Chapter 1

Kajima Yunho yah.


It had been 15 years since Changmin left SM Entertainment. Changmin's departure and Yunho's decision to stay had left Cassiopeia grappling in shock as they watched TVXQ breaking apart for the last time. Multiple rumors were circulating around after the abrupt announcement at the press conference but both Changmin and Yunho refused to answer to them. Instead, Changmin announced that he would join his brothers Junsu, Yoochun and Jaejoong in CJES, surprising Cassiopeia for the umpteenth time. Together, the four had decided to form the unit JYJC and even scheduled their first performance on 26th December, coinciding with their debut date. The new songs they released soon gained them much popularity and the chaos and confusion that erupted from TVXQ's break up passed. From that day on, the name TVXQ had ceased to exist and soon, TVXQ was slowly forgotten in people's hearts.


Today was the day JYJC celebrated their 15th anniversary and they were having a fan meeting with Cassiopeia. Standing on the stage facing thousands of Cassiopeia, their faces were beaming with joy as the stage lights shone on them, casting them in the spotlight. Standing in their usual formation with Junsu being on the extreme left following Yoochun, Jaejoong, and Changmin, they all smiled despite the unease they were feeling beneath. The sight of the formation might be second nature to the audience but all four members knew deep down in their hearts that the formation was incomplete; someone was missing. However, fear sealed their lips tight and no one dared to ask about it, even Jaejoong, the oldest of them all, never questioned Changmin about it.


"Okay, now let's start the Question & Answer session. Please bring the question box to the stage." the emcee said, eliciting a thunder of applause from the audience. Silence filled the stadium as Cassiopeia watched on in awe. Two bodyguards had brought a big red box to the center of the stage and they all could see the massive stacks of papers within.


"So, this is how the Q & A session works. Each of you are required to take a piece of paper within the box and answer the question written on it. These questions are all taken by the hundreds of questions you see posted on the JYJC official webpage by Cassiopeia. Now, why don't we start the session from Junsu-ssi first?" the MC asked as he gestured Junsu to come forward and take a piece of paper from the box.


Reaching into the box, Junsu held the piece of paper he got in his hands and gave it to the emcee, his lips nervously. The audience quieted as the emcee cleared his throat, preparing to read what was before him. 


"You've been standing on this stage for 15 years," the emcee recited, "is there anything in particular you want to achieve as a star?" 


There was a pause of silence, the hesitation clearly displayed on Junsu's face. Blinking, Junsu spoke, his voice reverberating throughout the stadium.


"Well, as you know we all debuted under the group name TVXQ as five members. It was the most precious times of my life, until Jaejoong hyung, Yoochun hyung and I filed a lawsuit against our previous company and we were forced to break into two and three. We've reunited with Changmin now and we're a four member group with the name JYJC."


Junsu stopped, his voice trembling with the tears held back. 


"But, as much as I'm happy singing with Jaejoong hyung, Yoochun and uri lovely maknae Changmin, I secretly wish we can be as five again," answered Junsu, "I secretly desire to sing under the name of TVXQ again. Many new fans may not know about TVXQ but we were once a five member band, with Yoochun, Jaejoong hyung, Changmin and.."


"And him.." Junsu continued, "But now.. Now, I'm Kim Junsu, a member of JYJC and as much as I love JYJC, it is not TVXQ, and it is not the 'Xiah' that I had debuted as. JYJC is precious to me, but the title of ‘TVXQ’ will always remain in my heart, and I believe that other people, and not only myself, will remember and never forget the five years that I performed as a member of TVXQ. I also believe many, along with me, wish to see the reunion of five members as TVXQ once again."


The tears finally flowed from Junsu's face once he finished and he turned his back to the audience immediately, not wanting the fans to see him crying. Beside him, Yoochun gave the audience a smile of reassurance as he approached Junsu, laying a hand on his shoulder as he wiped Junsu's tears away.


"Wow, such a touching answer," the emcee continued in the wake of silence that had enveloped the whole stadium at the sight of Junsu's tears, "Okay. Next, Yoochun -sii please take the question."


Yoochun smiled nervously. The first question had already reduced Junsu to tears. What was installed for him next? Keeping the smile in place, he reached out and grabbed the first piece of paper he could feel, passing it to the emcee immediately as though it was some deadly contagious disease.  


The emcee chuckled, bemused with Yoochun's action, "Now, I'm sure you're all interested to hear the question Yoochun -sii picked out right? Well, the question for Yoochun sii is.."


The emcee deliberately paused, keeping the audience in suspense. 


"..What was the most memorable award you've received throughout your career?" he continued.


A grin formed on Yoochun's face at the question posed. He need not think. He already knew the answer to the question.


"It was the first award we received. We were so happy back then. I recalled all five members cried inside the van. It was the most memorable and it is the moment I cherish the most," answered Yoochun without a beat. Screams and shouts were heard following Yoochun's answer as the older fans started cheering loudly, some of them even bursting to tears. They all knew which award he was talking about and they all knew the significance of it. Yoochun's and Junsu's answers showed them that the quintet had not forgotten their past. They were still remembering TVXQ in their own ways. They were not alone in keeping the faith.


It was a while before the audience finally calmed down enough for the event to continue. Following Yoochun, the next person in place was Jaejoong. As he walked forward, some of the fans immediately shouted 'Jung Yunho' and 'YunJae' loudly causing Jaejoong to laugh, covering his mouth with his hands. He did not say anything but everyone could see the joy radiating off his face as he blushed, his cheeks tinted red.


"Well," the emcee laughed after reading the piece of paper Jaejoong picked, bringing the audience's focus to him once more, "It seems like all these questions are revolving around the same issues huh?"


Jaejoong smiled nervously, waiting for the emcee to continue.


"So, the question is this: Throughout your career as a star, is there any moment that you wish to forget, that you wish didn't exist?" 


Jaejoong stopped.


"No," he answered after a while, "There is nothing I want to forget. Despite all the pain and hurt I've been through, I wish to remember them. If not for those moments, I would never be as strong as I am today. Besides, I can't stay with everyone forever, even if I desperately wish to. If that happens, and I forget all those times, then what am I left with to reminisce? Thus, I always tell myself, "There is no such thing as forever, but memories will always remain in our minds." That's why I don't want to forget anything. Ever."


"Wow, your answer is wonderful, Jaejoong sii." the emcee gushed in amazement along with the audience.


"Okay," the emcee continued, "so the last but not least, uri maknae, Changmin-ssi please come forward." 


The emcee clapped together with the audience as Changmin slowly walked forward and reached his hand into the ominous red box. Seeing the questions his hyungs' got, his heart clenched as his instincts screamed for him to turn back and retreat. He knew some of the older fans were curious about what happened between him and Yunho and judging by the trend of questions so far, he had no doubt that the questions were asked by the loyal fans they had since debut. Inside the box, there definitely was going to be some questions probing into the break up of TVXQ. He was absolutely sure. Changmin sighed. Pushing his hand into the narrow hole of the red box, Changmin took the paper out, praying that he did not get any questions that he was not up for answering.


"Okay Changmin-ssi, the question is.." 


The emcee stopped and frowned as he read the rest of the sentence. He looked confused as he stared at the paper incredulously, as if the paper was something he had not seen before. Changmin knew right there and then that the question was going to be about the past they all shared as TVXQ. Nodding his head, Changmin gave the sign for the emcee to continue and finish the question. He was expecting the question to be about the past and had already mentally prepared himself for it, mustering all the courage he had in him. What Changmin did not know, however, was that that question would be the crack of the tip of an iceberg that encased his heart, that everything that he had known forth would be exposed to the world; the truth uncovered.


"Oppa, where is Jung Yunho oppa? What happened? Why didn't he join you? Why Changmin oppa? Why did you leave him alone? Don't you know I hate you most, Changmin oppa," the emcee read the last sentence lowly, but it was enough for everyone present to hear it.


The crowd suddenly became silent. Jaejoong, Yoochun, and Junsu stiffened in their places. The question had surprised them themselves. They were also curious about Jung Yunho whereabouts, but no one dared to ask it. They did not think the fans would ask the question.


Changmin did not even blink his eyes. He was too surprised to say anything. Without him realising, tears had welled up in his eyes and his vision blurred, a lump formed in his throat. He remembered the last time he talked to his hyung. He recalled those heated words they exchanged in their last fight. He remembered Yunho's frown, the tense silence, the helplessness, the fear, the pain he felt and their tears that was shed...


Without thinking, Changmin turned around suddenly and ran backstage, the tears falling from his face as he raced through the crowd of dancers that attempted to restrain him. He could hear the crowd murmuring. He could see the emcee signalling to the operators above to start playing the VCR they recorded previously to buy him time. He could see and hear everything around him, yet he could not feel a thing. His heart had stopped the instant the emcee read the fan's question and had ceased to beat. Fervently shaking his head, Changmin tried to extinguish the voice in his head. He did not want to recall. He did not want to remember. He wanted to block everything from his mind out. He wanted to pretend that day never existed. He wanted to run away from it all.


"I'm sorry," the image of Yunho bowing to the maknae for the first and last time appeared in his head despite Changmin's desperate attempts at suppressing it, "but we both knew we were going to come down to this, Changmin ah."


Changmin clenched his fists. Kicking the door open, he ran as far as his legs could take him, ignoring the shouts of his hyungs from afar as he took larger and wider strides, doing everything he could to take him away from the nightmares of those days. 


"We both knew we were going to come down to this, Changmin ah.."


Changmin bit his lips as he struggled to hold back the tears. 


"I'm sorry."


Changmin let loose a scream of frustration as he reached the stairway, collapsing against the railings as he cried and cried, torrents of tears washing through him wave after wave.


"Why didn't he know?" Changmin whispered brokenly when Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun found him later, their worried faces swarming into his vision.


"I don't want anything but him to be here with us right now," he looked up, his tears streaming down his face, shocking the trio as their mouths hung open, their eyes b with tears, 


"I just want us to be together."


Author's Note:

amejunk: Hope you enjoyed this chapter~ :D It's cool coauthoring. I'm definitely gonna do that more often now. HAHA. And yes, The Phone Call will be updated soon~ Please anticipate for it! ^^

missjj89: Thanks for reading, subscribing and supporting~

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Aircond #1
Chapter 4: I know it has been a long time but I really hope that author nim update soon. Keep the faith :)
what happened to this fic? omg wait i'm in no position to ask that myself but still.... *nudge nudge wink*
HominYC #3
Chapter 5: changmin Was not worst than he's hyungs , All of them left TVXQ,and leave yunho only, changmin should not blame himself alone
it's been 5 years ,Do they really need five years to Remember yunho and to Care about him???
What about jeajoong, who claims himself as yunho halves!! After five years finally he remember that he love yunho!!
I hope that yunho is okay, and is not too late
happismile17 #4
Chapter 5: .............why? Why must I be reading these kinds of stories?! Such a good story. I have a few theories as to what Yunho is...I hope I am wrong. Update sooon!
In-completion #5
New reader here! Damn, you made me nervous and worried for yunho! >< update soon please! I want to know more!! Hope they can find yunho faster!
purewhite1981 #6
Chapter 5: i can't wait for the next chapt
please update soon
carissawhite #7
Chapter 5: ah, finally after a long time. and what with the bruises, who dare to beat uri leader. can you update sooner please? I want to know more.
galadura #8
Chapter 5: u always left us readers wanting for more.. bad amee <---- this is a compliment ;)
kireyyuki #9
Chapter 4: what happen...???? what happen...???? more update please....
as far as i know. changmin is the strongest member in dbsk.... what's the reason for him being so sad and frustration....????
what exactly happen with yunho.... ????
Chapter 4: please update soon..i'm so curious what happened to yunho..hope they will be five again..