
Boba Bar

Luhan would say that his first training day went by somewhat smoothly, but Kyungsoo would disagree. The next day he spent another 6 hour training shift with Joonmyun who was a lot nicer than Kyungsoo was. Not to say Kyungsoo was mean, but Joonmyun was gentler when he was telling Luhan he did something wrong, but he could tell that it was just Joonmyun’s nature.

After those two days of training, he was put on a shift with someone he hadn’t met yet by the name of Zitao. He was nervous because he was meeting a new co-worker and he couldn’t use the excuse he was still in training, so if he messed up, it would be his own fault.

He walked in a little before opening to find a tall figure at the cash register. The moment he walks up close enough, the figure turns to him and gives him a long and intense glare, with eyes that seemed like they were peering into his soul. He could swear he felt a shiver race down his spine as he carefully and slowly approached closer. “Uhm, hi there, I’m Luhan, your new co-worker.” His words were careful, in case his personality matched his appearance, already starting to dread the hours to come working.

But, his expectations were broken as the cold, silent killer looking face, broke out into a beaming smile. “Hi there Luhan gege, my name is Zitao.” Not only was his expression a 180 from what it was, his voice didn’t match his serial killer appearance. It was a little bubbly, and somewhat cute?

Luhan smiled a little awkwardly to try to rid his face from the surprised look he has just seconds ago. “Nice to meet you Zitao. I’m going to assume that you’re Chinese considering you called me gege.” He says as he makes his way behind the counter.

Zitao eagerly nods. “I don’t really know any other Chinese people here besides Kris gege. And well now you.” His smile is bright, like a little kid who just discovered chocolate.

A few hours into work with Zitao, learns that he is only 19 years old, just finishing his freshman year of college and is majoring in international business with a minor in Korean. “Wow you must be smart.”

Zitao responds with a shrug. “I just study hard. I wouldn’t say that I’m smart.”

“It must be tough working and balancing school work.”

Again, he responds with a shrug. “It’s nothing that I can’t handle. Plus Kris gege is flexible with hours so I can always ask off when I need to. Me and Kris gege, know each other ever since we were back in China. Our families were close and so Kris was always like an older brother to me as we were growing up. When he came to Korea for school and then work, I decided to follow.”

Luhan nods his head, listening to the story. “I thought Kris had mentioned he hasn’t met another Chinese person in Korea?”

Zitao chuckles a bit. “Well technically, we met in China.”

Luhan raises his eyebrows at the point. “I suppose that is true.”

Moments later, two familiar faces come through the door. “Hello there!” Kyugnsoo’s voice was loud coming into the store as Joonmyun was only a step behind.

“Oh hi hyungs!” Zitao cheerfully greeted. Luhan waved to both of them, getting them with a hello.

“We’re just here to make sure Luhan hadn’t caused the blenders to explode or something.” Kyungsoo said teasingly.

“Hey, I don’t think I’m that incompetent.”  Luhan said retorting his statement.

Kyungsoo’s mouth was about to open with a comment of how bad his first training day was, but Joonmyun quickly elbowed him in the side. “I don’t think you are either Luhan.” Kyungsoo gave him a slight pout, but Joonmyun just responded with a glare saying ‘you know better’.

“Anywho, are we still on for tonight Zitao?” Kyungsoo asks leaning in over the counter.

“Of course. You know I wouldn’t miss a Friday night out.” He said a little over excitedly.

Joonmyun turns towards Luhan. “You can come out with us if you’d like. It’d be us three plus two other coworkers you haven’t met yet.”

“Where are you guys going?” Luhan asks curiously. He hasn’t been out in a while thanks to finals that just took place not too long ago and most of his friends going home for the summer vacation.

“It’s this place called Karma. You interested?”

“Sure I don’t have any plans tonight.” Luhan responds with a shrug.

“Great, text me your number and I’ll pick you up. Minseok hyung is gonna meet us there so we’ll have enough room in my car. Look at the time, me and Kyungsoo have to go, but we’ll see you later.” Joonmyun pulls Kyungsoo away just as he was about to hit Tao for insulting his cooking. “Bye guys!”

Luhan and Zitao chuckle as they hear Kyugnsoo’s yelling at Suho for treating him like a child.

“So are you really going with us gege?” Zitao turns to him.

“I mean sure, why not? But I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Karma before.” Luhan has been out with friends before. He wouldn’t say that he frequent many clubs or bars, but he has gone out enough to know names of most of the well known establishments, but he’s never heard of Karma before.

“Really?” Tao’s question was more teasing than actually inquisitive. “It’s a fun place.”

“I suppose it would a good way to bond with my new co-workers.”

Zitao chuckles a little low for Luhan’s comfort. “Yes, yes it will be.


It wasn’t long before the sun had set and Luhan had to get ready for a night out with his co-workers. He put on a simple v-neck with a pair of dark jeans and a spritz of cologne. He soon met up with Joonmyun and Kyungsoo who had picked him up and then Tao and Sehun whom they picked up afterwards.

“It’s nice to meet you Luhan.” The youngest had said as he entered the car.

“Likewise.” He said with a smile.

“Let’s get this party on the road!” Tao yelled.

“Did you pre-game?” Joonmyun asks with a stern voice.

Zitao and Sehun look at each other and giggle a little. “Maybe.” They respond at the same time.

“I told you guys not to. If the bouncers see that you’re drunk, they’re not going to let you in, you minors.”

They both roll their eyes as they slump back into their seats. “Why is Joonmyun such a fun er?”

“I know right?” Sehun said with a huff.

“I can hear both of you, you know that right?”

It wasn’t long before they found a parking spot and started walking to the club. There was a small line, but nothing a little patience couldn’t solve. However, Luhan was carded at the door and asked multiple questions about his identity due to the baby like appearance of his face. It was more of a hassle than he would have liked, but he eventually was let through. He could hear faint laughter from Zitao and see a look of dismay from Sehun. Apparently they had bet whether or not he would have a hard time at the door, and Zitao won.

“Whatever. I bet I can get more numbers than you though.” Sehun says to Zitao with a light punch.

“You’re on. What are we betting?”

“1 week of dishes.”

“Deal.” Before they could even shake hands, Zitao was already weaving through the crowd of people, getting a head start.

“Not fair!” Sehun yelled only steps behind him.

Joonmyun shook his head as they wandered off, but then started to glance around the crowded space. “I wonder where Minseok hyung is.”

“Looking for me?” As on cue, a new face arrived to meet the group.

“Oh there you are. Minseok, I’d like you to meet our new co-worker, Luhan.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Luhan said bowing slightly.

“Likewise. Where did the kids go?” Minseok asks glancing around.

“The usual competition.” Joonmyun responds and Minseok just gives an all knowing nod.

“Hyung, the bar is over there, let’s go.” Kyungsoo is quick to grab Joonmyun’s hand and pull him through the crowd of people.

“Yah, what did I say about drinking!”

“Don’t remember!” And with that they were lost and gone.

And that just leaves Minseok and Luhan standing in the corner of the club. “Hey do you mind waiting here for me, I need to head to the bathroom real quick.” Luhan nods and then Minseok heads off to an unknown direction.

He starts to glance around at his surroundings. With meeting Minseok and getting held up at the door, he hadn’t gotten a chance to take it in. It’s a nice looking club, with a stage, a dance floor, and the usual club things. He wonders why he had never been here before.

“Hey there.”  Luhan turns to see an older looking gentlemen holding a beer bottle, leaning against the wall next to him. “I’ve never seen you around before.” Something about this guy makes shivers run down Luhan’s spine and he can feel the creepiness exude off his body.

“Yeah it’s my first time here.” He responds out of politeness.

“You know, you got such a pretty face… “ The man says as he inches closer. Luhan takes a step away but the man grabs him by the arm. “Where are you going, we were just getting to know each other.”

He suddenly feels another hand grab his other arm. “Sorry buddy, he’s with me.” Miraculously, Minseok came back just in time to pull Luhan away from the guy’s grasps. With a grunt, the man leaves the two. “That was a close one.”

“Yeah it was…” Luhan says a little confused. He’s not too sure what just happened, but he thinks he was just hit on by a man. Out of the corner of his eye Luhan can see two guys making out on the dance floor grinding against each other. On the other side he sees a half waiter serving shots. He pauses and thinks for a moment. Creepy old men. Guys making out. Half waiters. It could only mean one thing. “Are we at a gay club?”

Minseok turns to him with a confused expression. “Yeah, where did you think we were?”

Definitely not a gay club, but it explains a lot. He glances around and can see a few people staring at him which is making him uncomfortable. Not to mention he’s pretty sure someone just walked passed and grabbed his .

A hand reaches out and grabs his. He looks up to see Minseok smile at him. “Don’t worry, you’re safe with me. No more creepy guys.” He pulls Luhan into the crowd making sure that he was close behind. “Come on let’s dance.”

“I don’t really da—“ his words were cut off by Minseok yanking him into the mass of sweaty bodies and grinding.

Luhan wonders what he has gotten himself into.




oh hi.

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Chapter 3: Please please update soon
Chapter 3: Yay-wait um please don't stop the story. I LOVE that chapter it was so CUTE <3
krinkle_shawol #3
Chapter 2: WHA-? Hi? Dafuq XD HELLOOOOOO~
Chapter 2: LOL Hi ^_^
Love this story<3
Please update soon!!!
moon_up #5
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the next update<3<3
zombiemonster #6
So far, I like it..
Im gonna keep reading :3
Chapter 1: Cuuuuuutteee this reminds me a lot of work though LOL