The twins and the rabbit

In a completely different world...

Undergoing a mental battle as to whether to continue with this story or not.

What the hell, i might as well write as i procrastinate on what i should be doing... :)

This chapter's focus is on Kwangmin and Youngmin's relationship. If i don't get distracted, that is. Maybe i should make this a series of one-shots?


"Hyuuuung. I want some. Pretty pleaseeeee?"
Kwangmin stuck out his lower lip, looking as adorable as a puppy - even more so than usual. 

Youngmin looked at his raspberry sundae, resigned.
Ugh. This is unfair, just, completely unfair. I can never resist him when he pouts. Maybe i'll wear a blindfold next time I eat... or those strange sunglasses with bands across it that you get on the highstreet these days. Either ways, i should really stop spoiling him.

...Maybe tomorrow.

Looking at his twin, with that bright and lovely smile on his face like he's just won the lottery as Youngmin passes his (never-to-be-seen-again) sundae, he felt a slight warmth in his heart. 

"Pffft, you'll be nice to anyone as long as they give you food, right?" 

"Not really. I'll be nice to them if they give me nice food. And speaking of nice food, this sundae is delicious. So goooood." Kwangmin closed his eyes, savouring the loveliness of the creamy raspberry flavour. 

"Which happens to be mine too. You've already finished your strawberry flavoured one, you glutton."

"Can't be helped, I'm a growing boy who needs... " The rest of his sentence died off as a cold blob landed on his nose. Right on the tip of his nose; bulls eye. Whoever did this had skill

Youngmin laughed as he spotted Hayato ducked behind a flowerpot, with a chocolate ice-cream clearly visible in his hand... and a chocolate coated thumb and forefinger. Only a slight problem: he's not small enough to fit behind the flowerpot, nor is his black leather jacket camouflaged enough to blend in with the leaves.

Luckily for Hayato, he aimed at the younger twin, who would not realise what was going on until the truth hits him in the face. And pigs would fly before Kwangmin retaliated. If he'd aimed at Youngmin, there would be an instant food fight. With Kwangmin staring in wonder at the sight of flying ice-cream blobs. Sure enough, Kwangmin was still puzzling over the strange appearance of the chocolate blob on his nose, his eyes focused on the tip of his nose and completely unaware of what was going on around him.

Youngmin seized his chance - to draw on his unsuspecting twin's face. With raspberry ice-cream. Three on each side of the cheek... and there you have it - a Kwabbit. Or a rabbit-y Kwangmin with red whiskers, brown nose and completely confused.

It was a priceless sight, and entire cafe erupted mirth.

Grinning, Hayato snapped a picture of the Kwabbit on his phone and sent it to Ryuu. 

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pinkaddict #1
cute!!!!!!!! <3