"I was just tired of hearing your horrible voice in the morning~" Jaein sticked out her tongue.

"Show some manners to your oppa!" Youngjae yelled.

"I'm just following in your steps~" Jaein said and dashed out of the room. Youngjae gasped and followed after Jaein.

"What's for breakfast?" Jaein said sitting down.

"Pancakes, but of course with chocolate, sliced apples, and a cup of milk like you always like it," Youngjae said entering the kitchen and placing everything he just said on the table.

"Thanks!" Jaein smiled and started eating.

"So, Jong Up told me that you avoided 'pretty boy' yesterday during lunch," Youngjae started off.

"And..." she trailed.

"Why? He's nice enough to even bother following such an idiot around school," Youngjae said and laughed. Jaein shot death glares at him.

"Today's going to be a bad day for you," he added. Jaein tilted her head and looked at him.

"Jong Up invited BTS for a friendly dance during lunch today," he took some bite of his pancake. Jaein choked on her breakfast and took her cup of milk to drink.

"HE WHAT?!" she yelled this time.

"And guess what?~~" he sang. "You're invited!" Jaein screamed and slammed her head on the table.

"Hurry we need to go to school!~" Youngjae finished his plate and pat her back. Jaein slowly got up and put on her shoes. They both head off to school. Jimin was waiting at the front gates again, this time with Jungkook beside him.

"Morning Youngjae hyung! Morning Jaein!" Jimin and Jungkook both bowed. Youngjae smiled and patted Jimin's back.

"See you during lunch," Youngjae said and turned to give Jaein an evil smirk then left. Jaein wanted to scream so much but held it in.

"Did your brother tell you?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, BTS is going to dance with BAP during lunch," Jaein slightly smiled.

"You'll finally be able to see hyung dance," Jungkook said and smiled. "Jimin hyung doesn't usually dance in front of girls unless they mean something to him."

Jimin then hit Jungkook in the head.

"I'll send you to class Jaein," Jimin said quickly and dragged Jaein away.

"Yah~~ hyung~~" Jungkook followed after them. After sending Jaein to her class they left. Throughout the day Jaein was wondering things. Should she skip lunch again and find a place to hide, or actually go to the dance thing. She had a feeling in her that was weird. A part of her wanted to go and see how Jimin dances while the other was telling her to skip and go hide. She sighed and lay her head down accidently going down too fast that she hit her head on the edge of the desk.

"Ow!" she whispered loudly and rubbed her head.

"Do you need something Miss Yoo?" the teacher asked. She shook her head and concentrate on being more quiet in class. Time went by and it was the class right before lunch. She still didn't know what to do. Go or not go? That question roamed her head over and over again that she didn't even realize the bell rang.

"Jaein!" Jungkook was waving his hands in front of her face. She snapped out and looked around the class was empty.

"Jimin told me to come get you," Jungkook smiled. "What were you day dreaming about? Jimin?"

Jaein glared at him and stood up.

"Why is your forehead red?" he noticed a reddish mark left on her head.

"It's nothing, let's go," she grabbed her bag and walked out first.

"Are you excited?" Jungkook asked following after her.

"Um...i don't know," Jaein replied and shrugged. They arrived at the dancing room and entered. Music blasted through the room as Jaein and Jungkook entered. No one was dancing yet, as they were just stretching first. The only people there were BAP and BTS.

"Jaein!" BAP smiled seeing her. She waved and greeted everyone. Her eyes roamed the room for Jimin. He was nowhere to be found.

"He went to change," Jong Up walked beside her. "If you're looking for him."

She scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not looking for him," she replied and crossed her arms. Jong Up laughed and put an arm around her and whispered, "There's your prince charming." He motioned his head as Jaein looked in the direction. She felt her heart stopped all of a sudden. Her eyes met with his as he smiled.

"Jaein!" he waved. Jong Up looked at Jaein and laughed. She snapped out of thoughts and pushed Jong Up off.

"How do i look?" Jimin asked doing a quick turn and a pose.

"Uh...good?" she didn't how to respond. BTS and BAP snickered at the two.

"Shall we start?" Himchan asked to break the awkwardness.

"Ah deh," Jaein said and went to go sit at the back. Jong Up offered to dance first and went to play his music. Chris Brown's 'Turn Up The Music' blast through the speakers as Jong Up started off. He lifted his shirt up and off on the way as Jaein covered her eyes. She was the only girl there for now. Yong Guk and Himchan's girlfriends were out with their friends.

"THIS ISN'T A STRIP CLUB!" Jaein yelled with her eyes still covered. The guys couldn't help but laugh. Jimin smirked knowing exactly what he was going to dance to. He went to play his song Wale's 'Bait'. Jaein watched as Jimin danced with the beat. She never really saw this side of him. And to be honest, she was quite surprised. When he lifted his shirt quickly up and back down the guys hollered at him.

"Oh lord~" Jaein rolled her eyes. "If one more person dares to even lift up their shirt a tiny bit, i'm leaving!"

When Jimin finished, Jong Up ran up to him and they both shook hands which turned into a man hug event.

"How come we haven't met till now?" Jong Up asked putting an arm around Jimin's shoulders.

"School?" Jimin replied and they both burst into laughters. The two dancers continued to dance and fooled around while Jaein watch in disgust.

"Why was i even invited to this?" Jaein questioned herself again.

"To watch how idiots unite," Youngjae whispered into Jaein's ear. She couldn't help but laugh.

"That was a good one!" Jaein put up her hand and Youngjae they high five each other. Jong Up and Jimin both stopped and looked at her. Jimin haven't heard her laugh, but hearing it just now made his heart skipped a beat.

"Talking trash about us eh?" Jong Up came up to them acting like a diva.

"Ahni!~" Jaein still couldn't hold in her laughter. The bell rang when Jong Up was going to say something.

"Finally!" Jaein stood up and smiled. "Bye guys!"

She dashed off before anyone could say anything. When she reached her class and sat down. Things ran through her head. She shook them off and tried to finished off her remaining classes. When she finally finished her last class, she stepped out of her class and towards the gate. Jimin was there waiting like always. He smiled and waved at her. She waved back and somehow even smiled.

"Did you like my performance today?" he asked.

"It was alright till you lifted your shirt," Jaein replied. He let out a laughed and patted her head.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he gave her one last smile and left.

*did he just leave before i did?* she thought and looked as his figure disappeared into the distance.

"JAEIN!" she then turned and saw Youngjae waving his arms at her. She quickly ran towards him.

iapple's noteu
umm i'm not so sure with chapter 2 /.\
well, who wants a lot of drama? *slowly raises hands*
hehehe this story will have a bunch of crazy drama~
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14 streak #1
Chapter 52: Really enjoyed reading this story~~~ love the characters
kimgaeun96 #2
Chapter 51: Jesus authornim~ Too much Jimin's sweetness to handle. I like this fanfic of your cause of the twist between Jimin, Jaein and his crush. Thumbs up to you authornim and hwaiting~
Chapter 52: Why are all your stories so sweet hahah loved it
jiminismybabes #4
I loved this 1 authornim fighting
Chapter 52: I finished the story!!! I really enjoyed reading it though some parts were predictable but that what makes it fun!
Number2elf #6
Chapter 51: I enjoyed reading this story a lot! It was really creative and fun and happy :):)
Number2elf #7
Chapter 49: LOL i can't evenn tell if this is all planned, it's just like the beginning!
Number2elf #8
Chapter 24: In response to the photo ~"I'm a whale"~
Number2elf #9
Chapter 17: Haha theyre so mean to kookie :[ but sugas imitation was hillarious. I like watching jj's interactions.
Number2elf #10
Chapter 16: I don't know why but this chapter made me lol so much