The One Where Haylee's Homesick - Pt. II

Beautiful Stranger
Episode 26

The day was already over and it was time to leave.


One by one everybody left, leaving Seungho with Haylee, who was still asleep.


He didn't want to wake her up seeing how peaceful she was but at the same time he wanted to leave so they could both rest. Tomorrow wasn't going as packed up as it was today so he hoped that he could at least spend some time with Haylee figuring out what was really wrong.


He pecks her on her forehead, then lowers on the tip of her nose and finally lingers on her lips.


“Haylee, wake up… Babe, it's time to leave.”


She mumbled some incoherent words signaling that she was slowly waking up.


He giggled at his sight and waited for her to fully wake up so they could leave. It took some time but she was finally able to open her eyes and yawn noticing that there was nobody left but the two of them.


She pulled away from Seungho's embrace and sat properly as she fixed her hair. “I'm sorry, how long was I asleep?”


“It's okay babe, it looks like you really needed it anyways. Come on, let's go home.”


He helped her up and holding her hand, they carefully walked out of the building as they were headed towards Haylee's place.


The ride over there was silent, which was pretty much unusual for them.


Seungho was concentrating on driving and would give quick looks to the side to watch Haylee while she placed her head against the window looking at the people on the streets.


With his free hand, he reached to her side and placed it on her left hand giving it a light squeeze. She looked at him and smiled, intertwining their fingers along with her other hand placed on top, having his stuck between hers.



They finally arrived at the coffee house as Haylee first got out of the car and waited for Seungho at the back entrance. Still without a word, they climbed up the stairs and reached Haylee's place as she opened up the door letting themselves in. She closed the door behind her and as she turned around, she was corned by Seungho who placed both of his arms on each side of her head and leaned closer until their faces were only inches apart.


“What's wrong?”


“I told you, I don't feel good.”


“Was it the food? Do you feel like you're going to be sick?”


“Physically I'm fine it's just… I don't know… I'm just really out of it. Sorry.”


From the wall, he takes Haylee in his arms with his chin resting on the top of her head while having his arms around her and lightly swaying from side to side. She hugs him back having a firm grip of his waist against her. She placed her forehead against his chest and lets out a deep sigh.


For a moment, they stood still, just having to be in each others arms, which was soon cut off with the sound of a ringing phone.


Haylee looked up and looked at the clock hanging on the wall.


Looking at the time she pulled away from Seungho's embrace and ran for the phone, leaving her boyfriend with a questionable look on his face.


She picks up the phone and quickly answers it.


After hearing the voice on the other side of the line, she lets out a smile and greets whoever was on the line. She looks at Seungho and tells him that it was her mom. He nods and goes to sit on the couch next to Haylee who was, too him, strangely holding tightly onto the phone, as if she was afraid of dropping it.


He was calmly looking at her while she was sitting straight and looking down at her lap as she was playing with the fabric of her shorts, completely forgetting about Seungho's presence.


She kept nodding and smiling, reassuring her parents that she was having fun and that she was enjoying her time here.


Since she was speaking in her native language, Seungho didn't understand a word she was saying but couldn't let his instinct down as he sensed that something was off right now. It wasn't the first time she was speaking to her parents when he was here and she would always seemed more hyped up but today was different.


She was still looking down and from where he was sitting he could see that she let go of her shorts only to have her hand formed into a fist so tight, her knuckles were turning white.


Something was definitely wrong and he had a pretty good idea of what it was.


After a good thirty minutes later, she finally ends the phone call and carefully places the phone on the coffee table in front of her as she lets out a shaky sigh. Hearing her, he knew that she was about to break at any moment but seemed to be holding herself up so she wouldn't cry in front of him.


He moved closer to her, placing a hand on her lap while she hasn't changed her positioned.


He tugs her hair behind her ear and softly her head. He could hear her inhale another big amount of air and lets it out, shaky again. “Babe, I’m here if you need me. Talk to me, please. Is your family okay?”


“Y-yes, they are...”


“You miss them, don't you?”


She quickly shakes her head, giving him a yes and lets her tears fall.


He lets out a sigh and brings her closer to him as she places her head on his chest and brings her legs across his lap with his arms wrapping them around her, letting her tears fall out.


He tries to calm her down, her arm and he could see that she is trying to stop from crying as she hastily wipes her tears away. He lifts her chin up and sweetly kisses her cheek.


He knew how much she missed her family.


She's been here for two months and there was only another two months left before she leaves. He was only afraid that from missing her parents so much, she would want to leave early, leaving him. It's not something he wanted. “Do you want to leave?”




“I mean… You miss your family so I thought that maybe you wanted to leave now instead of -”


“Seungho, I don't want to leave. Of course I miss my family, but it doesn't mean I want to leave everything behind and simply go back. I mean, it's already silly of me, in the first place, to cry like that. I'm freaking 20 years old, I need to grow up and learn to live and have a life of my own…”




“You don't have to apologize, I'm the one at fault here. It's just, I miss home. I miss my room, my bed, my big stuffed lion… But it's all going to change once I leave this place. I'll be missing this: Myung Hee, the coffee house, the studio, dancing, and especially you.”


She leans in closer and places a kiss on his lips, putting all her feelings into it.


She pulls away and lays her head back on his shoulder, making herself comfortable.


With her legs still across his lap, his hands were gently her skin and along with his fingertips, he starts to hit some random spots across her legs, pretending it to be a keyboard. The mood soon changes to a lively one as they both smile at the small silliness that was happening between them.


“Like a true professional~”


“You think?”


“Why not?” She looked up to him as he looked down and innocently pecked her lips. Looking at the clock, she noticed that it was getting late and asked him if he wanted to stay or if he had to leave.


“It depends on where you want me.”


“I want you here, but if you have a schedule tomorrow, isn't better if you stay at your place?”


“Well if you want me here, I'll stay.”


“Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother -”


“Babe, you're not. I want to stay.”


“Then stay.”





On the next day, Haylee was busy with her shower, while Seungho was still in bed sleeping.


She was feeling a little bit better compared to yesterday, thanks to Seungho who lifted up her mood and today, she wanted to make it up to him and had to find a way to do it.


She was drying herself with her towel and got dressed and as she stepped outside of her bathroom with Seungho who was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast.


“Good morning.”


She walks towards him and pecks his cheek. As she was pulling away, he grabbed by her waist and crashed his lips against hers. She doesn't object and soon melts into the kiss as she embraces him by his neck, lifting herself on her toes.


They finally pull away from each other as Seungho his lips taking in on the taste and leans back in for another kiss. “I can't never get enough of this.”


“It’s that tasteful?”




“Well I don't mind going on with it, just after breakfast. Now go wash up.”


She puffs her cheeks, putting out her bottom lip making Seungho laugh at her cuteness.


He pinches her cheek, a grin spread across his face and goes to the bathroom to wash up.


Ever since the night of their first date, Haylee's apartment was slowly getting filled with Seungho's stuff, from some of his clothes to his bathroom kit like his toothbrush.



After cleaning up, he went back to the kitchen where he found Haylee preparing some breakfast, taking out some muffins from a box that had the logo from Myung Hee's coffee house downstairs.







Still in breakfast mode, Seungho receives a call from his manager telling him about a last minute schedule he needed to attend too.


Ending his phone call he looked back at Haylee and informed her about the sudden change of plan for today.


He looked guilty and for a moment thought that he could bring her with him. Though she refused for the first couple of times he asked, he kept insisting and in the end, she gave in.


They quickly finished with their breakfast and left the apartment. The moment the door was closed and the couple was out of sight, Myung Hee and Mike opened the door to their apartment and went into Haylee's, preparing a special surprise to help Seungho. 





On the way back from Seungho's schedule, they directly went back to Haylee's place.


It was the middle of the afternoon and they were finally in front of the coffee house.


Going up the stairs, Seungho was tightly holding onto Haylee's hand with a grin on his face which didn't go unnoticed to his girlfriend. “Why are you smiling like that?”


“Nothing, I was just thinking about something.”


“Oh, okay.”


Standing in front of her door, she could faintly smell something that was coming from inside her apartment, making her panic a little bit.


“What the -”


Without a second thought she opened the door, stepping in and let out a small scream letting her jaw drop with her eyes ready to pop out.


The WHOLE place was filled with anything that was related to Haylee's home country.


From the banners with mini flags hanging on the wall, to the food placed across the counter and table. From the ceiling to the floor, red and white were practically filling up the place, leaving no room to see the original apartment.


And in the center of it all, Myung Hee as well as Mike were standing in the middle of the room with bright smiles on their faces. Seungho left Haylee's side and went to stand next to them, holding up a plate of pancakes with maple syrup.


“What the hell is going on?”


“Seungho told us about how you weren't feeling well and he wanted to help you so we decided to join in and do this!”


“Really? You guys did all this for me? I-I can’t believe this…”


“Wait, you don't like ?”


“It's not what I meant, I'm just really, really surprised. Is that why you insisted on me coming with you this morning?”




She walks over to them having a group hug and thanked them for all of this.


While she was still looking around completely mesmerized by how the place was different, Seungho nudged Mike trying to make him understand what he wanted.


e finally caught on and grabbed onto Myung Hee's hand letting her know that they should leave.


“But I want some Canadian food!~”


“I think we still have some back at our place.”


“Whatever. You owe me Yang Seungho.”


“Sure. Thanks again!”


They both left and at the sound of the door closing, silence was filling up the room.


For some reason, Haylee became shy as she twirled her body in a half-circle still looking around, lightly biting her bottom lip.


As for Seungho, he placed the plate back on the table and looked at her, amused at the way she was acting. He slowly makes his way towards her and once he founds himself in front of her, she was looking down.


He lifts her chin up and places the sweetest kiss on her lips, making her blush.


He pulls away without breaking his gaze on her.


She looks back at him feeling quite pleased and grateful to have someone like him by her side.  


“Thank you Seungho”


“My pleasure”


“How did I ended up being so lucky is beyond me~”


“I’m asking myself the same thing…”

A/N: To let you guys know, I got inspired by this scene from the mini series of Viva S Club ^^

(I miss them so much T.T)

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03/10/14: chapter 1 of TRH (Beautiful Stranger III) is up! :)


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kgirl1016 #1
Chapter 38: Omg please please please
Chapter 38: OMG my favorite author is back \(^*^)/
i knew you would come back:P
cant wait! Especially cause its a Seungho story!!!!!!!!
The poster is b e a u t i f u l ~ Oh man I have to read this, I am soo late. BRB!
Chapter 39: Yay I've been waiting
Chapter 39: OMG O_o its like a christmas present hahhah i cant wait !!! <3
Tabi0411 #6
Chapter 39: Yeay!!!! Sequel ..update soon pls!!!
Loved the story! It was amazing how real you made the story feel! Sometimes making me feel like I was Haylee. Thank you for writing such a great story! I hope you will consider a sequel, but if not, I hope you will consider writing another story about Seungho! Please & thank you :)
Chapter 37: wow this is the best story I ever read.... love it sooo much. And now i dont know if I should be happy or sad! Thank you authornim
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 37: Sequel pls!!!!