Dr. Lee Taemin (TaeKey)

Hospital!AU Drabbles



"I heard you're going to a surgery today." Taemin fell into step with him. "I thought you mostly do paperwork since the head nurse is away?"

Kibum sighed as he filed some papers in a folder while walking. "I do. But someone was absent and I need to fill in. It's been busy in the emergency ward so I can't take anyone from there. Which leaves me, of course."

"You'll do good. You've been in surgery for quite some time before you were promoted, right?"

Kibum watched Taemin's attention slightly waver as he looked around when they passed by a nurses' station. "I was only in surgery when we were going out because they didn't want me anywhere near you in the wards." He flipped his hair and sighed once more. "And stop looking at the nurses' asses, you creep."

"Wha---I'm not!" Taemin's face was a picture of horrified innocence, though Kibum hardly believed it. He went out with this kid for a year or so and he could tell exactly what kind of personality Taemin had.

"Dr. Lee Taemin," Kibum pressed. "I know you, so stop giving me that clueless expression. It might work on them, but it won't work with me anymore."

Taemin stuck out his tongue and chuckled. "If they didn't want to be stared at, they shouldn't wear tight pencil skirts."

Kibum reached a supply counter by the operating room and pulled out some stuff he'd need. "They're uniforms and they couldn't do anything about it. And if you must know, they're freaking uncomfortable." He filled his arms high with boxes of gloves and other things before proceeding to the operating room to be used later.

"How did you know they're uncomfortable?" Taemin brightly asked, a smile teasing the corners of his mouth.

The nurse just rolled his eyes. "Are you sure you've forgotten about Christmas eve?"

Taemin shook his head as he helped Kibum with his stuff. "Can't. It was awesome. You have marred my innocent mind."

"You were the one who tricked me. Innocent, my ."

"Yes, please." When Kibum turned around to raise an eyebrow at him, Taemin only shrugged and stuck his tongue out again before laughing.

Sighing, Kibum pushed him away. "Honestly, I'm not even sure why you're a pediatrician. How can a child take care of other children, seriously?"

Taemin grinned before closing the door of the operating room and grabbing Kibum's waist. "I can really take good care of people, you know that! If you'd give me a chan--"

"Nope." Kibum disentangled himself from Taemin's arms but failed. "No, Taeminnie. We have talked about this, right?" He gave the younger man his strongest glare.

"But..." Taemin did his puppy eyes trick and soon, Kibum was sighing and giving up his struggle. "But I grew up!"

"Of course you did. Now, let me go, Taemin."

"Not until you go out with me again."

"Why are you so obsessed with me?" Kibum wailed.

"Well, why aren't you obsessed with me?!" Taemin returned.

Kibum made a face. "Because--"

The door suddenly opened and a doctor walked in. Kibum realized that Taemin had him pinned against a counter, their bodies flush against each other. Quickly, he pushed Taemin away and straightened his uniform.

"I was sure this was supposed to be an operating room," the cold voice of the just-arrived doctor quipped before proceeding to inspect some of the machines to be used.

Kibum was quick to bow. "I was in the middle of preparing the room and didn't realize you would come to check, Doctor..."

The doctor turned around, face grim as he studied Kibum from head to toe. "Choi Minho. I have a neurosurgery in two hours." Then, he turned to Taemin. "And I'm sure you're the pediatrician the nurses outside were giggling about, Dr. Lee."

Before any of them could speak, Minho was out of the door again, his only greeting the mild swish of his doctor's uniform. "I expect the room to be ready in ten minutes. If you want to frisk, you can do it after the operation in the confines of your room." He walked away without so much another glance at the two.

"Wow, who does he think he is?" Kibum scoffed, making a face at Dr. Choi's retreating back.

Taemin looked at him in surprise. "You don't know him? He's my current roommate, Dr. Choi Minho. He's a neurosurgeon." He grinned before squeezing Kibum's shoulder. "I'll go now before I get scolded. Minho-hyung's really strict. I'm sure you'll know soon."

"I'm looking forward to it," Kibum said as he rolled his eyes.

Taemin did a quick wave and strolled out of the operation room, not even bothering to straighten his coat or fixing his hair. He smiled at the nurses who flocked around him and fussed over him, cooing about how his he should fix his hair or running their fingers over his wrinkled coat and offering him coffee and tea and maybe ual favors.

Sighing, Kibum turned around. And Taemin had the nerve to ask why they broke up.

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vicistar #1
Chapter 8: I'm craving more for the interaction between the gynecologist and the psychiatrist XD
aneleynob #2
Chapter 6: Hehehe I love it
aneleynob #3
Chapter 1: *squealing *
oscuro #4
Chapter 6: Chapter 8: The line about Kibum praying for Jonghyun actually made me laugh out loud for real, hahaha.
SashaHRH #5
Chapter 10: Did not realize how sadistic our Minho could be! Kekekeke!
Chapter 8: hahahaha
it's so funny
how jinki teasing jonghyun
can't you make another jongyu?
Chapter 10: Hahahahaha Loving this soo much. Waiting for your reply!! :)
YoonHee_ #8
Chapter 10: Really love all your fics..so, funny
Chapter 10: This seriously is so hilarious!!!xD
Jonghyun geeting aroused due to the scientific termnology is just epic!!xD I so want to know what Jinki whispered to him!!xP
And Jinki using those terms to get Jonghyun off was funny! (Wait is this called being ?)
Oh god I love JongYu even more now!!!
I just hope Taemin ends up with someone good too cause I want my MinKey (obviously even they want each other!)
Minho as the arrogant neurosurgeon who steals Kibum's undies from his locker and asks him out on a date in the operation room, is a rare sight! My first time reading a fic in which Minho has such a character!!
I love this so much!!♥
Hopd you update soon!!xD
OH i just love all ur fics and the Jongyu ><
MinKey is a close second OTP and this is all just perfect