Setting the Scene

In a completely different world...

Current characters: Yabuki Hayato, Ryuu Odagiri (i.e. Akanishi Jin and Kamenashi Kazuya), BOYFRIEND's Youngmin and Kwangmin.

Imagine they were both placed in a school, in Japan. (a/n, i love both korea and japan. it's just that it's a little easier for me to play around with the setting in japan than korea. sorry.)



"Kwangmin; Youngmin. Together as usual, huh?"

Youngmin smiled. Kwangmin was jerked back from his thoughts for a moment, long enough to respond with a faint smile. If anyone else was looking, they wouldn't think that Kwangmin had reacted at all... only his twin knew; and the former's smile grew even brighter at that.

Without even turning around, they knew who the attractive, masculine voice belonged to. The one and only, Yabuki Hayato. And of course, his (what seems like) life support, Odagiri Ryuu.

"Speak for yourself. You're stuck to Ryuu like glue."

Hayato poked out his tongue in protest, "Hey, that's harsh! I'm not stuck to him like glue... more like, SUPERGLUE. Like, like, super-sticky-permanent glue that is indestructable... Maybe something like cement?"

Ryuu snickered. Typical Hayato. He missed the point so drastically, he might as well fired after spinning around 360 degrees three times, walking straight into a tree and being punched by a cat.

Before he could dig himself a bigger hole, Ryuu interrupted: "Let's just settle for "joined at the hip", yes?"


Youngmin bit back a laugh. Ryuu, the only one who could put up with, and indeed control, Hayato and his erratic moodswings and hot-tempered behaviour. In fact, in some ways, Ryuu seemed like a more dangerous enemy to have than Hayato - he was someone who would plan behind the scenes, and everything would go as he wished even without his physical involvement. In short, he was the mastermind... the queen that holds more power than the king.

"Ryuuuu!!" Kwangmin smiled; a beautiful, angelic smile that would charm even the most twisted devil on his lovely face, and gave Ryuu an enthusiastic hug. And nearly smothered Ryuu in the process. A part of Hayato is used to this, another part of him wished that Ryuu would give him a hug too; Kwangmin was the only person who could hug Ryuu without getting a bruised eye in return. Ryuu showed more affection to Kwangmin than Hayato has ever heard him talk; Kwangmin was his soft spot - his weakness. "He's definitely the mother.." contemplated Hayato, then stuffed the thought out of his mind straight away. Ryuu had the knack of knowing what Hayato was thinking, scarily enough, and if he knew... Scary stuff would happen. Too scary to even contemplate.

"Well, where are you guys off to?" Hayato asked Youngmin, as they both observed the hugging pair in amusement. They seemed to be in their own little world; Ryuu flashing his rare but beautiful smile, ruffling Kwangmin's hair, whilst Kwangmin kept his arms around Ryuu contentedly, his expression happy.

"Criminology lecture. Then lunch. Care to join us then?"

"Sure, I'll meet you for lunch. Take care of my Ryuu-chan, won't you?" 

That remark earned Hayato a swift thump on his head, as soon as "-chan" left his mouth. He's certainly not trying that again. Thank god Kwangmin was there - or goodness knows, he'd be having lunch-in-bed in a hospital.


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pinkaddict #1
cute!!!!!!!! <3