getting to know kris

The unexpected turn of events!

~~~Gina's POV~~~

The photo shoot was finished and me and Kungsoo decided to go out and get some bubble tea in a really big cafe down town. I want Kris to come too. Maybe we can build on some kind of friendship if we hang out more. Maybe i should ask him to join us, and if he says no... well there's always a next time right? Kyungsoo held the door open for me to leave but instead of going out i ran back into the studio again hoping that Kris is still there. He noticed me run in and he looked kind of shocked as well.

"Hey Gina! Aren't you supposed to go to that cafe with kyungsoo, what are you doing back her?"

"I-I wanted t-to....errrrr ask you whether y-you wanted to join us?" I stuttered. I was barely making words and now my palms are sweating. Why am I feeling like this?

"Hmmmm, well i don't have anything else to do today so why not!" he said with a smile.

"Great, lets go!!!!" i said and rushed out side to find Kyungsoo leaning on the limo with an annoyed face.

"Why did you go back in?" he asked me.

"I went to ask Kris whether he wanted to join us and he said yes so lets go!"

I stepped inside the limo and waited for kris and kyungsoo to get in. I then told my diver to take us to "The Cafe House" which is the cafe we are going to.

"So Kris, i heard your from Canada but you can still speak fluent Mandarin. Were you brought up here in china or did you just learn the language to start work here?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Well, I can actually speak more languages than Chinese and English. I can also speak broken Korean, Cantonese, Japanese and a little bit of Tai. For the second part of your question, I was actually born in china. I then moved to Canada for a few years and picked up the language there, I went to Uni. and even took a translation class which gave me the talent of speaking so many different languages." I then moved back to china to get away from things. I decided to start a new life and found a job which was the reason why I am your new photographer."

I gaped at his response. I looked at Kyungsoo who had the same expression as me.

"WOW!!!" We both said in unison.

"Why did you want to start a new life?" I asked with a tone of curiosity.

"Some bad things happened in Canada. There were a few i came here to get over them and to think about my future before it gets too much to bare." His eyes were much darker than before now.Then suddenly Kyungsoo spoke up.

"What were the problems that you wanted to get away from? You don't have to tell us if you don't want to but it would be good to know so we can comfort you."Kyungsoo said with hushed voice.

"I don't want to be a burden so i'll tell you when i think you might need to know." Kris said.

After that it was quiet for a few seconds until Kris broke the silence," Enough about me, we're here now! Lets go!" He said with a forced smile. I was startled by his sudden change of mood, it only made me ponder more.

Looking back, the car ride seemed quite long but in reality it was only a matter of about 10 minutes.In 10 minutes you can learn a lot about someone and i have proved that today, but it only left me wondering.

Kyungsoo opened the door for me and together the three of us walked into the crowded cafe.



Hey guys, long time no read!

I will try and update a few chapters in the summer hols SINCE I'LL BE DOING NOTHING BUT FASTING.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter because i really enjoyed writing it. The next chapter will be based on their visit to the cafe but it will also be quite a funny chapter so keep waiting.

So what do you thing about Kris now that  let you in on a few details. Huh? Huh? You can jst always leave it in the comments.

Saranghaeyo bye xoxo (swidt)

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babyjungahra #2
Chapter 6: sehun was sooo kind and with his bubble tea xDDD
siwonsmirk #3
Chapter 12: this is so sad. in one side i like this fic but in other side its cast is kris so...
siwonsmirk #4
Chapter 11: so short..... but thanks for the update!~~
siwonsmirk #5
Chapter 10: "He blocked me today
when I was going to take Gina home.
Ugh! What does he have against me?"

LOL this is very funny=))))
Enjoy this chappie! I know you've been waiting a long time for it.
Chapter 9: Yeah, its kinda fast if them to be suddenly together. Anyway, update soon!
siwonsmirk #8
Chapter 9: B- b--but i think gina and kris is just too quick to be together authornim D:
siwonsmirk #9
Chapter 8: omg i ship this couple so much. both of gina and kris are my bias!!! D:
hope kyungsu gets someone better. its sad for seeing your loved one with another person D':
Chapter 8: They kissed. Omg. I'm so happy that they kiss. Upfate soon