Hunhan: Brilliant in his own way.

Baby, Don't Cry

Sun dips down and your stomach grumbles, time for dinner. Dinner is when everyone sits together, babble about their day, exchanging opinions on topics. Unfortunately, dinners like this never happen in the Oh residence. Sehun is not sure when his family started going downhill. He thought by moving nearer to the seaside would freshen their minds but hey, he isn’t a psychic.


It is actually not that bad, it is just bad for Sehun as he listens to his mom compliment Chanyeol again and again about how he is such a good boy in school, how he scores straight A’s for each semester, how he is the popular jock, oh the likes. Each compliment is met with rolling eyes where Oh Sehun sits.


Each compliment also means an insult where Oh Sehun sits. ‘Can’t you eat properly?’ ‘You failed your Maths?’ ‘Why don’t you try out the basketball team?’ and the worst, ‘Why can’t you be like Chanyeol?’


Usually, Sehun would take this all in, his food, the insults, whatever compliments he receives, which is none, and walks up to his room and draws. Sehun enjoys drawing and dancing, a bit of rap here and there. Those things make him happy but it doesn’t make anyone but him happy.


Tonight, Sehun has had enough.


He pushes his seat back, wood against wood screeching as it’s scrapped; making everyone drop the conversation they were engaged in and look at his direction. Sehun’s clenches his fist; he shuts his eyes and starts counting. He needs to calm down but tonight, he cannot think about being calm because for god sakes, he is done with this.


Sehun opens his eyes. “Can you NOT compare me to your perfect son at the other side of the table?” Sehun fires, “Can you not tell me day and night that I am not as good as my brother? Do you know how it feels to be told that? And not get a say that maybe, I did do something brilliant, like winning the dance competition that was held the other which none of you came to after I invited you.” Sehun lets out a bitter chuckle, “I even bought you front seat tickets, with my own money. Did any of you come?” He puts up his hands gesturing to the other side of the table. “No,” He answers for them, taking in another breath before firing again, “Did you come to drawing competition which again, I won first? You didn’t come! Did you see how my drawing looked like? No! You didn’t.” Sehun points his finger at his father, then to his mother and lastly to his loving brother, “You don’t love me. You don’t appreciate me, I’m just this extra baggage, extra weight, a freaking shadow to every one of you and I’m freaking sick of this .”


He doesn’t hear the gasped that escaped his father’s lips, He doesn’t hear the soft sniffles from his mother and he doesn’t see a fuming Chanyeol.

Sehun snatches his jacket from the coat hanger, ready to get out of his house and take a good walk on the beach, to clear up his mind and hoping for some good fresh air.


Before he gets out the house, he sees Chanyeol right in front of the door. He has his hands on his hips with the most intimidating glare. Sehun scoffs, thinking to himself he is not going to get anything from that glare and I’m not the least intimidated. “You better get the out of my way, Chanyeol, I have no time for your s now.”


Chanyeol smirks, “I won’t, until you go back and apologise to the table.”


For someone so smart, Sehun thinks Chanyeol is pretty stupid. Who the hell apologises to the table?


“Wow, bro. For someone so ing smart, you sure are ing stupid, who the hell apologises to a table?”


Chanyeol is not going to let Sehun get away with this.


“Jeez, I swear to god, you have a rod stuck up your , now get out of my ing way.” Sehun pushes Chanyeol aside and opens the door. Sehun never thought he would have the strength to do that. That was until Chanyeol lunges himself onto Sehun’s back. “! Get the off me!” He shouts at Chanyeol, elbowing Chanyeol in the gut, Chanyeol let’s go, clutching his stomach, his index finger pointing to the house. “Get inside the ing house and apologise, you stupid douchebag.” Chanyeol straightens himself and before he knows it, he punches Sehun in the face. Sehun hisses, blood oozing out of his nose. Sehun smirks and spits, “I’m sorry bro, douchebags don’t apologise.” Sehun salutes and runs off into the night.




Sehun walks, kicking the sand slowly, slowly calming down as he feels the sand seep through his toes. He really thought moving would change. He really thought he would stop being the shadow that lurks behind his brilliant brother. Sehun thought wrong. He hears the waves crash, a slow melodious beat to it and somehow he hears someone humming. That’s ridiculous, Sehun thinks, He must be dreaming.


He smacks himself just for safety measures and the humming stops. He stops at the end where the sea meets the sand and puts his hands in, savouring the sea salt water wetting his fingers.


Sehun puts his cold fist in his jacket pocket and that’s when he hears it, a beautiful melodious laugh and Sehun is so damn sure it’s coming from the cave he finds refuge in when he skips school.


He walks, a little faster with each step heading to the cave. A lot of people have warned Sehun about going there; it isn’t safe especially since there a lot of sharp rocks. Sehun is stubborn but he is careful. He goes there at times, to think, to draw, and to just be him. He just never goes at night, because that is when it is dangerous. He does admit there are sharp rocks and what have you but when you are careful, it won’t do you any harm.


Just like the back of his hands, he knows the cave, his physical refuge. Sehun stops in front of the cave, he still hears the laugh. He peeks in slowly; not wanting to scare whatever that is in there.


To say that he is dreaming, Sehun knows he is not because he smacked himself a while ago when he heard the humming but he feels like smacking himself again with what he is witnessing.


Sehun never thought a beautiful melodious laugh like that will be attached to something equally beautiful and he finds himself staring, not sure to go nearer or smack himself time and time again to just to make sure he is looking at what he thinks is a mermaid.


Mermaids don’t exist right? Now, Sehun is second-guessing himself.


Sehun thinks of his teacher who was talking about mermaids the other day, she went on and on about how mermaids were beautiful and were waiting to be found. She also mentioned that mermaids could smell and sense danger from miles away. When she mentioned danger, weren’t dangerous beings—humans? So, if he was dangerous, why was this mermaid swimming without a care in the world?


He walks in slowly, eyes still on the being, it is now busy admiring his legs or should Sehun say fins at this moment. Sehun wants to ask, wants to talk but he is scared this will all be a dream. He doesn’t even know he said hello until he finds the merman looking at him, eyes wide, and face almost expressionless like he just got caught in a net.


Sehun has never seen such beautiful eyes before.


The mermaid scrambles, ready to dive.


“Wait! Don’t go!” Sehun shouts, his feet scrambling to chase after the mermaid.


 The merman stops midway and looks back at the weird boy with legs.


Sehun is not sure whether merpeople. Should he call them merpeople? He is not sure whether merpeople speak his language but let’s just hope they do.


“Hi.” Sehun awkwardly waves, squatting down and he gets an equal awkward wave in return. Sehun smiles in glee going closer.


“Uh. I’m not sure whether you understand what I am saying but my name is Sehun.” Sehun says, putting his palm on his chest.


The merman thinks for a while, should he talk or should he keep quiet? He hears the rules ringing in his ears: Do not talk to humans.


“Hi Sehun. I’m Luhan.” Luhan smiles and puts his palm on his bare chest.


Sehun steps back. “Holy , you can understand?”


Luhan gives Sehun his famous what the actual face. “What language do you think we speak in, Sehun?”


“Fish language?” Sehun doubtfully replies.


Luhan laughs, that is the stupidest thing he has ever heard in his entire life.


Luhan swims back a bit to take a good look at Sehun. “Wait, don’t go.” Sehun calls out to him. “I’m not going anywhere, I just want to see what a human looks like. Man, those things you guys call legs are freaking weird .”

Sehun gives him a look, not feeling offended. “You have never seen a human before?”


“Nope.” He flips his fin, sending some water on Sehun’s face and he giggles. “We are not allowed to speak to humans.”


Sehun gives him another look, wiping his face with his sleeve. “What the hell? You are talking to one right now.”


“Oh… I am? I thought we were talking in fish language, that’s why I’m talking to you.” Luhan sarcastically says, going closer to Sehun.


Sehun sits down and looks at him, eyes blinking profusely. “Holy . You are a mermaid.”


Luhan slaps him with his fin and Sehun winces, those fins are sharp. “I’m a merman, you piece of . I’m not a mermaid, I don’t have shells on my s do I?”


Sehun shakes his head and Luhan smiles up at him, Sehun actually isn’t that bad looking with his weird coloured hair and everything. Luhan wants to touch it but decides against it. He has already broken the first rule.


Everything becomes quiet. Sehun suddenly thinking about the dinner catastrophe while Luhan thinks he is in big trouble for talking to a human. It has always been his wish to see a human up close, nobody said you can’t see them up close, they just said you couldn’t talk to them. However, Luhan has just broken the first rule.


That’s the first thing in the merpeople rulebook:

1.     Do not speak to humans.

By breaking that rule, he can be thrown out of Atlantis.


Luhan is in deep merman if anyone finds out. He looks at Sehun whose demeanor has changed from blinking profusely at the new finding to a totally mentally-not-here-at-the-moment.


Luhan swims closer, careful to go around the sharp rock. “Hey. You alright? You look like you have just seen a ghost.”


Sehun scoffs, looking at Luhan. “Technically, I just saw a merman, that’s a lot to take in.” Sehun sighs, “I’m fine, and by the way, just thinking about what happened at dinner.”


“What’s dinner? What happened at dinner? Is that like a sport or something?”


“You don’t know what is dinner? Don’t you guys eat?”


Luhan shrugs. “Obviously we eat.”


“Dinner is where everyone sits together and eat once the sun has gone down. Dinner today though.”

Luhan nods, he does that too. “Why?” Luhan asks, tapping his fingers on the water. “What happened? Did the food go bad?”


“No. My family went bad. I mean…” Sehun runs his fingers through his hair, racking his brains on how to explain. “I don’t understand why they have to love my brother so much. I know he is brilliant but I am too.” Sehun looks at Luhan, eyes imploring, hurt showing, “I just don’t get why they don’t love me enough to see that I am brilliant too.”


Luhan has never thought his heart could break. “I’m sure you are brilliant, Sehun. Some people just don’t see it and some are not meant to see it.”


“Yeah sure,” Sehun sarcastically replies, “I’m ing brilliant that I’m basically a walking shadow.” Sehun puts his arms around his knees, hugging it close. Luhan keeps quiet, waiting for Sehun to continue.


Sehun looks over at Luhan, a small smile gracing his thin lips. “Hey Luhan. Is there really no such thing as fish language?”


Luhan laughs again, thunderously loud and Sehun loves it. “There is no such thing as fish language, Sehun. That’s loads of blowfish.”


“That’s good because it’ll be hell if I told a fish my problem, that would also mean I’m crazy.” Sehun shakes his head, a chuckle following it.


“Well, then, aren’t you crazy.”


Sehun tries not to choke out his next words that yes, he is crazy, yes, he is crazy to think that Luhan is absolutely beautiful under the moonlight as he dances gracefully with his luminous fins.


Without noticing, meeting up with Luhan becomes a routine. The only thing that Sehun loves and looks forward to everyday. Sehun shows Luhan his new choreography, Sehun shows Luhan his new drawings, and Sehun shows Luhan the lyrics he has written.


Sehun never showed Luhan the choreography that was meant for him. Sehun never showed Luhan the drawing he drew of Luhan. Sehun never showed Luhan the lyrics he wrote about him.


Luhan does not have to know because just as Luhan is Sehun’s secret, Sehun is Luhan’s secret too.


“Luhan.” Sehun taps his shoulder.


Luhan looks at Sehun, eyes smiling. “Why do you guys have that rule?”


“Which rule?” Luhan questions, looking back at the sun setting, it will set soon.


“The—don’t talk to humans rule.”


Luhan shrugs. “I’m not sure, Kris, King Triton is the way he is. I’m pretty sure that trident he holds, which by the way, looks like pitchforks is actually his devil horns in disguise.”


Sehun laughs. “Is he evil or something?”


This time, Luhan laughs with Sehun together. “Nah, he is just an since he has this xenophobia with humans. Swear to god, that guy has a rod up his or something…”


“Sounds like my brother but he is scared of failing his test.”


“Well, he doesn’t sound so bad like Kris, King Triton.” Sehun’s scoffs and Luhan makes a face mentioning Kris’ name.


“Why do you always say Kris and then say King Triton?”


Luhan thinks Sehun is too curious and asks too many questions.


“Well, Kris is my friend. King Triton, who is Kris when he has a rod up his is not.”


“Does he know you are seeing me?”


“Nope. And he doesn’t know.”


Luhan takes Sehun’s hands in his and motions him to follow him. Sehun does, the cold water making him shiver. “Keep your voice low though.” Luhan warns.


“Why? I’ll tell your King Trooton—“ and Luhan looks at Sehun, he just taught Sehun how to say Triton’s name and now he says Trooton, “—It’s Triton.”


“Who the cares, Luhan?” Sehun interjects. “I will tell him you have been seeing me and—“


“What? With you doing that, you won’t see me anymore.”


Sehun keeps quiet at this statement. He doesn’t want to lose Luhan.


Luhan may have broken the second rule in the merpeople rule book:

2.     No connections with humans.


Luhan definitely has a connection. He is not sure what it is yet. To say he is scared to find out is not even in his dictionary. Luhan isn’t particularly sure what Kris meant by connection but if he meant touching and always communicating then he already broke the second rule. At this point, Luhan doesn’t care because he already broke the first rule and he hasn’t been caught… yet.


Luhan waits every night for Sehun. He doesn’t even like to wait but he always finds himself waiting.


He wants to know why he keeps listening to Sehun’s little tales of being a human. Luhan wants to be there for Sehun whenever he is emotionally unstable. He wants to beat up Chanyeol for making Sehun feel insecure. He wants to be there when Sehun wins his 2nd medal in the upcoming dance battle. He wants to be there when he wins another drawing competition. He wants to listen to all of Sehun’s raps and read all his lyrics.


Luhan just wants to be there for Sehun all the time but it’s ing hard since the only thing he has are his fins and not those ugly things called legs.


Luhan still thinks this is wrong. To always want Sehun all the time. To want him to be with him when he is in his class. He thinks of how Sehun would be with fins. He would look lovely. And he thinks to himself, why is Kris so afraid of humans when he has never met them. He has never met Sehun and Luhan would love it if he does.


But first, he needs to talk to his best friend about his decision.


“XIUMIN! Get your here!” Luhan hollers. Luhan rolls his eyes, Xiumin can be so hard to tame when he is off playing waterball. It’s basically like playing football but you use fins and as for the ball, it’s a rock of some sort, it depends on what they want, it can be a poisonous coral just to make the game dangerous.


“Give me a sec, hole” Xiumin kicks the ball into the pit, “YES! I got it! off guys, I won.”


Luhan rolls his eyes again. He watches the other players in his team—Chen, Tao and Lay—hugging each other and congratulating him on his awesome skills.


“Now…” Xiumin swims in front of Luhan, ignoring his glare, that I’m-going-to-kill-you-for-making-me-wait-glare for him. Xiumin is too used to it.


“What the hell do you want from me?”


Luhan looks around to make sure the coast is clear.


Luhan whispers, “I have to tell you something and—“


“You are gay?” Xiumin interjects loudly. “Oh, I already know that.”


“ you, Xiumin. Can you ing listen to me or not?” Luhan is going to turn all Morgana on him if he isn’t going to listen.


“Sheesh.” Xiumin puts his hands up in defeat.


“What I’m going to tell you is between—“


“Holy bubberfish Luhan, spit it out already—“


Luhan hates it when Xiumin interrupts him. Why the hell are they best friends, Luhan still wonders as he smacks Xiumin on the head, hard. “Listen to me, you bloody fish, and don’t you dare talk until I am done ok?”


“That hurt by the way.” Xiumin says, his hand rubbing the sore part Luhan hit.


“I’ve been talking to a human and—“




Luhan may have just smacked Xiumin so hard because now he is unconscious.




Sehun is done with his brother. Everyone thinks he is the best at everything. Chanyeol isn’t. He at keeping people. He at being in love. How can someone be in love with two people? It just doesn’t make sense to Sehun.


Tonight, Chanyeol has Baekhyun over. Sehun really doesn’t want to fight with his brother but he just feels like pushing a few buttons especially since Chanyeol is good at pressing Sehun’s buttons to get him all riled up.


“Oh hey Baekhyun!” Sehun greets Baekhyun while he watches Baekhyun open his present that Chanyeol gave him. Baekhyun squeals at his new eyeliner and makeup set. Sehun smirks. “Oh… I thought you bought the makeup set for Kyungsoo hyung, hyung? Well, I guess not.” Sehun shrugs and walks off. He clearly knows Baekhyun loves makeup.


Sehun hears Baekhyun barking at Chanyeol and Sehun smiles, revenge is sweet.


Tonight is Kyungsoo’s night.


Sehun goes down the stairs, one by one, slowly inhaling the sweet smell of food coming from the kitchen. Nobody cooks better than Kyungsoo.


“Baekhyun?” Even though he knows it isn’t. “Oh! It’s you, Kyungsoo hyung! I thought it was Baekhyun cooking down here but Baekhyun hyung can’t cook for s right, Chanyeol? Remember when he tried to cook you ramen yester—“ Chanyeol slaps Sehun’s mouth shut. Sehun struggles, Chanyeol holds him tighter.


Kyungsoo’s eyes widen. “You told me you had dinner with Sehun yesterday.”


“I did, Soo baby. I don’t know what—“


Sehun hits in Chanyeol in the gut making Chanyeol release him immediately. “We never have dinner together, Kyungsoo hyung.”


Kyungsoo goes teary eyed, food inedible.


Chanyeol punches Sehun, once they get out of the house and he punches him again. “What the is your problem Sehun? You are already a problem itself. Are you that sad that mom and dad don’t go to your competition? Are you that jealous that I am way better at you in everything?”


Sehun pushes Chanyeol off him and scoffs. “You know what you at though, hyung? You at love.”


Sehun knows what love is. Love is Luhan.


As the sun descends, Luhan waits. Sehun is early tonight.


“What the hell are you wearing, Sehun?”


Sehun touches his shorts. “It’s called a swimming suit. Ok, in this case, it’s swimming shorts.”


Luhan likes seeing Sehun’s bare chest. It’s nicely sculpted and he finds himself staring at it. Sehun swims next to Luhan and grasp his hands, making Luhan jump. “You scared me.”


“Let’s swim, Luhan.” Sehun says, pulling Luhan deeper into the ocean.

Luhan likes this. In fact, he loves this, just being in Sehun’s arms, in the water. Luhan looks at Sehun, worried. He touches Sehun’s bruise above the cheek, Sehun flinches. “Who did that to you?” Luhan whispers. “Chanyeol did.” Sehun removes Luhan’s hand from his cheeks and intertwines them together. Sehun closes his eyes, putting his forehead on top of Luhan’s. Breaths mingled and Sehun tries so hard not to cry. He is just tired, he wants to be with Luhan and not think. Thinking is tiring.


Luhan opens his eyes, slowly looking and carving Sehun’s face in his mind. Sehun looks hurt. Sehun looks lost. Sehun looks confused and worse of all, Sehun is crying because he is hurt, he is lost and he is confused.


Luhan kisses the tears away. Luhan kisses his bruise. “Don’t cry, Sehun.” Luhan pleads. It’s breaking me.


“I love you, Luhan.” Sehun whispers, hugging Luhan, tears continuously falling.


Luhan hugs Sehun tighter, his tears falling too because he knows this is wrong. He is putting Sehun in such a dangerous situation. He is also putting himself in a dangerous state by breaking the last rule of them all.


Merpeople rulebook:

3.     Forbidden to fall in love with a human.


And as much as he hates himself for already breaking the two other rules. Luhan cannot lie to himself that he doesn’t love this boy in his arms.


“I love you too, Sehun, so much that it hurts me to see you cry, please don’t cry anymore. I love you.” Sealing their lips together.




Luhan paces up and down, waiting for Xiumin to actually wake up from his beauty sleep. Luhan has no time for that. He shakes Xiumin a couple of times and smacks his cheeks. “I’m awake. I’m awake.” Xiumin says as he rubs his eyes, damn is he sleepy and sore.


“I’m friends with a human okay and—“


“You broke the first rule—“


“I’ve been seeing him every night—“


“You broke the second rule—“


“I’m in love with him—“


“And you broke the third rule.” Xiumin puts up his hands as if praying. “Hallelujah. Be prepared to die in King Triton’s arms when he banishes you from this land, dudefish.”


“I’m in big trouble, right?” Luhan asks, concern written all over his face.


“Big trouble with being in love with a human or with King Triton?”


Luhan hits Xiumin again. “Both.”


Xiumin sighs, turning serious. “I don’t see it as trouble. It’s good that you are in love, Luhan. Those three rules Kris made up is just a burden. You have to understand…” Luhan looks his way, eyes teary; Xiumin doesn’t know how to continue. “Love is not trouble, Luhan and if it really means so much to you, tell Kris. If he is your friend he will understand.”


Now Luhan knows why Xiumin is his best friend. Though carefree, Xiumin gives the best advice. “Thanks, Xiu. I knew I could count on you.”


Xiumin smiles with his puffy cheeks, it’s extra puffy since Luhan smacked it. “Now, don’t cry and go do what you have to do.” Xiumin shoos Luhan away.


Luhan cannot tell Kris. He just can’t. He has tried. Every time, he talks about the human world, Kris looks his way, eyebrows arched questioning him, how does he know all this things about the human world. Luhan keeps quiet, not wanting to say another word that may jeopardies everything he loves.




That night as Luhan waits for Sehun, he feels things are off. An uneasy feeling weighs heavily down on Luhan’s shoulders. It’s making him queasy, antsy and he hates feeling this way.


“Hey,” Sehun puts his forehead on Luhan’s, smiling softly. “You okay? Not feeling sea sick are you?” Sehun chuckles and Luhan chuckles together with him though Sehun doesn’t sense how bitter that chuckle sounds. “I’m okay, Sehun.” Luhan assures him, pecking him on the lips. “Yeah, you obviously will be okay if you are with me.” Sehun chides, deepening the kiss.


Luhan can’t do this. He lets go off Sehun’s lips, and Sehun whimpers. “Something is off tonight, Sehun. Did you do anything?” Sehun thinks, he just did whatever ever he does every—dance, school, draw, practice. “Nope, I didn’t do anything. I just practiced and did the normal s I do everyday. What’s wrong, Luhan?”


“I don’t know.” Luhan answers, holding Sehun close.


“Don’t worry about it too much.” Sehun reassures Luhan. “I’m here.”


Luhan is not convinced though.


And as if Luhan has foreshadows everything, Luhan turns around facing King Triton.


Luhan gulps, pulling Sehun behind of him, shielding him from King Triton. Sehun is not sure what is happening but he knows that is King Triton not looking happy.

King Triton feels betrayed tonight, betrayed by his own friend, someone who is dear to him.


Kris scoffs. “So this is why you know so much about the human species. You spoke to one. You have betrayed me, Luhan.”


Luhan feels his tears welling up. “I love him, Kris. You can’t do anything about that. I won’t let you hurt him.”


Kris swims around them, trident in hand, and Luhan still uselessly shielding Sehun. Sehun is scared less with the way the King looks at him. “He is not dangerous, Kris. I promise you. Please, let me be with—“


“No.” Kris points the trident straight at Luhan’s chest. “I don’t believe you.”


Luhan looks into Sehun’s eyes. That’s all he sees now, to seek refuge in those eyes is not going to happen and he knows, he knows he will die and vanish right in front of Sehun. He holds Sehun tight and Sehun squeezes him, because he is sure he is going to lose Luhan just as fast as saw him. Luhan thinks of all the things he has done with Sehun—the times he laughed, the times he cried, the times where just smiling sufficed—Sehun is everything to him. Sehun makes him feel so many things and he just needs a little bit of time to be with Sehun. He feels the trident and he closes his eyes, letting go of Sehun.


Light aluminates, blinding, out everything good there is in this world and where everything is lost. Luhan can only think of how Sehun’s lips are on his, the burning passion, the saltiness of sea water fused with tears, just like how their love is ending. He struggles, things aren’t meant to go this way, his lover is supposed to live to see another day. All that dies, when he hears the words that break his already broken heart, “my love will protect you.” And he knows it will. Little fragments of his heart patches up because love is strong, love can strikes darkness, love shines like the brightest star in the sky and he knows that as long as he is in Sehun’s arms, that is where love is and forever will be. He does not have to cry because he is sure his love will protect him, slowly the sea crashes about, and as beautiful as it is, it’s just as beautiful as the drowning of their love that was once there and never before.



Thanks for sticking with me this far! Hope you enjoyed it <3

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Thank you so much for reading love :) <3
Chapter 3: no please it can't be. just make Kris fall to Chanyeol and HunHan finally can happily ever after. and Chanyeol knows what is love and and and and. hiks.

it's really beautifully written, though. so i love it. love you. sorry for the awful story up there. lol.
RawrRawrr #3
Chapter 1: OMAYGAAAAD ;__________;
CandyJar #4
Chapter 3: (HUNHAN FIC)
Actually, even though i only read happy endings! but gosh this is sooo beautiful .. ah i get something on my eyes!
Chapter 3: no happy ending T_____T
I kept on sobbing here >///<

this is so good. :')
Mascarade #6
Chapter 3: ChanYeol is a meanie! *sobs* Kris is a super-meanie! *sobs harder*
Why isn't there a happy ending?
Anyway, it was beautifully-written, and I really like your characters in this. You're a good writer, I will make sure to read your other stories!
Good job author-nim ~
Mascarade #7
Chapter 2: I just want to hug ChanYeol right now! Oh my deer, their relationship seems to be so real and one can easily relate to this I guess. I really liked this part also! You should make a chaptered story out of this, I would totally read it and support you! ~
Mascarade #8
Chapter 1: I know, I shouldn't be crying right now, but this was awesome, and really well-written. I reallyyyy liked it!
So, now, I am going to read the next part ~
Baekyeol is main???