Good Always Wins. Right?

Just Bite Me Already
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As Zelo and Mei were enjoying their romantic moment together, Aiyana just stood there on the sidelines sighing to herself. She was happy that her little dongsaeng was happy with Junhong, but something in her mind and heart were missing. And she knew who it was. Daehyun..


*Aish! I can't believe that boy has gotten to me! Do I really like him?~!* she questioned herself. Meanwhile, the other B.A.P members were watching the cute couple on the dance floor. Youngjae was busy reading his stupid book. Yongguk had his arms cross as he enjoyed watching Zelo and Mei.

However, Himchan, Jongup, and Daehyun were partly drunk. Aiyana heard them giggling like little girls on the chairs. She rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue in disgust. She was pretty upset that Daehyun was too drunk to spend time with her. After a few minutes had past, the 3 drunken boys turned back to normal.


"Oh .. My head hurts.." Himchan cussed as he rubbed his temple. "Errr. Thanks a lot hyung. Now I'm having a mirgane!" Jongup yelled. Daehyun however, was busy staring at Aiyana who was standing close to the dance floor staring that vampires slow dancing. He knew what to do. Daehyun then stood up and walked over next to Aiyana.


He came close to her ear and whispered, "You look amazing in that dress." Aiyana flinched and turned her head slightly to see Daehyun fairly close to her. "You're probably still drunk. Sit back down unless you want mother nature to hit your ." Aiyana said bluntly. *Why is she acting like this? Is she mad at me?* 


"I'm not drunk anymore." he stated. Aiyana rolled her eyes. "Let's dance together?" Daehyun bowed holding his hand out. Aiyana's eyes widened. *Is he forreal?!* She calmed her thoughts and decided to go with him. She took his hand as he guided her to the dance floor. 


Once the got to the dance floor, they had a big space between them. They faced each other, Daehyun bowed as Aiyana grinned and curtsied. He took a step towards her making her heart race a bit. He grabbed her waist and smirked playfully as he grabbed her hand and intertwined it with his. She put her arm around his neck as she leaned in close to his neck.


They started to dance slowly swaying their hips. Peaceful silence filled the atmosphere. They were really good friends. Friends with benefits we should say. Aiyana enjoyed this moment, she opened her eyes and peered over to see Mei and Zelo slowly dancing together. *They would make a good couple*


"Dae?" she suddenly asked. 

"Mm?" was all he said.


"What will happen if we lose..?" she asked biting her lip. Daehyun thought for a moment. He didn't want her to think negative right now. Afterall, he was dancing happily with her, which was a positive thing.


"We're not going to lose. We just have to find a way to keep Mei alive after the sacrifice." Daehyun said darkly. He heard Aiyana sigh for a moment. "My grandmother wasn't supposed to be involved in this.." Aiyana said sadly. Daehyun felt his best friend's sadness in her heart. 


"You're grandmother was a very brave woman. We will avenge her. Don't worry." Daehyun said. "She was the one who taught me everything, Dae. My mother was never there for me. And now.. Now I'm all alone." Aiyana said beginning to tear up.


Daehyun could imagine Aiyana crying all by herself. But no, he wouldn't let that happen. "Aiyana, you're not alone. You have Mei, you have us, and most importantly; you have me." the last part he said with empathy. Aiyana looked up at him and smiled with a tear slowly trickling down her cheek.


"Aish, now you're crying. Wasn't this supposed to be a special moment?" Daehyun complained sarcastically towards his best friend. Aiyana chuckled and wiped the tear off her cheek. "That wasn't a sad tear, Dae. That was one filled with joy." she smiled at him.


"Good. Because I hate seeing my best friend cry." Daehyun said bringing her back to his chest again. Then, Daehyun saw Zelo and Mei dancing together right in front of them. Zelo held Mei's waist while having her hand in his a little above his shoulders. 


"Our little maknae has grown up." Daehyun said quietly. Aiyana looked up then to her side to see the cute couple dancing. "My dongsaeng. She looks so beautiful. Zelo has to treat her well." Aiyana said firmly the last pa

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 76: Well at least they meet in heaven -3-
PhuPwint #2
Chapter 76: I love your story authornim.^_^
sansub #3
Chapter 76: It's my 3rd time reading this story .. i freaking love it....
kiba_phoenix #4
Chapter 76: Okay it took me a couple of days to read all of this but believe me when I say I FREAKING LOVED IT!! Zelo kind of annoyed me at times like when everyone else was saying stop and think and he was like "BANZAI!! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!" Yeah those moments I was annoyed, but the rest was amazing! I'm sad it had a sad ending, but I guess there's still the silver lining of they're both together so that's nice. Now I'm off to the sequel lol oh btw I hate Hee Jin. -_____-
Feraldruid73 #5
Chapter 17: Zelo's story is confusing... he was nine when his mom died and nine when he saved Mei, but is 200 years old? And why is Aiyanna confused about B.A.P working with the Werewolves I thought she was there with them when that happened?
Chapter 76: OMO! Last Chapter :( Such a sweet story <3 I'm a silent reader from the beginning till the end :) Continue doing your great works :D This is simply awesome <3
sansub #7
Chapter 1: Till the last chapter i was a silent reader... I really appriciate your story it's just daebak!!!!!!!
Chapter 64: The song match this chapter , I totally cried
erness89 #9
Chapter 76: aish,seriously.i really really love this story ohmygod!gomawoyo eonnie,i'm sorry i can't write many things in here,i just can't describe them because this story just too perfect for me