Youngmin the.. Minnie?

In a completely different world...

I'm procrastinating. Again. 

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this :)

(and if someone wants a particular direction in which this story heads towards, please say; because i actually have no plans about this...)



Kwangmin pouted. If only Hayato refrained from yelling his (reluctant) nickname across the campus ever since the day that the incident happened; now everyone started calling him Kwabbit. In fact, he even received a pair of rabbit ears during Valentine's day! Good thing they were anonymous, or he would have... hunt them down, and thrown ice-cream at them. 

They've been going on about 'Kwangmin the Kwabbit' for weeks now, and it's certainly not showing any signs of stopping anytime soon. If only they picked something to do with Pikachu instead...

"Kwabbit, you mad?"

Kwangmin groaned. Even RYUU has started calling him Kwabbit; it was bad enough that Youngmin Hyung calls him that all the time. Annoyed, he refused to look Ryuu in the eye and examined the splodge of dirt on the base of his white Doc Martens intently.

"C'mon, don't be mad, you fluffy thing. Tell you what, to make up for all the teasing, i'll get a present for you. Something big and cute and yellow. Ring any bells?"


Kwangmin was so distracted with the thought of a Pikachu plushie that he failed to pick up on Ryuu calling him a "fluffy thing". 
The taller boy (a/n: i don't actually know if Kame is taller than Kwangmin... but let's just pretend it is for narration purposes) winked at the blond one; mission accomplished - the Kwabbit has finally stopped sulking.


An hour later, they were in a shop full of plushie toys. The kind of shop that resembles a Disneyland souvenir store, but this one has a greater variety of anime characters, like Totoro. In fact, this was the Kwabbit's favourite shop.

Not that it's anything surprising - they have a Pikachu the size of a ten year old child.

Youngmin stifled a snort at his twin's face, for it was a face of wonder, like a child opening his Christmas present and finding the present to be something he's wanted all his life.Then his face turned into one of panic: 

Kwangmin had drooled directly above a Minnie mouse; as he gazed at the giant pikachu on the shelf. 

A pearl of clear liquid. Hung an inch from the ear of a Minnie Mouse.

Youngmin panicked and snatched the Mouse away, before the droplet of Kwabbit saliva could attack it; and his sudden movement startled his twin. Being as clueless as ever, Kwangmin didn't even realise that his mouth had dropped open. Then he suddenly spoke, a tone of amazement and realisation in his voice.

"Hyuung... You look like that Minnie Mouse."


"Look look look! Long fluffy eyelashes, big round eyes, cute smile... "

Before he could finish his sentence, Youngmin attacked Kwangmin's mouth with the Minnie Mouse plushie, effectively silencing him.
Maybe he shouldn't have bothered to rescue the Minnie Mouse in the first place.



Youngmin turned to see Hayato clutching the side of the shelf, doubled over in mirth, with Ryuu clutching him to prevent himself from falling on the ground, as he was laughing so hard. And turned again to see a shocked Kwangmin with eyes as round as saucers and a Minnie Mouse in the place where his mouth should be.


After their laughing fit subsided, and Ryuu bought the giant Pikachu for Kwangmin and the unfortunate wet Minnie Mouse to commemorate the moment. Then he handed the Minnie to a surprised Youngmin, and said: "Here you go, YoungMinnie. There is truth in the Kwabbit's words, you know..."

Both Hayato and Ryuu ran as fast as they could in the opposite direction, with YoungMinnie chasing them in their wake.


Sorry for the rubbish chapter; i think i've got writer's block because i don't know where to go with this story.

Suggestions, anyone?

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pinkaddict #1
cute!!!!!!!! <3