Jung Jinyoung (Prt 1)

The 4th of July

*Narrators Pov*

You're a Sophmore in college and you're the top student. As you woke up in the morning by the sun rays hitting your face and birds chirping. You slowly got up and did your daily rountines. After you washed up, you headed to your apartment kitchen and grabbed yourself a bowl of cereal. After eating you went back to your room and got dressed into your school uniform.

(dont mind the tiny hat ^u^)

You hurried and put on you shoes.

You got all your stuff and headed out.

*Your Pov*

Huuuuuuuh..... Its such a nice day. I was walking to the campus and ignoring everything in my way. Looking up in the clear blue spring sky.

???: HEY ______!!!!

I turned to see no other than my best friend Kim Sooyoung.

Me: Whats up Soo?

Sooyoung: Whats up? Your asking me whats up!! I should be asking you that question!!!

Me: Did I do something wrong???

I looked at her very confusingly.

Sooyoung: Where were you this morning?!?! I tried texting and calling you but there were no answer!!!

Me: You did?? O.o Sorry i guess i didnt hear or felt my phone vibrate.

Sooyoung: Okay.... So have you heard??

Me: Heard what??

Sooyoung: About B1A4's very own Jung Jinyoung is transfering from building D to our building!! EEEEK I Can't wait to see him. He's so hot!!


I looked at her with my annoyed look. Who the heck is B1A4 and Jinyoung I've been hearing about for the past 4 days?

Sooyoung: What?!? You mean you never heard of them? Jinja? They're like the smartest and hottest group at college! How Can You Not Know Them!! And you're popular!!!

Me: YAH!!! Just because I'm popular doesnt mean I know all the popular groups in this school!!!! And plus they cant be as smart as me!! Can they??

Sooyoung: Good point. I think they're about the same level of smartness as you but.....I'm not really sure.

We both walked to the courtyard to see our best guy friend Park Hyun Seok laying on the gates bricks waiting for us. He looked up from his phone and walked towards Sooyoung and I.

Hyun: Yo!!

Sooyoung: Annyeong!!!

Me: Did we keep you waiting for a long time?

Hyun: Nope. Just got here like 10 minutes ago. We should get going or we'll be late.


*Narrators Pov*

As you and your friends entered your class and sat down all you can hear were comotions about B1A4 and Jung Jinyoung. As your teacher came in and settled everyone down and announced they were going to have a new student.


*Your Pov*

Teacher: Okay class, as you all have heard there'll be a new student joining us for now on. *clears throat* Okay come on in.

A tall boy with red hair came in. He was pretty attractive in the school uniform better the Hyun


(Sorry about the scratched off faces)

Teacher: Please introduce yourself.

??: Annyeonghasayo. My name is Jung Jinyoung-imida. Please take care of me.

With that he bowed and smirked a smile to everyone.

Teacher: Okay Jinyoung-shii please take a seat next to Park______.

_____ please raise you hand.

Why that old man had to sit him next to me! With that I raised my hand and Jinyoung walked straight towards me. He smiled and greeted me all the girls in that class gave me death glares, I just ignored them.


Finally! It's break time. I quikly got out of my seat before any of those fangirls crowded over Jinyoung.

i walked out the door to see my friends waiting for me there.

Sooyoung: I hate you sooo much right now!!!! I cant believe that you got to sit with him!!!!

Me: I really dont care about it. I mean every person is a person nothing special.

???: Huh. Hyun is that you?

Hyun: Oh so you guys were talking about this Jung Jinyoung. And oh whats up Cous.

Me: This guy is your cousin?

Hyun: Yea

Sooyoung: Hyun!!!! Why didnt you ever tell me!!!! OMG!!!

Jinyoung: Hey hyung why dont you introduce me to your lovley friends.

Hyun: Well this is Park ____ and Kim Sooyoung.

Me and Sooyoung: Annyeong!!

Hyun: So Jinyie, wanna hang out with us?

Jinyoung: Uhh sure.. I guess.


Sooyoung kept on jumping up and down while we were walking down the hallways and every student were looking at us.

Me: Sorry for her behavier. She can be really crazy sometimes but yet really fun.

I said that to reassure him.

Jinyoung: Dont worry. My friends are crazier.

He gave me a sweet smile that made me and my heart smile for some odd reason.


I shouted as i tackled her, while the guys were laughing. It was like Jinyoung was already part of the group for a long time.



Hi guys!!!

So im just going to end the prt1 of the shot here. I know its kinda boring. And it doesnt seem like a one shot at all (i think) like i said before im pretty bad at this. So please dont hate me. Anyway subscribe and comment if you like!

Thanks for reading!!



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Sarah694 #1
Chapter 4: Wa~ it was so sweet♡
I love it. ^^
Thank you so much. ^^
KimSeoyoon #2
Chapter 1: I ♥ the outfits!!
KimSeoyoon #3
Seoung! I love your fics continue with it!
-Kim Sooyoung ♥
KupKakes #4
Chapter 4: Aww. It was really cute ^^ nice job :)