Dr. Choi Minho (MinKey)

Hospital!AU Drabbles




Kibum rolled his eyes as he handed the surgeon the tool. He was supposed to be in a convention halfway across town, having fun and socializing with people who might be able to up his status into head nurse, especially since the head nurse was taking an extended leave. But no, a jerk of a surgeon had to call him for assistance--in a minor hand operation, mind you--because apparently no one was available to help him. Now he's stuck with the doctor without the possibility of ever making it in time for the convention.

"I am going to suture."

"Sure, whatever."

The doctor paused, eying Kibum with mild curiosity. "What did you say?"

Kibum shrugged. "Just get on with it, Dr. Choi." When the doctor didn't move, Kibum sighed. "Please. I have a convention to attend."

Minho held his gaze, ignoring the patient who was looking back and forth at him and Kibum. "I expected better courtesy from you, Kibum."

"Since when did we become close that you had to use my first name?" Kibum snapped, though he handed Minho a new set of suturing device.

"Since I caught you staring at me with a dreamy look in your eyes."

"W-what!" Kibum sputtered, nearly dropping the patient's hand in his hold. "I do not stare, Dr. Choi!"

"Sure you do. I can't really blame you, though."

Kibum let out another exasperated sigh. Surgeons! Why did they have to have such inflated egos?! Minho, of course, was the god of inflated egos. Being a neurosurgeon made him one of the most treasured people in the hospital and he sure made it known.

"Why do you need to do a minor surgery anyway? Aren't you a big shot doctor who didn't want people holding his hands in case they are injured or something?"

Minho finished closing the patient's wound and held out a hand for antiseptics. "Everyone's busy and I don't have a major operation until later," he replied. "Besides, this guy is the President's nephew so of course he expected he'll be treated by the best."

"The best my ."

"Nurse Kim," Minho warned as they helped the patient up, still ignoring the confused looks the patient gave as they continued their squabble. "I'm sure you think your is the best, but I'm saving my judgment until I've actually examined it."

"Dr. Choi!!" Kibum's face was red and his hands shook. A nurse came in, took one long suffering sigh, and ushered the patient out of the room. "How could you..."

Minho gave him a small smile. "Don't worry, I'm willing to use my really good hands on you." Kibum threw a roll of gauze at the closing door.

"You are so dead," Jinki laughed as he talked over lunch with Kibum. "I can't believe you got a warning because you were bantering with a doctor in the operating room."

"Minho hates me." Kibum forked his macaroni listlessly. "I swear, he hates me so much that he overworks me."

Jinki leaned closer. "Since when have you two become so close that you call each other by your first names?" When Kibum shrugged, Jinki scratched his head. "I think he likes you, actually."

"How exactly?" Kibum demanded. "When he sees you and Jonghyun, he's all 'hyuuuung how are you' but when he sees me, it's like he's suddenly looking for stuff to make me do even if it involved shining his shoes or something."

"That's how exactly," Jinki said as he thoughtfully chewed. "He's not very expressive, you see. So he'll just bother you until you start liking him."

"Well, he can try forever for all I care." Kibum speared his macaroni mercilessly.

Suddenly, Jinki turned serious. "Are you still trying to get back with Dr. Taemin?"

"Of course not. He's just a kid on a phase. He'll get tired of me again as soon as we get back together."

Jinki nodded. "You should stop dating around, Kibummie. It seems like you've dated half of the staff here." When Kibum gave him an incredulous look, Jinki chuckled but continued. "You've dated Taemin while he was a resident. You also dated Jonghyun when he was new, right?"

Kibum nodded, uncaring. "I also dated you while we were in college."

Jinki spurted out his coffee. "T-that's...we were just roommates!" He fumbled with a napkin to mop up his mess and groaned when he noticed some coffee spots on his previously pristine white coat.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that even though we almost broke the bed."

"Kibum!" Jinki hissed, looking around in case people had heard. No one seemed to care about his and Kibum's bed habits, though.

The nurse stood up and picked up his tray. "Anyway, I'm pretty sure Dr. Choi hates me, and I'll just try my best to ignore him and his annoying demands."

"Do you want to come to my place later?"

Kibum dropped the forceps and earned a glare from both the main surgeon and the assistant. "Dr...Dr. Choi?"

Minho didn't even look up from his task. "I'm asking you if you want to go to my place later."

"Why?" Kibum asked as he shakily handed Minho a new pair of forceps. But instead of taking the forceps, Minho grabbed his hand instead, and the doctor's hand was steady as if he wasn't picking a nurse up in the middle of a major surgery in front of all his staff.

"Because I'm tired of just seeing you only when there's a surgery. We should go and date somewhere else, too."

"Wait...who said we're dating?!" Kibum resisted, but the hand on his was strong.

Minho suddenly let go of his hand, sending him reeling towards the patient monitor. When Kibum got his balance back, he glared at Minho, who was obviously grinning from behind his mask. "Dr, Choi!"

"We'll be dating soon," Minho just said, and the rest of the staff were giving them weird stares. "I told you, I have godlike hands. Now hand me a towel clamp, slowpoke."

Kibum opened and closed his mouth a few more times before huffing in disbelief. The nerve (pun not intended) of this guy! As if he would fall for an egotistical bastard like him!

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vicistar #1
Chapter 8: I'm craving more for the interaction between the gynecologist and the psychiatrist XD
aneleynob #2
Chapter 6: Hehehe I love it
aneleynob #3
Chapter 1: *squealing *
oscuro #4
Chapter 6: Chapter 8: The line about Kibum praying for Jonghyun actually made me laugh out loud for real, hahaha.
SashaHRH #5
Chapter 10: Did not realize how sadistic our Minho could be! Kekekeke!
Chapter 8: hahahaha
it's so funny
how jinki teasing jonghyun
can't you make another jongyu?
Chapter 10: Hahahahaha Loving this soo much. Waiting for your reply!! :)
YoonHee_ #8
Chapter 10: Really love all your fics..so, funny
Chapter 10: This seriously is so hilarious!!!xD
Jonghyun geeting aroused due to the scientific termnology is just epic!!xD I so want to know what Jinki whispered to him!!xP
And Jinki using those terms to get Jonghyun off was funny! (Wait is this called being ?)
Oh god I love JongYu even more now!!!
I just hope Taemin ends up with someone good too cause I want my MinKey (obviously even they want each other!)
Minho as the arrogant neurosurgeon who steals Kibum's undies from his locker and asks him out on a date in the operation room, is a rare sight! My first time reading a fic in which Minho has such a character!!
I love this so much!!♥
Hopd you update soon!!xD
OH i just love all ur fics and the Jongyu ><
MinKey is a close second OTP and this is all just perfect