Happy Birthday Daebutt~

Last Wish

-June 28th 2010: 502 Cranes-


"Happy birthday, Daebutt!" you cheer, holding out a cheesecake decorated in berries and chocolate.

Daehyun smiles at you.

"You spoil me too much."

You roll your eyes.

"Do you not want it then? I can always just—"

"No! I'm the birthday boy, it's my cake!"

"Then say please."


"Mm, I don't think I'll give it to you."

"Tokki-ah, you are so cruel. You've become a cold Busan woman!"

"Yah, do you want the cake or not?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I do!"

"Say ah."


You mash the piece of cake into his face. Laughing you flee the scene, running away behind the couch for protection. It does little good. Daehyun chases you around the living room until he finally catches you around the waist not five minutes later. As payback he rubs the cake from his face onto yours, effectively coating you in karma.

"We look ridiculous, here," he pulls out his phone and leans head against yours, "smile." The selca looks, as he said, ridiculous. The two of you are smeared in cake and disheveled from your chase. At the same time the two of you look like you're having fun, like you're happy just to be together. He decides to make it his wallpaper, much to your horror.

"That's such a dumb picture of us though!" you complain, trying to steal his phone to change the picture.

He easily holds it away from you and declares, "It's my phone and I'm the birthday boy, what I decide to make my wallpaper stays my wallpaper."

You pout and cross your arms stubbornly.

"Fine, Daebutt."

Daehyun just smiles and pecks your cake covered cheek.

You pull him back and kiss him full on the lips.

The taste of cheesecake mingles with your already sweet taste and makes him dizzy from the saccharine of your lips.

Definitely the best birthday he's ever had.

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Chapter 12: Wow the best pls write more author-nim!!!!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
I think I felt my blood sugar spike after reading this. WAH, absolutely adorable!! ^^ I also like the log idea with the number of cranes changing each time. Gonna go sob in a corner because Daehyun's totally wrecking my bias list. Can't wait to read more! <3
Chapter 9: love the chapter but make it's longer please author-nim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 8: love this chapter please make more OK it's so good and WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!