Surprise Visit

Secret of Kyuhyun

Kyuhyun is just lying in his bed while Sungmin who is playing the guitar notice the bad mood of Kyu. It is quite weird that he is not in the phone. Vic said she will be free for a whole 5 days and it is still the third day of her vacation.

“Hey! Don’t have any money to call Vic?” Sungmin throw an angry bird pillow to get the boy’s reaction. Kyu just look at him blankly while looking at his phone. Vic haven’t messaging me yet if I can call her. So that was the reason why this little boy here was so upset.

Meanwhile in f(x) dorm everyone was busy. Luna is now in front of the computer playing some card games, Krystal and Amber were chatting with each other while having a cup of tea, Sulli is preparing some cookies for everyone while their leader is busy packing something.

“Unnie where are you going?” Sulli asked when she saw her leader was now ready to go. “Oh I am going to Taiwan to visit Kyu, it is a surprise okay?” Victoria who was very happy and busy checking her things said that.

“Ohhh the princess will visit her prince in wonderland.” Luna said while not removing her eyes from her computer screen. “Unni don’t forget to inform us if you arrive safely okay?” Amber said.

“Sure!” Vic said and now she was on her way to the airport.

In SJ M dorm everyone was also in their free time, Ryeowook is in the zoo with some of the staff and his new found friend Calvin Chen. Zhoumi is with Sungmin shopping. Siwon and Donghae was still in the filming for their drama, and the other three: Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk and Henry were left in the dorm.

Henry and Eunhyuk were teaching each other some Chinese lessons, while Kyuhyun is still lying in his bed. The other two were interrupted by a sound from the front door. They saw there manager with a girl beside him.

“Guys we have visitor.” The manager said making sure that Kyu might hear him. Kyu heard everything but because he is not in a good mood he really doesn’t care. Henry and Eunhyuk hugs Victoria. “Noona your here, haha hyung will be happy.” Henry said while giving a smile.

“Go on he is in the room there, he is sad as usual it seems this was a surprise huh.” Eunhyuk said while pointing the room.

Victoria secretly enters the room without making any sound. Kyuhyun who is still lying in the bed while his back was facing Vic. Victoria can’t hide the smiles in her face because the one she loves was in front of her now. They haven’t seen each other for months.

Vic jump in the bed and hug Kyu. “What the!” Kyu was about to punch the one who hugs her but stop when he saw that it was Vic.

“Yeah, what are you doing here?” Despite of Vic’s surprise and his hidden happiness he still insists and talks angrily at Vic.

“Are you mad, I’ll just leave.” Vic said but Kyu grab her neck and kiss her softly. It has been a long time gap since they did it, and it lasted for about 5 minutes until Sungmin who just arrive enter the room.

“Ohh sorry for disturbing you guys.” Sungmin feels shy about finding his dongsaengs kissing. The two guys inside were very shy during that time, so Sungmin just decided to wave and smile at Victoria and left the room.

The two were in silence for minute and then laugh. Kyuhyun hugs Vic and tell her “I miss you so much.” Victoria just cries and hug Kyu back as Kyu whispered “I love you and you are still the one.” Vic look at Kyu’s eyes and don’t know what to say and just say “I love you too Kyu.”

It is now a wonderful evening in Taiwan while the two couple felt asleep in each other’s arm without them noticing. Kyuhun woke up because of the noise from outside. He saw a beautiful lady sleeping in her arms, she touch Vic’s cheeks as Vic open here eyes blinkly.

“Jagiya, I know you are hungry, let’s go and eat, maybe Ryeowook prepared something.” Kyu said and Vic stoop up and fix her hair. The two went outside and was shock with what they see, all the members including Siwon and Donghae with Ivy beside them.

“Victoria!!!” Donghae shouts and hug Vic. The two of them became close during U music video making. “How are you?” Donghae still hugging tightly Vic. “Hyung I am here!” Kyu demanded while removing Donghae arms in her girl.

“Vic how was life?” Donghae shake hands with Vic and smiled. “Im fine oppa, I’ve heard that you two were filming for your drama, hope it will be a blast.” Vic said. The three were talking with each other until they notice Ivy just staring.

“Oh hi miss.” Vic said and looks at Ivy. “Hello nice to meet you.” Ivy opens her hand and shakes Vic’s hand. “Ohh so yeah, Vic this is Ivy the leading girl in our drama we bring her here to meet everyone, and Ivy this is Victoria, same company with us, and the leader of the girl group...” Donghae was about to finish what he was saying until. “F(x) right? Ohhh my I am a big fan you know” Ivy said while singing a short part of LaChaT . The two ladies smile and laugh.

After finishing dinner the members including the two girls were now chatting. “Sorry to ask but are you and Kyu were?” Ivy interrupted. Vic just smiled and let Kyu answered the question. “It has been two years since we are dating and yeah she is my girlfriend, can we ask you a favour?” Kyu said.

“Okay I know it; I am a great secret keeper.” Ivy said raising her right hand and the other two smiled and thank you Ivy.

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Chapter 13: Such a sweet story
ktriareeses #2
to all of you who supported this tory, thanks :) <3
Woaahhhh the ending is cute!!! Although I expected more, but this is great :D<br />
I am hoping they're doing it for real life... Lol :p
unregister #4
great ending...*clap clap clap* :D
ktriareeses #5
my new kyutoria fic:<;br />
<br />
thank you all for supporting this fic, to the subscirbers,commentors, and viewers :)
nhixzzyy #6
thank you for the great story!!<br />
i'm looking forward to more kyutoria fics :)
kylie_diep #7
sweet ending :D<br />
really love this story <3<br />
write more Kyutoria fanfic plz, I will wait for ur next story ;)
J880203 #8
you updated!this is get more exciting ^^ and i feel Mel will be important role for KyuToria..keep update :D
ZeeNix #9
KyuToria,,,Kyutoria,,<br />
Getting more excited with Kyutoria after SMTown Paris moment,,<br />
<br />
Cute Couple,,
unregister #10
ahhh gonna end soon...but really a nice fic...i like it...write more kyutoria ya...or changkyutoria woohooo yea thanks for the update :D