His Last Soul

The Demon Lord's Bride

Jaejoong's POV


        I slammed the front door open and stormed into the house. My mind in deep turmoil as I tossed myself into the couch. I leaned my head back. I didn't get it. Was this how all human woman were? Confusing and complicated. My head was about to burst with the chaotic thoughts that ran across my mind. That bombarded my senses. And blurred my clear logic. There was nothing logical in her words.

What does Nobody mean?

Why must we mean nobody to eachother?!


      I glanced into the house, and sure enough Hyuna appeared. I sighed, as I buried my face into my hand. I needed to calm down. I swallowed a breathe in a attempt to calm myself. When I felt my temper returning to normal. I turned to Hyuna. She had been watching me the whole time. From her expression, I wasn't able to see what she thought. She leaned against the wall quietly as she watched me. I sighed.

"Hyuna...Come. Sit"

She stood from the wall, and hesitated before she made her way across the room and into the seat beside mines.

"Why don't you ask me where I've went?" I glanced over at her. She shrugged softly. "I saw... "

"You saw?" I asked.

"You seem to have had a lot of fun with the human girl" She started, "I didn't want to interrupt"

"Did you know it was going to end like this?" I asked. I stared straight. My head pounded hard. Two days. Were only two seconds to a eternity.

"I wasn't as aware of how it would end then, knowing that it will end. Human interactions, As rich and as deep as they are. Always come to a end" She whispered, as she glided her hand over my arms. It was a touch I much needed in that moment. I glanced over at her. "Only a demon would know what another Demon needs. We have all eternity, whereas a human's life span is as miniscule as grain of dust in a universe"

"Maybe I was curious... I've never been human. And thought it was possible to intervene in their lives and could have built something worth while" I chuckled softly. But deep inside. My chest can't help but feel wronged. She s her arms around my neck, as she cupped her hand against the side of my face. Slowly she lifted my face and took my chin into the tips of her fingers. As I stared at her, her electric light blue eyes glowed in the shadow. I glanced down at her lips, the dark pout that marked her face.

"Human's lie and cheat. They are nothing but selfish scavengers who is insignificant no matter how much they do.." She whispered, "Their world differ from ours"

I swallowed softly as she leaned forward. I closed my eyes.

Suddenly a smile invaded my thoughts...It exuded a certain earthiness, a sensual yet gentle smile. That only a mortal may possess. Simply because that girl was unaware of the great goods, nor the great evil in heaven nor Hell.

"You and I are the same.." Hyuna exclaimed her lips touching softly against side of my jaws.

My heart beat steadily as my thoughts ran

'You pestering me...'

The first moment I had sparked a interest in that girl, that she must seek a answer before she rests.

Hyuna's finger ran across my lips softly before I felt her hair spill against my face. My eyes opened lightly, she was leaning down slowly as my thought's continued.

Why would I lie to you? the girl asked. She had no intention to Lie.

I felt a frown embedded on my forehead, as her lips traveled toward my cheeks.

Yes, Hyung. the girl had addressed gruffly, She had no intention to pretend.

"Hyuna..." I coarsely whispered, I held her side gently moving us into a sitting position. She stared at me while her knees were still bent onto the couch. "I can't"

She lets out a soft laugh,"What do you mean you can't? You were aroused. I felt it....In your chest and in your body" she slid her fingers from my chest, it glided down ward.

"Yes. But it wasn't due to you" I caught her hand.

"So your just going to leave me hanging?" She hissed in disbelieve.

"I'm sure, you can effortlessly find another willing body" I assure her as I stood from the couch. I turned towards the stairs. All I needed was a sleep. A nice rest to reactivated my logic.


I turned slowly,

"What is it that,'that' human have that I don't?" she hissed.

I considered her question silently.

"Hyuna ah... Demon's don't die...Do they?" I asked softly.

"What kind of stupid question is that? Of course we don't die-"

"But I've felt myself killed three times by this women....the first time, by her compassion....the second time by her child like innocence,... the third was by her will" I considered my words slowly, " Her compassionate nature was when she gave me something insignificant. Her child like innocence was when she allowed a part of her purest to be glimpsed at. Her strong willed nature,was when she was so obstinate in wanting nothing"

" How can something insignificant mean anything?"

" Diamonds, Gold and riches are nothing I don't have. Yet mortal's seem to give it more meaning then we do"

"Then what have she given you that surpasses all of that?" Hyuna asked.

"Soup, a cold soup that bastes somewhat bland" I answered.

"Soup...." Hyuna laughed as she shook her head. "Cold soup" She repeated in disbelief.

I nodded, " But strangely with every sip I took. I tasted love...not the kind lust advocates. But the kind between family... the taste of affinity in a insignificant soup. A soup made for a son. A brother"

"Her child like innocence...I guess you should explain that. What is it about that child like woman that can compete? " Hyuna growled, she sat on to her legs. Slumping down from her previous position.

" That fact that she doesn't care to compete. I've never seen a smile as genuine as hers..." I reminisced. It was a smile, that I was never able going to see again.

"Yet in the end. She chose to want nothing to do with you " Hyuna added.

It was true.

I shrugged.

"Maybe that was the wisest choice" I glanced over at Hyuna. "Let's not forget out mission for still being on earth"

Maybe it was Excuses.

"Me. Forget?" Hyuna laughed as she shook her head. "I think it was you. That has been infatuated-"

Tinged with Denial.

"You must have forgotten. Hyuna. Demon's have no feelings. The human girl was nothing but a experiment. My take on the human world. So. It's not as boring as it seems" I shrugged.

Who would've known that the human world would be so much more dangerous then the Demon's realm.

Hyuna watched me carefully before she teared her gaze away, " Experiment?"

"What else can she possibly be?" I asked.

"Then why wouldn't you bed me?" Hyuna asked, as she slid up slowly from the couch. She made her way towards me. She sighed happily as I felt her arms wrapped around my chest from behind. Grabbing her arm, I slid her arms off. And turned her gently resting her body against the wall behind us. I tilted my head as I stared down at her.

I saw it in her eyes. Admiration. Lust. Adoration.

Three adjectives that once made me felt arrogance to be the source of such adulation.

But suddenly. It didn't matter. Or actually. I had no reaction towards it.

"I can have you at any second" I whispered, " But I enjoy watching you squirm" I freed her finally. "Besides. Before we find Kenny, we can't afford to get too comfortable. There's still one more soul. Until my quest can be completed"

"Your saying you have no feeling's what so ever to Kenny's little sister?" Hyuna asked.

I laughed.

"What do you think?" I asked.

It was a question even I dared not to answer myself.

"I think it's just the perfect timing" Hyuna whispered.

"Perfect timing?" I asked slowly I turned to Hyuna's demon form. Her pale skin glowed and shimmered in the pale shadows cast by the moon out side. Her Cyan eyes, were shaded deeper with the hazel rim that defined her pupils. Her dark lips, where stained by the crimson shade of bright red. Her waves cascaded down towards her back .

"You have one soul missing. Don't you? And doesn't that human girl possess a soul?"

I blinked slowly as she circled around me. "Think about it, Lord...."

"She can not only help us find her brother. She is the last missing piece to your long unfinished puzzle"

I laughed softly. "Choosing a human is no easy feat"

"The contract is very simple but rarely kind" Hyuna interjected, " The demon is merely it's guardian. Let's not forget that it has a epiphany of it's own. It's power can be greater then the demon who weilds it"

" Is that suppose to be a threat?" I asked amused.

"No. It was a warning. I'm reminding you that though there are hardly any rules in hell. There are consequences. And the punishment is severe"

"I don't need that reminder" I growled.

"Then you should know that Kendall Choi is a candidate chosen already by the unspoken forces. Or else the human wouldn't have crossed your path. You can also use this chance to prove it"

"Prove what?" I hissed.

Despair filled my chest as Hyuna continued.

"You'll prove that you have no feelings for this human, And her soul shall forever be imprisoned in hell"

It was a simple idea.

I've been demon my whole life. Never was there a second where I would think twice about signing a contract with a human. I had a motive. It was to gather as much souls as possible.

To save the women who gave birth to me.

I've never forgotten that goal.

But why is it.

That at this moment, I was hesitating, to make Kendall Choi.

My Last Hell Bounded Soul?



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Chapter 19: OH COME ON!!!!


Chapter 19: Im happy ur update ^^
uwaahh,,things got more complicated.so the necklace that kenny gave to kendall is for her to get hell contract?
Ow jae,,just bear with it if u love her..
Thanks for the updates dear <3
krn_nadeshiko #3
Finally you are back~!!!! :3 love this story and ong is turning so comolicated for jj >\\\\\< pls update soo be?
tehsweety #4
Chapter 17: Is jaejoong who marked Kendall?
I miss jaejoong.
Update soon
Chapter 17: welcome back..\^^\..but i wanna my jaejoong..i miss him so much..T_T
ow,,,so he is kenny not jj..hehe
thanks for the update^^
Chapter 17: I'm really into this story.I hope you are still on asianfanfics and you could update and finish.
cherryaizawa #7
Chapter 17: hi i found your story and really interesting it
krn_nadeshiko #8
Chapter 17: love it love it love it and... love it :3 pls continue soon! I love the story, everything, but... I wanna see more of jj in the story T_T pls?
Chapter 16: My jj...it must be my hero..thx for the update dear:)
Chapter 16: ooh geez she 's in deep now