Chapter Twenty Three

A Marriage With The Arrogant Woo Jiho
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Chapter Twenty Three


"Mina, Mina. Snap out of it." U-Kwon said as he snapped his fingers in front of Mina's face. "Why are you so dazed lately, are you doing drugs?"


"Heck no!" Mina exclaimed as she swatted U-Kwon's hand out of her face, "I should be the one asking you that. I haven't seen you this happy since ... well, ever."


"Yeah, she makes me really happy...." U-Kwon said dreamily as his eyes sparkled, Mina could basically feel the hearts bursting around him.


"Junhee, that was her name right?" Mina asked as she patted her best friend's head, he looked like a cute little kitten in love.


"Hey!" U-Kwon said as he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to settle it down. "I have a date tonight so I don't need anyone to ruin this perfection, and yeah that's her name. That beautiful name, beautiful smile, beauti-."


"I get it." Mina said cutting him off as she sipped on her glass of water.


"Don't tell me someone is a little jealous~." U-Kwon chuckled as he poked Mina's cheek.


Mina's face gave out a slight blush, "That's ridiculous! It's just that ... you always talk about her and how much time you guys spend time together but Jiho has been busy all this time and I have no one to hang out with!"


"Don't pout you little baby. Oppa will always be here when you need someone to hang out with!" U-Kwon said grinning as he ruffled her hair.


"That's what you said the last two times I asked to go to the movies!" Mina pouted as she crossed her arms, she felt like everyone was too busy for her.


"Fine, fine. How about we go on a double date this weekend?" U-Kwon asked seeing a smile spread across Mina's face, "Plus, you'll get to meet her for the first time."


"That sounds great! I'll love to meet her! I'll tell Jiho right away when I get home ... hopefully he won't be too busy." Mina pouted again as she thought of the last few times she's seen him, honestly the only time she caught glimpses of him was when he crawled into bed with her. He's been at the office day and night and she barely got to spend any time with him and that made her miserable, she knew he was busy and stressed so she didn't want to put any more stress on him by asking him to give her attention.


"I'm sure he'll be able to make some special time for his special girl, if you act really cute it'll win over his heart." U-Kwon said chuckling when he remembered how Junhee used aeygo to get a bite of his dessert (which she later finished by herself). He's only been dating her for a few weeks but he felt as if he could marry this girl, but of course; he must take this slow and see how everything pans out in this relationship.


All that was on his mind right now was ways to make this relationship blossom more and how to enjoy the times that he spent with her, she was literally perfect for him. He felt as if this girl was the missing puzzle piece that's he's been waiting for, it was a good thing that he agreed to that blind date his mother set him up on or else he wouldn't have met such a wonderful girl. He was also glad that his feelings for Mina were subsided and eventually disappeared when his feelings for Junhee grew larger.


"Ew, you know I don't do that. You've gotten so cheesy since you started dating this girl! I don't know who my best friend is anymore!" Mina gasped as she grabbed a hold of her chest; she was obviously playing with him and let out a huge laugh afterwards.


"Pabo, now stop playing around and get back to work." U-Kwon said as he tapped her on the head with his notepad.


"You're the one to talk Mr. "I'm a huge cheese ball now because I fell in love with a girl and have totally forgotten about his best friend" Mina teased as she stuck her tongue out at him.


"Don't get me started on how you were when you were with Jiho a few weeks ago. Do we need to replay the scene when you--."


"Shut up!" Mina said as she covered his mouth with both hands.

"Thought so." U-Kwon mumbled under her hands before he poked her side and was released from her hands covering his mouth. "Get back to work."


"Meany!" Mina shouted at him as he emitted out a low chuckle while he walked up to a table ready to take down their order.




Mina stretched out her arms as she entered the house, she was so glad to be home and it made her happier that she got a text from Jiho saying that he'll be home for dinner tonight.


So she had Jay drive her to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients, she was going to make something for him tonight since he hasn't had a home-cooked meal in a while. Mina hummed a little song as she started to wash the vegetables, Jay sat in front of her as she cooked and watched her with a smile.


"How was work today?" Jay asked as he rested his face on his hand, his gaze fixed on Mina.


The way Jay looked at Mina seemed like he was in complete love with her. His lips always tugged upwards whenever she was around, and his heart always seemed to speed up when she flashed a smile at him. He was completely clueless to all of this of course, considering he just thought she was a little sister that he's always wanted. The feeling of wanting to protect her at all cost; because of these two different feelings he's missed the clue that he was in love with her with something else.  And he always ignored every single sting his heart had whenever he saw her give Jiho a kiss or heard a giggled 'I love you' to him; he just thought it was due to the greasy burger he ate earlier or made some other excuse to cover up the ache.


"It wasn't too busy today, so I got to test out some new recipes." Mina grinned as she sliced up a piece of meat, cutting each piece with care. "How was your day?"


Jay grinned back at her, "It was really busy today; as always. The office's air conditioner broke down so every employee was a sweating mess until noon when they finally got someone to fix it."


"Ick, that means you must smell." Mina teased as she sniffed around the air, "Oh dear what is that vile smell?"


Jay raised an eyebrow at her and teased back, "It must be your vegetables burning up a storm over there on the stove."


"Oh no!" Mina's eyes popped out as she hurried to the unburnt pieces of vegetables, she let out a breath of relief as she turned to look back at Jay. "You don't only smell but you're a stinky liar too!"


"I wasn't lying, I was just making sure you were paying attention to your cooking; which you weren't" Jay chuckled as he brought a piece of sliced apple to his mouth.


"I poisoned those!" Mina laughed as she got back to slicing the meat on the cutting board.


"Oh no! I'm so scared! What if I di-- and icK---." Jay exclaimed as he leaned back in his chair, putting up an act. Soon enough he fumbled and lost his balance and landed on his back to the ground, Mina laughed right away before she rushed to his side and helped him up

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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 40: I love it!!!!!!!!! perfect~~~ they have twins and i hope i have one tooooo~~~
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 40: awww.....such a cute story, 2 fathers huh? hehehe, anyways done reading this one, looove this ;)
Chapter 40: You are amazing, author-nim! Let me give you a virtual hug for making such a wonderful story >:D< I'll be patiently waiting for another Jiho story~
dyumic #4
Chapter 40: It's been a wonderful ride reading your stories.. feel so happy to see a good ending for all parties even Woo Bin :)) thanks author!!
Chapter 40: Keke... even though this story ended, it was an amazing and happy ending! So thank you SOO much for writing this story till the end!!

Jongsuk and Sora are SOOO cute though!! I can just picture Woobin yelling at him for him to not fall over... hahaha... so cute...

I'm glad that everything is perfect now... especially with Woobin and Jiho and them....

Goodness though!! I wish I can see the photos!!!! My phone permits for some weird reason >.<

Gah... this story ended... I still cant believe it.....

Hwaiting on your future Jiho stories!! <3
Chapter 40: U.U This story ends u.u Thank you for making an amazing story author-nim. I Love You :3
Chapter 39: This chapter was so beautiful!!! Jiho got his sweet little princess (which I think is SOO cute how you said he wanted to spoil her >.<)... They're happily married and Woobin is an AWESOME MAN NOW!!! THATS AMAZING!!!!

Ukwon and Junhee are together forever now! Kekeke...

Thank you so much for this long chapter!!
Chapter 38: Thanks for updating author nim :3 Anyway, Happy Late Birthday author-nim :3
KeylVeh #9
Chapter 38: Great! I'm a silent-reader~ Once again, ur fanfic was great!! xD I wonder what's the conversation that Jiho and Woobin had? Also, where's Jay? I missed his character, too much T_T Anyway Happy Late Birthday from me~ xD
zarahaha58 #10
Chapter 38: ohohot new update<3, ahh after longtime, finally i can smiles in joy x3. Btw nice update and happy late b'daaaaaaay<3