The One Where Haylee Is In Love

Beautiful Stranger
Episode 14

The afternoon of that same day, Haylee was helping Myung Hee closing up the coffee house.


The music in the background was still playing while the girls were cleaning up the place with Haylee at the front while Myung Hee was at the back, in the kitchen.


With the sun coming down, they were practically done.


Myung Hee came out of the kitchen with some treats and placed them on the counter as she called out for her friend to join her. Leaving the cleaning behind, Haylee walked towards her, lifting herself up so she could sit on the counter, facing Myung Hee.


Earlier today, Myung Hee sent the videos to her boss hoping to get a positive answer.


There was still a small problem regarding the audition though.


Haylee still didn't know the real motive behind the two routines she practiced for the last two days. Thinking about it, she was hoping that Haylee wouldn't be to mad about it, seeing that she kept a secret from her.


She did weight the positive and the negative of the situation, but being the optimistic person that she is, she scratched out the negative part of it and highlighted the positive: Haylee being part of the crew AND getting closer to Seungho.


As for the lovebirds, it was pretty obvious they liked each other.


Even during that trip to the beach, seeing them from afar, love was definitely in the air. The best way to admit it was to get them closer and her role in all of this? Obviously, she would be Cupid.


Myung Hee was smiling which freaked out Haylee a little bit since they haven't even spoken yet. “Why are you smiling?”


“Huh? Nothing, I was just thinking about something.”




“No, something else.”






“Then what are you thinking about?”


“Actually, I need to tell you something.”


“What is it?”


“Okay, here it goes… There was a reason why I asked you to help me with the routines the other day.”


“Okay, before you go on. Should I be mad?”


“I don’t know?”


“Okay… Go on”


“It was for an audition.”


“Audition? Do you want to leave the company?”


“Not for me, but for you…”




“One of the choreographers of the company asked me about you, saying that you had potential since he saw you dance the other day and asked me if you would be interested to have a spot with the company's dance crew and I said yes.”


“Oh. W-why didn't you tell me?”


“I thought you would refuse by giving me dull excuses”


“It looks like you already know the way that I'm thinking and I haven't been there for a month yet”


“You’re not mad?”


“I don't know… I am because you didn't ask me first, but to tell you the truth I did enjoy the dancing… I kind of missed it.”


She really did.


Forgetting the main factor as in being part of the dance crew, Haylee was envious seeing her friend dance as a profession since it was a hidden dream of hers.


She thought of this as a good opportunity to act on that dream but was afraid of her future.


She hasn't even graduated from school yet and she had to leave at the end of the summer. Plus, she doubted that her parents would agree. Her mom had no problem with her daughter pursuing her dream job but at the same time, Haylee was afraid that she would change her mind by refusing her to let her do it.


She looks back at Myung Hee, hesitant on her answer. Right now there was a fifty percent chance that she would make it. But also, there was a fifty percent chance she wouldn't.


“Why did you do it?”


“I saw the way you were when we were dancing the other day. You were really enjoying yourself. I thought it would be a good idea.”


“I really don't know what to do with you~”


“So, is it a yes?”


“Let's wait to see what the results are going to be and then we'll see.”




They were back at eating the treats when Haylee's phone started to ring. She picked it up from her pocket and saw that a message was left. She opened it and smiled as she saw the person who sent her the message. Seeing that smile on her face, her friend knew what was going on and smirked at her friend when she looked up. “What?”






“Is it Seungho?”




“Oh come on! Who else would it be?”


“I don't know…”


“You like him, don't you?”


She was teasing Haylee by playfully poking her arm as she kept repeating her last sentence. In the end, Haylee gave up and admitted her feelings about him, making her friend jump up and down from her seat out of excitement.


“You got me! I like him! Happy?”




“What is it to you anyways?”


“Meh, I was just curious. It's kind of obvious anyways~”


“Really? Do you think he noticed something?”


“How should I know?!”


“I don't know!”


“But seriously… do you like him, like him?”


Haylee was lost for words. She knew she had a crush on him but after this morning, there was maybe something more to it. Still not answering, Myung Hee gasped thinking that she really does like him


“Oh my God, you're in love with him! Aren't you?”


“I-I-I guess”


“Of course you are!”


“Well it doesn't really matter anyways.”


“Why are you saying that? Did something happen?”


“Not really, it's just-”


“It's just that you don't know if he feels the same way.”




“Don't sweat on it, I'm sure he feels the same way. I mean, just by the way he looks at you, he's ready to eat you up.”


“To eat me up?”


“You know what I mean~”


“I guess… Frankly, I've never felt like this before. I mean, I was in love before but it's different. I mean love is love so I don't know why it feels different but it just does. I can barely think straight when I know he's around but when I'm in front of him and talking to him, I go all jelly and it's killing me.” She earns a chuckle from her friend by her description and takes this chance to take another bite from her sweet before going on. “I mean even this morning when we went grocery shopping together and he's the one that paid, I couldn't get mad at him because… Because… Well because I just couldn't! I don't know what the heck he did to me, but I feel like my heart is going to explode whenever he's around… I just want to know if he feels the same way. Because if he doesn't than I guess I won't have to worry once I leave-”


“And if he does?”


“Then it will be worse because I still have to leave.”


“So either way, you think it won't work?”


“Why would it?”


“Haylee, stop thinking about what's going to happen at the end of the summer because we're not here yet. The summer hasn't even begun. You came here to have fun and you're going to have fun!”


“Thank you”


“Of course.”


Finishing up the cleaning, they both went back to their respective place.


While Myung Hee was enjoying her night with her boyfriend, Haylee spent the night with her phone in her hands, not leaving it behind as she kept up a conversation along with the boy she fell in love with.

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03/10/14: chapter 1 of TRH (Beautiful Stranger III) is up! :)


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kgirl1016 #1
Chapter 38: Omg please please please
Chapter 38: OMG my favorite author is back \(^*^)/
i knew you would come back:P
cant wait! Especially cause its a Seungho story!!!!!!!!
The poster is b e a u t i f u l ~ Oh man I have to read this, I am soo late. BRB!
Chapter 39: Yay I've been waiting
Chapter 39: OMG O_o its like a christmas present hahhah i cant wait !!! <3
Tabi0411 #6
Chapter 39: Yeay!!!! Sequel ..update soon pls!!!
Loved the story! It was amazing how real you made the story feel! Sometimes making me feel like I was Haylee. Thank you for writing such a great story! I hope you will consider a sequel, but if not, I hope you will consider writing another story about Seungho! Please & thank you :)
Chapter 37: wow this is the best story I ever read.... love it sooo much. And now i dont know if I should be happy or sad! Thank you authornim
Tabi0411 #9
Chapter 37: Sequel pls!!!!