The One With the Trip to the Beach

Beautiful Stranger
Episode 4

On the next day, Haylee woke up feeling really sore. She didn't want to get out of bed but felt like she didn't have much of a choice.


It took time but she finally sat up in her bed looking at her phone to see what time it was and looked around with a clueless mind trying to figure out what would be her next move.


Yawning and rubbing her eyes, she felt a pain on her right eye and that's when she remembered what happened yesterday. She felt a sudden chill all over her body trying to forget what when down.


She got out of bed and went to the bathroom taking a good look at the mess she was in front of the mirror and saw a black eye on the right side of her face along with a black-purple spot on the side of her stomach.


She couldn't have felt more miserable.


After what happened she just felt like flying back home and hide under her covers. The worse part was where she had to explain to her parents what happened after she video-chat with them last night. They were mad and begged Haylee to comeback home, but she strongly refused saying that it wasn't a big deal and promised them she would be more careful.


After she cleaned herself up, put some foundation to hide her bruise, she got dressed and went downstairs to join Myung Hee & Mike at the coffee house. As she arrived at the kitchen, she greeted Mike who seemed to be working on baking new cupcakes. “Hey~”


“Oh, Haylee. How are you feeling?”


“Better than yesterday I guess.”


“Yea… Myung Hee told me what happened. You don't need to work today, just go upstairs and rest.”


“I don't want to. If I do, I might go insane. I've been locked up long enough back  home and I didn't come here to be looked up again~”


Just then, Myung Hee walks into to the kitchen and spotted Haylee


“Yah! Haylee! What are you doing here? Go back upstairs!”


“Please, don't make me go upstairs, I feel so much better than yesterday!” Using a childish tone, she gave her friend a pout as she went to stand in front of her. Myung Hee looked back with a worried look across her face, not sure if she should let Haylee work today or not.


“Haylee, you've been beat up just yesterday, I can't let you work for a whole day, you'll get worse.”


“If I don't feel fine, I promise to back upstairs and rest.”


“You promise, promise?”




She left the kitchen, taking the apron that was hanging by the door and went towards the counter, ready to start her shift while leaving behind a worried couple in the back.


“She needs a weekend out… Are you still up for the beach this weekend?”


“Sure, why?”




“Myung Hee… What's wrong?”


“Can she tag along?”


“Who? Haylee?”




“I don't mind, as long as she wants to”


“Thanks.” She leans in to place a quick kiss on his cheek before walking out of the kitchen only to have her hand caught by her boyfriend as he pulled her back in with a smirk on his face.


“How about we go take a nap upstairs?”


“Oh you naughty, naughty boy~”



Haylee's has been working for a while now and it kind of felt good.


She was still hurting a little bit, especially on her back, but not enough to make her stop.


People were coming in and out so much, she didn't pay much attention to the customers, until now.


Was she this lucky or was it just pure coincidence?


“Hello! What can I get you?”




From all the people living in Seoul, she couldn't believe the people who were in front of her: MBLAQ.


Cheondung & Mir were there.


While Cheondung was telling her his order, Mir kept strangely looking at the young lady or more at the nametag on her apron.


She didn't pay much attention since she seemed too busy to take their orders by trying not to mess up, especially in the state she was in.


“Hay… Haylee?”




“The same one from yesterday?”


“Ah, yes…”


She left the counter to get their drinks ready and when she came back, Cheondung seemed to have notice her black eye.


“Hey, what happened to your right eye?”


“Hmm? That? It's nothing really… On my way back from the event yesterday I… I wasn't looking where I was walking and… I… I got knocked over.”


He didn’t seem to believe her but since he saw how her expression changed, he didn't insist and nodded at her answer.


He then thanked Haylee, along with Mir, at the service and left.


She sighed in relief and hoped that he wouldn't mention it to anyone else.



Within the next few days and after much argument, Myung Hee finally convinced Haylee to come and spend a full day at the beach, outside the city, along with her and Mike.


They are, to leave Thursday night, so they can arrive early the next morning and spend as much as possible time relaxing by the sea. 



- Wednesday


MBLAQ found themselves in their dance studio practicing their choreography for their upcoming come back.


They have been rehearsing for most of the day and it was time for a break.


All the boys were sitting on the floor relaxing and doing their own thing.


Curious to what his fellow friend and dancer was doing on his phone, G.O starts a conversation within the silence that was filling their atmosphere.


“So… Mike, what are you doing?”


“Making plans with Myung Hee and our friend for the weekend.”




With a sip of his water bottle, Seungho tagged along into the conversation, sudden curiosity picking on him.  “What kind of plans?”


“We are planning to go and spend the weekend at the beach. Since it's our time off, we decided to celebrate.”




“I'll be back, I have to go and make a phone call.”


While the others were still relaxing, Seungho gets up and goes to clean himself up at the restroom. When he passes by Mike, he gets a glimpse of his conversation by hearing a familiar name.


“Don’t worry about her, Haylee will be fine. You were the one that told me that she needed to get away a little bit… Okay, but don't forget that we are leaving Thursday night, so make sure to be ready. I got to head back to practice. Love you.”


At that moment, Seungho stepped out of his corner pretending that he just arrived and saw Mike's look on his face. “Is everything okay?”


“Hmm? Yes, just trying to help a friend.”


“Oh, okay.”


Mike goes back to the practice room while Seungho walks to the restroom.


While he was washing his face with water, he kept thinking about the conversation Mike was having earlier.


“Haylee will be there? Why hasn't she called me yet? I hope I didn't scare her off... Damn it~ I don't even know her and she's already driving me crazy!”


At that moment, G.O came in to ask Seungho to hurry since they were about to go back to practice.


“Hey, Seungho, hurry up, everybody is waiting for you. What are you doing?”


“I'm coming…” Walking to the door, a sudden idea popped out earning a smile on his face. “Prepare your swimsuit, this weekend we're going to the beach~”


“What? Not that I'm complaining, but what's with this sudden surprise?”


“I just thought that with all the hard work we did, we deserve a little break~”




Somehow, Seungho was able to convince their manager for a little break and ‘piece of mind’ for the weekend with all the members, adding the manager too.


With a little ‘help’ from Mike, Seungho was able to get as much information as he could regarding this upcoming weekend.




- Thursday afternoon


All of Haylee's things were prepared on her bed.


Before putting them in her bag, she checked everything for one last time making sure she wouldn't forget something.


Myung Hee and Mike were ready and knocking at her door as she zipped up her bag.


She went and opened the door seeing Myung Hee wearing one of those huge beach hats and sunglasses.


Her reaction? She was laughing. She was laughing really hard.

And I would too if you really think about it... 

I mean, you look completely ridiculous!

Do you know what I mean?

Such an embarrassment OTL



“What the hell are you wearing on your head?”


“Why? You don't like it?”


“What if I say no?”


“You're such a party pooper~”


“Am I?


“Come on, Mike is waiting for us downstairs”


“Okay, just let me grab my stuff and off we go.”




- Friday


It was Friday and it was a beautiful sunny day, so of course it was time to get some sun on the skin.


The three of them found a nice spot where there were already long chairs with an umbrella and a small table in the center of this umbrella waiting just for them.


Two chairs in one side, in the shadows, while there was another one in the sun so for some obvious reason, Haylee took the chair that was under the sun, leaving the lovebirds alone.


With Mike gone getting the refreshments, the two girls were sitting and enjoying the sun before taking off her clothes.


Myung Hee was looking around and saw on her friend's left side a group of five boys (they were a little bit far away, but their figure were kind of familiar) playing beach volleyball.


As Mike came back with cold drinks for the three of them, without getting Haylee's attention, Myung Hee whispered to Mike what she thinks she saw about the five volleyball boys.


Paying close attention to what his girlfriend said, he went over to see them.


I guess you know where I'm going, unless you're completely clueless... Just like Haylee, huh?


It was about twenty minutes now since they arrived at the beach.


Mike was relaxing or probably just napping; Myung Hee was putting sun cream while Haylee was about to undress. As she stood up to take off her shirt, showing the bandeau top of her black swimming suit, Myung Hee noticed that one of the guys (and yes, she knew-because of Mike- that it was in fact MBLAQ) was looking at her, presumably Seungho.


“Yah, Haylee”




“Do it discreetly, but that guy over there is looking at you~”


“Come again?”


“The dude to your left is looking at you”


“I got that part, what tells you he isn't looking at you?”


“Because you're hiding me that's why”




She slowly turned around, as if she was just looking around her and she saw that Myung Hee was actually right. He seemed familiar but didn't know why.


Since she didn't bring her glasses she couldn't really see who he was.


Clueless AND blind?! OTL

The author really knows how to do things, doesn't she?!


To a little bit, she decides to lightly stretch her back but suddenly felt pain on the left side of her stomach, which took her by surprise. As she sat down, Myung Hee saw the pain on her face, bringing out her own worry. “Are you okay?”


“Yea, I just forgot about my bruise when I wanted to 'stretch'”


“Do you want some ice?”


“No, I'll be fine, I just need to be careful.”


“Sure? I can go and get some for you at the bar-”


“It's okay, but thanks.”


After some time, they decided to go in the water, while Mike was still relaxing in the shadows.


What both of the girls didn't know was that the man from earlier was looking at Haylee without any real discretion making his group mate stare at the direction that he was looking at.


“Hyung, what are u looking at?”


“Hmm? N-n-nothing”


“How come it was nothing if you're st-st-stuterring?”


Having the ball in his hands, he roughly threw it against his friend’s face as he replied back with a more stern tone. “I told you it was nothing, now go back at the game so I can beat you to it.”


Getting up, Cheondung still looks at where Seungho was looking and finally sees who he was staring at, finally taking the hint that he was looking at a young lady in the water, quickly recognizing who she was.


Oh, isn't that Haylee?


Making the connection between her and Seungho, an idea pops in his head and calls G.O out. “Hyung! Come here!”




“Just come! I need to show you something!” G.O runs to him while Seungho was playing with Joon and Mir, not paying attention to what the others were busying themselves with. “Yah, what’s wrong?”


“I think I know why we came to the beach.”


“Why is that?”


“Look over there, it's the girl from last time. Hyung hasn't stop staring at her since we came to the beach.”


“Yah, what are you talking about~”


He turns around and sees Seungho glancing a couple of times in the same way as earlier while the girl glanced back, still playing in the water with her friend.


On the other hand, Haylee and Myung Hee finally came out of the water when Mike just woke up, dragging his girlfriend back in the water. “Yah~ I just got out!”


“So?~” He lifts her up bridal style and walks towards the water both giggling and laughing while their friend watch them and sigh while sitting on her chair drinking her ice tea.



“So what's the plan?” Back to G.O and Cheondung, they haven’t looked away as they were trying to figure out how to make Seungho walk over to the stranger.


“We need Seungho over there.”


“I got that but how?”


“Just follow my lead.”




Haylee was enjoying her time alone lying on the chair with her headphones on while reading a book when she suddenly got hit on her head. “Owe! WTF was that?!”


At that moment, she saw a volleyball right next to her, now understanding that she got hit by it. Looking up, she saw someone from the group of boys coming her way assuming that he was the one who threw the ball. “Be careful would you! You almost could've killed me!”


She started cursing at him while he was approaching and she suddenly realized who she was yelling at. She choked on her words as he crouched over so that he could be face to face with her


“I'm so sorry! Are you alright?”


She was still to frozen to answer his question as he waved his hand in front of her face to get her back to reality. “Hey, are you alright?”


“Eh? Yea, yea, I'm fine…”


Seeing that she was making a face while rubbing her head in pain, he offered to go get some ice and before she was able to answer, he ran towards the bar to go and get some.


It didn't take long before he came back. “Here, let me help.”


While he said those words and put the bag of ice on her head, she raised her hand to hold on to the ice pack at the same time grazing his hand. The sudden contact made them both unexpectedly blush as the boy was apologizing. “It’s okay.” 


His friends were calling him back and instead of leaving her, he stood up and simply through the ball back at their direction.


Surprised at his action, she talked back to him. “You should go, I'll be fine”


“I feel bad for what happened.”


“Meh, it's not the first time I get hit by a ball, so I'll be fine.”


“Another reason why I should stay then.”


“I don't understand…”


“You might have a concussion and we wouldn't know about it.”


“Oh.” Another blush on her cheeks appeared by his words but also by the way he was intently looking at her, suddenly making her feel shy by his presence. He smiles, but it soon fades away as he sees the bruise on her eye. “What happened to your eye?”


He held her cheek and slightly grazed her bruised eye with his thumb. Realizing what he was doing he immediately pulled his hand away apologizing for the sudden skin ship. On the other hand, Haylee couldn't hold it in anymore, her heart was about to explode from all the excitement that she was feeling right at this moment. “I-It’s okay.”


She felt pain on her waist and tried to hide it on her face, he didn't seem to notice as he was more focused on the bag of melting ice on her head. “I could go and get another one if you want, that one already melted.”


“I'll be fine, thanks.”


He didn't want to leave her but he just didn't know how to continue the awkward conversation they were ‘having’. Wanting to hold on a little bit longer, she took the courage that was buried inside of her and broke the ice. “Is there some kind of event that brought you here?”


“Ah, hmm, no, we jut came here for a break.”


“Nice break.” With a  smile on her face they both were back into standing in their awkward silence as they had run out of words to say. With one last look towards his band mates, Seungho takes a deep breath as he was ready to get back up on his feet. “I think I should go, are you going to be alright?”


“Yes, thanks again and please don't hit me with the ball again, I may not make it the next time~”


“Okay, and again, I'm sorry.”


She knew he had to leave but she didn't want to. When he got up, she suddenly got the courage to act the way she just did: grabbing his wrist as she stood up to face him, which not only took her by surprise but him too. “Hmm, Seungho?”


He looked at her and smiled thinking of how adorable she was with this confused look on her face. “Yes?”


“I don't know if you remember, which would be quite surprising, but the other day, at the signing event-”


“Yes, I remember. It's Haylee, right?”


How the hell did he remember?


“Y-ye-yea ... I just wanted to apologize…”


“For what?”


“The phone number you gave me... It... It kind of got … lost ~... You probably got weird phone calls, but I promise you it wasn't me! I swear! You see I even have an accent speaking Korean so it couldn't be me-”


“It's okay I knew that it wasn't you when I started having those calls don't worry about it. It should be me who has to apologize since it was my fault. For a minute I thought I scared you.”


“No, you didn't, I was kind of flattered by it, I would have called you if I still had it…”






At that moment, Mir called out to Seungho to come back since the boys were about to leave. “I guess it’s my cue.”


“I guess so…”


“Bye.” With a last smile, he ran back to his group and at that moment the lovey-dovey couple came out of the water. “Hey, is everything okay?”


Haylee was still looking at the direction Seungho went, officially in a daze trying to figure out if she was just dreaming about this or not. “Yes… So you had fun in the water?”



On the other side, the boys were packing their stuff ready to leave the beach and as he did, he stole a couple of glances her way, while she did the same.


Both of them were smiling hoping to run into each other again.


What they didn't know about was that both of their friends were watching this whole time enjoying the view they had.

A/N: Hang on just a little more, we're slowly climbing to better episodes... Hopefully >.<

** I just re-read the next chapter AND I'm more happy about the rest of the story than the beginning, so going through the six first chapters and still being here... THANK YOU ♥

And just to make things clear, the change of font along with these "[  ]" during the story is done on purpose... It's the, hmm... narrator speaking...

So yea...

Enjoy :)

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03/10/14: chapter 1 of TRH (Beautiful Stranger III) is up! :)


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kgirl1016 #1
Chapter 38: Omg please please please
Chapter 38: OMG my favorite author is back \(^*^)/
i knew you would come back:P
cant wait! Especially cause its a Seungho story!!!!!!!!
The poster is b e a u t i f u l ~ Oh man I have to read this, I am soo late. BRB!
Chapter 39: Yay I've been waiting
Chapter 39: OMG O_o its like a christmas present hahhah i cant wait !!! <3
Tabi0411 #6
Chapter 39: Yeay!!!! Sequel ..update soon pls!!!
Loved the story! It was amazing how real you made the story feel! Sometimes making me feel like I was Haylee. Thank you for writing such a great story! I hope you will consider a sequel, but if not, I hope you will consider writing another story about Seungho! Please & thank you :)
Chapter 37: wow this is the best story I ever read.... love it sooo much. And now i dont know if I should be happy or sad! Thank you authornim
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 37: Sequel pls!!!!