Making friends....or not..?

Just friends.Right?

  Hi!!! I thank my subscribers sooo much! It made me want to write another chapter :D

also, to keep the lols going, I will always try to give you guys a b2st macro :D (if I remember lol)

Here's todays:



 HERE WE GO, CHAPTER 2   enjoy~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sang-hee’s POV

‘ Junhyung:  December 19’ , I write in my notebook. I’ll ask him what his favorite type of cake is later.

He seems really irritated with me, but he’s slowly cooling off. I know one thing so far: I’d sure rather hang out with him instead of the girls. I got about ten death-glares just walking into the room! I mean WHAT AM I DOING? Everybody seems to dislike me TT_TT

I must try and be friendly and open, until I find out what I’m doing wrong, and I’ll make it up to them…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Junhyung’s POV

So it turns out, I have about half my classes sitting next to Sang-hee. I guess it’s my fault though that I’ve got a lot of empty seats by me, usually (other than my friends) nobody would dare sit by me. Which is just as good. Nobody messes with Yong Junhyung.

Something gently presses on my shoulder, what the he-


“Junghyung-sshi, you look bored out of your mind, do you want to play tic-tac-toe?” She pushes forward a piece of paper with the tic-tac-toe grid on it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sang-hee looks at Junhyung  inquisitively, his eyes bug out of his head. He snatches the paper and rips it in half.

As the bell rings, Sang-hee cannot hear what he says, but would rather not know what words she saw his mouth make, they did not look very nice.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sang-hee’s POV

It hurts. My throat feels tight, it’s hard to swallow. I think my eyes are starting to water.


I will not cry.

Kim Sang-hee will not cry, Sang-hee will push forward.

Yes, I must move forward. 

Junhyung grabs all his papers in a flurry, stuffs them into a folder, and stalks out the door. That jerk. I grab my papers and throw them into my bag. Why can’t this day go right?!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yoseob’s POV

Oh man, from the looks of it, I think Junhyung just cussed out the new student. And the day isn’t even over yet, it’s only second period 0-0. There might be blood-shed by the last period class.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yoseob and Dongwoon run down the hall, papers flying behind them.

“LUNCH-TIMEEEEEE!” they shout.

The rest of the guys follow behind, Junhyung stomps behind.

Kikwang puts his arm around Junhyung’s shoulder saying, “Relax buddy, don’t let it get to you.” He is met with a smack in the stomach and his arm forcefully thrown off.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Doojoon’s POV

Wow Junhyung looks royally pissed. I think I know why though.

Right now, he’s ranting about this new girl. I can’t say exactly why, but I don’t have such a bad feeling about this girl. He’s such a hothead. Maybe someday somebody will beat some sense into Junhyung.

Junhyung slams his just-emptied coke bottle onto the table, “And then, THEN, she asks if I want to play TIC-TAC-TOE. WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANNA PLAY TIC-TAC-TOE WITH HER?!

“Uhhhh hyung… tic-tac-toe is fun.” :D  Yoseob says quietly.

Junhyung crushes the plastic bottle, looking very upset.

“And the worst part is………..”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sang-hee’s POV

UGH. I feel sick to my stomach. Since I don’t want to bother my peers, I guess I’ll just do my math homework.

I slowly walk to my locker, and pull out my math folder.

Oh no.

My homework’s gone!  :O

And guess who I sit by in math class? That Junhyung. I’ll bet he was in such a hurry to take his papers, he accidentally grabbed mine too.

I dread asking him for the papers, but one thing is certain. If the kids hate me, I’m not going to let the teachers hate me too. I am not sacrificing a good first impression for my teachers for that jerk. I guess I will… have… to go get the homework.

I close my locker and shuffle into the cafeteria.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“And the worst part is-“

Hyunseung quickly taps Junhyung on the shoulder. “Ah don’t look now but she’s coming this way…”

The girl pushes her way through the cafeteria.

“…she looks just like her.” he finishes, whispering sadly.

Sang-hee shyly approaches the table, wincing.

“Um Junhyung-sshi…. I apologize for asking, but I think you have my math homework…” She explains her setback to the boys. Junhyung rises, infuriated. He motions with his hand for her to follow him. She anxiously follows him into the hall. They walk in silence to his locker.


His locker door slams open. He snatches the homework from his folder, and hurls it onto the floor.

“Get it.” He glares at her.

“Uhhhm excuse m-“

“Get it I told you. Do it. I’m not picking it up for you.”

She shrinks away at his outburst.

He spins on his heel and stamps down the hall back to the cafeteria.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yoseob’s POV

Oops. Junhyung looks like he might kill anybody who gets in his way. That girl really does look just like her, and he’s taking it really hard. Still. I feel bad for the girl…

“Hey hyung.” Yoseob says quietly to Junhyung.

“Do you want me to go get you another coke?”

He nods, his head in his hands.

I get up to go get hyung a coke from the vending machine.

As I walk down the hall, I hear something awful. I start to look around.


It’s that Sang-hee girl. She’s sitting up against the lockers.

And she’s… crying?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

a/n: Hi! Sorry if it didn’t make sense, but I hope you guys enjoyed it ^_^.

So now we are starting to get an idea of why Junhyung dislikes Sang-hee so much, eh? What do you guys think? :D

Hehe I’m blaring the ‘Fiction and Fact’ album right now.


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egg_png #1
LOl. Update soon`!!! xDD
i laughed at the whole classroom scene with junhyung! i like when doojoon punched junhyung in the stomach, what he said cracked me up ^^ i'm loving this already and i just started reading it ^^
update soon
I love your update! Babo Kikwang makes the scenes more lively :)
sesangeun #5
yoseob, sooo cute!!!! maybe sanghee will fall for yoseob??
I LOVE UR UPDATE. so fluffy without overdoing it LOL <3 hmmm sometging seems familiar! ㅋㅋㅋㅋHaha i love it, great job dongsaeng. You know I think your writing style is similar to Rick Riordan's :)
please update :)
sesangeun #8
subscribe :) I like your story, update soon!!
UPDATE <33 can't wait~