Date 9: Jetlag Recovery

90 Dates - Book 2 of a Trilogy


Date 9: Jetlag Recovery


“We’re here,” Dara’s voice whisped around Jiyong’s ear and he couldn’t help but smile. To wake up like this every morning, he could get used to it.

“Five more minutes, D.” He reached out for her, just as he’d done so many mornings before.

“Nuh-uh, sir.” His fingers barely grazed her. “We’ve landed, Jagi. We gotta get out of here.”


“Home.” She softly pulled at his arms to get him up. He grumbled, surprised at her strength.

“Did I sleep the whole flight?”

“You did,” she grabbed the gray polo shirt at the end of the bed and slid it over him, fluffing his hair out and chuckling as she did.

“I’m sorry, D...”

“It’s fine. You didn’t get much sleep last night.”

He smirked. “Yes and I think you’re responsible for that.”

“Oh? I’m not the one that wanted to go three more rounds…” she murmured as she moved toward the mirror fastened to the wall near the door of the large white bedroom.

“Yes, well I can’t get enough of you, D.”

She smiled at him from the mirror. I can’t get enough of you.

She watched as he rubbed his stomach, his face scrunched up.

“I’m hungry, D. Could we get the crew to whip breakfast up for us before we go?”

“No, jagi. They’ve already left the jet.”

He rubbed his stomach more as he got up and moved behind her. He slid his arms around her and took her in through the mirror, a grin lighting up his face.

“Beautiful as always, D.” He placed a soft kiss on the nape of her neck, and it made her shiver. He placed another on the top of her ear, his breath heating the already sensitive skin, and another on her jaw.

“What are you doing, Mr. Kwon?” She smacked him softly on his thigh with a laugh.

“Didn’t I tell you already? I can’t get enough of you.” He squeezed her tighter, making both of them buckle as she erupted in laughter, his laughs rumbling through her as well.

“Wait…” He whirled her around and gripped her shoulders. “Why aren’t you complaining about breakfast? You’d be the first to say something…”

“I’m not hungry,” she shrugged.

His hands dropped, limp by his side as she walked away to grab their coats off the hooks on the other side of the room.

“The world is ending in 2012… isn’t it.”

She laughed and threw his coat at him, hitting him square in the chest. “Stop being so dramatic, Ji. Let’s go. I’m dying to get back home.”

The drive back was a breath of fresh air, albeit very familiar air. Back in Jiyong’s car, their hands clasped together as they both took in the sights of Seoul they’d become so accustomed to, the familiar feeling of coming home warmed both their cheeks. The small shops with the colorful lights, the couples walking hand in hand, the citizens warding off wayside diseases with white air masks, the coffee shops, convenient stores, taxis, barbeque places – they both smiled at the feeling. They had an amazing time overseas exploring the city of love and the authentic tastes of sushi and French baquettes, but it didn’t measure up to the comfort of being back in the familiar hold of Korea.

Ji grazed his thumb up and down Dara’s hand as they made their through the streets of Seoul. Jetlag was definitely starting to set in, though he'd slept for more than nine hours on the flight. The steady rhythm of his skin against hers effectively dulled his already numb senses.

“Sleepy?” Dara’s voice snapped him back to reality.

“Mhmm.” He smiled at her. “You’re not?”

“A little. Guess I’m used to traveling,” she squeezed his hand tighter. “Don’t worry, you can get some sleep at home.”

Pulling up to his driveway, Dara was quick to get out of the car and bound for the door, forgetting that they had luggage to bring in. He chuckled as he watched her key in and practically jump back into his apartment.

“Ahh! It smells just the same!” He heard her yell as he lugged both of their bags from the back of the car.

He walked in and took a sniff just to appease her, and yes, it smelled just the same – honey, vanilla, and something sweeter. It smelled like Dara.

He dropped the bags off in the living room and made his way to the bedroom, but it was strangely devoid of Dara.

“D? Where are you?”

“In the kitchen!”

He walked in and stopped dead in his tracks at the sight.

Dara. In an apron, a little hat that looked like the ones Krispy Kreme Donuts would give you for every dozen you bought, sat cutely atop her head. She held a silver spatula and bowed.

“Chef Park, at your service!”

“What?” He couldn’t keep the amazed grin off his face.

“You wanted breakfast, right?” She winked and he only then noticed the ingredients laid out on the kitchen counter top – eggs, flour, a different assortment of meat and bread.

“So this is why you wouldn’t feed me on the plane… How did you get all these in here?”

“Magic,” she flicked the spatula like a wand and chuckled. “Now go sit down while I make breakfast.”

He swept by and kissed her on the cheek before he took a seat at the dining table. “What’s cookin, good lookin?”

She threw him a glance and laughed. “An All-American breakfast, sir.”

“And what’s the occasion?”

“Do we need one?” She cracked an egg into the already sizzling pan. “Another day together then.”

“And many more to come,” he lifted his cup of orange juice. “I’ll cheers to that.”

Jiyong watched as Dara expertly maneuvered around his kitchen – grabbing things from the fridge, utensils and cooking instruments he didn’t even know he had from the cabinets and cupboards - and watched in amused awe as she flipped this, stirred that, added to cream to this and that, and did things in all her hidden cooking goddess glory.

She looked right at home and the image made him smile. When they had a family, she would cook for them like this.


“Okay!” She exclaimed, wiping her head of the beads of sweat. “Breakfast is served!”

She brought two ginormous plates over, complete with scrambled eggs, French toast, a stack of pancakes, bacon, sausage, and a side of hash browns. She also brought over a bowl of sliced bananas and cantelope.

“No strawberries today?” He cocked an eyebrow at her.

“Not yet.” She winked.

“You know… that apron looks awfully good on you. But you’d look so much better if it was all you were wearing…”

“Exactly why I didn’t bring out the strawberries,” she said with a laugh as she pointed to his plate with her fork. “Eat! I know you’re starving.”

Yeah… for you. He thought to himself as he picked up his fork and dug into his first “All-American” breakfast.

It was absolutely delicious. The savory succulence of the sausage and bacon, the delectable fluff of the pancakes and eggs, and the salty-sweetness of the French toast… it was addictive. Fork after fork, spoon after spoon, he popped a new morsel into his mouth at a speed that would give Dara a run for her money.

“Good?” She asked as they both picked at the last of their plates.

“Delicious! Where did you learn to cook like that?”

“When my mom and dad were off on business trips, I used to hang out with the kitchen crew in New York when I was little.” She shrugged as she took a sip of her orange juice. “I’m glad you liked it. I’ve been dying to cook you a breakfast like this.”

“New York? Do you miss it?” He’d almost forgotten that’s where she grew up.

“A little, yeah. Have you ever been?”

“No, but I’d love to. Seems like an amazing city.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she murmured as she flashed him a sly smile.


“Time to sleep!” She cut him off before he could ask any more. “I know you’re exhausted.”

“Together?” He flexed his eyebrows as she came over to pull him out of his seat.

“Yes, together. But not in that way. Just a nap, I’m tired too.”

It didn’t take long for Ji to knock out. Dara chuckled at the little snores that escaped his lips as she watched him sleep, opting to stay awake and watch this glorious sight instead of sleeping her jetlag off.

Her fingers moved up to rub the little stubble on his chin from not being able to shave after the flight. She slowly and softly traced her finger down the bridge of his nose, just as he did the night before she first had him. She watched as his eyelashes quivered, his pupils darting behind his lids… dreaming of her? She ran her thumb down his cheek and smiled.

Pride suddenly welled inside her. This glorious man… is mine.

Finally, a man who would give as much to her as she would to him. Finally, a man not afraid to share all he was with her and not afraid to take all of her – all her faults, shortcomings, her painful past… everything. He’d take all she was without a second thought. He accepted her and loved her, despite all the baggage she carried. He made each day lighter, the past swept away with each one of his kisses. The pain gone, replaced with his care.


“I’m yours,” she whispered to his slumbering face, just as he’d done so many months ago. “You asked if I could love you… how could I not? How could I not fall head over heels for a man like you? So caring, never judging, always accepting, always comforting… I’m lucky.”

She softly placed a hand on his cheek. “I’m lucky that you found me… found it in yourself to love me like you do. I’m lucky you didn’t give up on me, stood by me through everything… Even when I wasn’t myself, you loved me.”

Her eyes roamed down and traced every glorious feature of her love’s face. “I’m lucky to have you, Kwon Jiyong. So incredibly lucky.” She placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

We’ll stay like this. She thought to herself as she snuggled into bed beside him, reveling in his warmth as he lazily wrapped his arms around her and grumbled. We’ll stay just like this.

And a new sensation filled her chest. The promise of a tomorrow with Jiyong – every tomorrow to come for the rest of their lives. Together, just like this.

Was it fair for her to feel like this? This indescribable feeling… feeling like nothing in the world could be better than this. Was it fair?

But before she could ponder the question any longer, the thought drifted away as Jiyong’s heavy breathing lulled her into peaceful slumber.

Just like this…

“Good afternoon.”

Dara’s eyes fluttered open and she smiled at the sight – Jiyong laying on his side next to her, head propped up on his elbow, eyes smiling and twinkling at her.

“Good morning, love.”

“It’s five in the afternoon, D.” He whispered and placed a kiss on her lips.


“Date?” He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the green bowl and offered it up to her. She plucked up a paper and unfolded it.

“Dinner and a movie.”

His eyebrows immediately perked . “Another movie night?”

And he couldn’t stop the grin that erupted onto his face.


----written by dolcevittaa---

A/N from dolcevittaa: References to Chapter 7 of Amnesia in case you didn’t get that ^^ And yes, I guess this marks the start of my hand in 90 Dates. I’m not a genius at romance writing like Jen is, so I hope you at least enjoyed it. I will get better with practice, I promise!



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jessicabyun #1
Chapter 32: done
oh God, please why is this so beautiful..? omg i really want to hug both of you.. you guys are so talented, ive read amnesia and this, gotta proceed into the last one, but really, this is so beautiful.. all your stories, from fates, amnesia, to this.. they're all satisfying my aesthetic needs, im fckin serious.. omg i cant stop blabbering, your stories... GHAAAD!! IT'S 2017 AND YOU ENDED THIS IN 2012 AND I AM ASKING MYSELF, WHERE DID I GO ALL THESE YEARS?! URRRRGH! perfect! even those time when they eat, it all became my favorite because the detailed paragraphs and heart-warming conversations!! AGH I WILL DEFINITELY BOMBARDING YOU WITH CRAPPY COMMENTS LIKE THIS AFTER I FINISH THE LAST TRILOGY! beware!!
Chapter 32: just finished this , no words to describe , kyahh its too good , okay , offf to the next book , the last :( but thank you authornims !!
GirliedeDios #4
Chapter 32: I've enjoyed reading book I- Amnesia and I'm not expecting Book 2 - Ninety Dates to be so romantic and surely the 61 remaining dates will transport us to equally breath taking places. Just wondering why you've end it on the 29th date? I'm excited and about to begin reading the 3rd book and so happy to have stumbled on your creations when the three books are already complete.
Chapter 3: haha i love the fight over corn...and i like dara being cute and jiyong being y ;)
Ghost_Writer #6
Chapter 31: Book 2 done!! Awww this one was so sweet!! So much giddy throughout! Thank you so much for this lovely treat! Book 3 here I come!
Chapter 32: aww the 90 dates was so fun to it..hehe feels like they were on honeym0on,goin to book 3 n0w ^_^
gerlen12 #8
book 3..plzzz
Chapter 32: Damn. That was a lot of emotions. Thank you for bringing the trilogy here in AFF! I saw the thread in DGH and I even started reading it there but it got frustrating as I was always on my phone and navigating through the site proved to be an arduous job. Haha. As always both of your writing are superb! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! ^^