Nightmare at the Falls

Just Bite Me Already
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gaped at the sight as she got off of Myungsoo's back. All of the Infinite members turned back into their muddy, yet handsome human forms. Mei smiled widely and couldn't wait to play in the water.



They all gathered at the tip of the waterfall. "It's a long way down.." Sungjong said quietly as he stared down carefully. "Oh now the maknae's scared? Shall we go back then?" Sunggyu asked. "NO!" they all chorused. 


"Well then? What are we waiting for? Let's jump in!" Dongwoo yipped as he took off every. piece. of. his. clothes. "YAH STOP TAKING OFF YOUR CLOTHES WE HAVE AN INNOCENT FEMALE HERE!" Woohyun shouted before Dongwoo slipped off his underwear.


Mei's cheeks flustered red as Sungyeol covered her eyes. "Let's just rinse from the tip of the waterfall then." Sungjong suggested. "Ugh, you guys are no fun." Dongwoo complained.


So they each went in a single filed line just like how Sunggyu ordered them, and rinsed their legs and arms at the tip of the waterfall. After Hoya shook his wet and cold body he turned to Mei, "Your turn!" She smiled.


"Oh and be careful, since we're at the top, the water pressure is really hard. So just be careful." he urged. Mei nodded and slowly stepped closer to the edge while the rest of the members watched closely. They all held their breathes and watched in fear.


Anything could happen. She could fall down. She could get a cut from the rocks below. She could slip and break a bone. She could even die. "HYUNG THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA LET'S JUST TAKE HER HOME NOW." Sungyeol shrieked to Sunggyu.


The leader smirked and turned to the Choding, "You should've thought of that earlier instead of begging me to--" Sunggyu could not finish his sentence when a shriek was heard. All of the members dashed towards the edge of the waterfall.


"MEI-AH TAKE MY HAND!" Woohyun shouted as he held out his hand. A pale little hand was struggling to keep its grip on the rocks. Mei was dangling from the waterfall.


"I TOLD YOU THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!" Dongwoo shouted. "WHAT THE HELL NO YOU DID NOT!" Sunggyu yelled. "A little help here!" Mei yelped. Sungjong yanked his hair like a maniac. "Oh no oh no oh no! What are we gonna do? Hyung! Get her up!" he yelled.


Woohyun grunted as he tried his best to reach her hand. "MEI WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT LOOK DOWN." Sungyeol shouted. Myungsoo whackd the back of his head. "BABO THIS IS NO TIME TO ACT LIKE AN ." Myungsoo hollered.


"Woohyun reach further!" Sunggyu yelled. "I'm trying!!" Woohyun yelled back. Mei slowly looked down which was a bad mistake. She saw sharp rocks below her. She gulped in fear and then looked back at Woohyun. "O-Oppa, I'm scared.." she yelped.


"Don't worry! Come on just take my hand!" Woohyun clenched his teeth together as he tried to move a little closer. Woohyun was on the edge of the waterfall. And it was frightening. "Mei, try to put your foot on a twig or something!" Hoya beamed.


She swinged her legs to try to find a twig or a single branch but she slipped even more. "AHH!" she yelled. "MEI!" He lun

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 76: Well at least they meet in heaven -3-
PhuPwint #2
Chapter 76: I love your story authornim.^_^
sansub #3
Chapter 76: It's my 3rd time reading this story .. i freaking love it....
kiba_phoenix #4
Chapter 76: Okay it took me a couple of days to read all of this but believe me when I say I FREAKING LOVED IT!! Zelo kind of annoyed me at times like when everyone else was saying stop and think and he was like "BANZAI!! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!" Yeah those moments I was annoyed, but the rest was amazing! I'm sad it had a sad ending, but I guess there's still the silver lining of they're both together so that's nice. Now I'm off to the sequel lol oh btw I hate Hee Jin. -_____-
Feraldruid73 #5
Chapter 17: Zelo's story is confusing... he was nine when his mom died and nine when he saved Mei, but is 200 years old? And why is Aiyanna confused about B.A.P working with the Werewolves I thought she was there with them when that happened?
Chapter 76: OMO! Last Chapter :( Such a sweet story <3 I'm a silent reader from the beginning till the end :) Continue doing your great works :D This is simply awesome <3
sansub #7
Chapter 1: Till the last chapter i was a silent reader... I really appriciate your story it's just daebak!!!!!!!
Chapter 64: The song match this chapter , I totally cried
erness89 #9
Chapter 76: aish,seriously.i really really love this story ohmygod!gomawoyo eonnie,i'm sorry i can't write many things in here,i just can't describe them because this story just too perfect for me