Chapter Nineteen

A Marriage With The Arrogant Woo Jiho
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Chapter Nineteen


"Tell me where she is!" Jiho yelled into Lee Hye's face, he was furious, how can someone have the audacity to plan a kidnapping?


"I don't know." Lee Hye said as her eyes flicker to the camera that was currently recording all of this.


"Don't you ing tell me this kind of bull Lee Hye, this is a person's life we're talking about. Just get her back here safely, please. I'm begging you." Jiho said as his eyes soften a little, he was so desperate at this moment he didn't know what else to do.


"Like I told you earlier, this was all that was told to me. I don't know anything else, this is part of her plan. I just followed her orders and this is as much as she told me." Lee Hye said tiredly, it's been three hours since she's been in this room.


"Who is 'her'?" Jiho asked as he tried to calm down and sat down in front of Lee Hye, he was dead tired but he was determined to find Mina. He needed to find her, there was no way he was leaving this room before he finds out the location of Mina.


"I'm sure you know who she is. She never told me her name, she just offered me a deal and to follow what she says and everything I want will be handed to me." Lee Hye said looking at Jiho, he looked so vulnerable at that moment. Lee Hye didn't know if she should pity him but then she remembered that this plan was all for her one goal, even if it meant hurting people she used to care about.


Her goal was more important than the mere feelings of people in her past life, she didn't care.


"What do you want? I'll give it to you, just me the location of this person that planned all this." Jiho said, wrecking his brain for a person who could hate him so much and would do this kind of thing.


"Jiho, we could stay like this for another five hours but we're both tired and no other new information is going to come out of me. Give it a rest." Lee Hye said placing a hand on Jiho's.


"Don't you dare ing touch me." Jiho said venomously as he shoved her hand off of his, she had no right to touch him. He didn't even know if he is able to ever forgive this person in front of him, he probably never will.


The hatred that is inside him was boiling over and all he wanted to do was murder anyone that ever dared to hurt Mina, he needed her to return to him.



"My, my, there’s the lady of the hour." Mina heard a voice say behind her, a female’s voice. Mina was scared to death and didn't know where she was, let alone the person that just spoke.


One moment she was about to enter the corner store and the next she was muffled and thrown in a moving vehicle. Her only hope was that she was going to get out of this alive. Why these people took her ... she had no idea. What kind of debt did she need to pay to them?


"Are you sure that she's the right girl?" A male voice asked as Mina felt a swift finger run across her jaw making a chill shiver down her spine.


"Please, let me go. What is it that you want?" Mina managed to find her voice and spoke, her eyes were currently covered by a black cloth and her hands were bound behind her.


"So she speaks." The woman's voice said as she removed the black cloth from Mina's eyes, the woman that came into view was very beautiful. Mina was expecting some vile woman that had tattoos covering her entire body and a gun latched to her pants but the woman in front of her was nowhere near that image.


The woman in front of her had short auburn hair and a tall lean figure that matched the business suit she was wearing very well. This woman also held a sinister smile on her face. Who was this woman? Mina has never seen this woman in her entire life before.


"Who are you...?" Mina asked furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, what did she want from her?


"Nothing new, jealously, revenge." The woman spoke smoothly as she walked around Mina, Mina felt extremely uncomfortable with the woman's eyes on her.


"But why-." Mina asked but was cut off shortly.


"Lee Hye is being investigated right now. You said she wouldn't be caught." A man said, showing his face from the shadows. Mina glanced at him and determined that he was not a korean, probably japanese.


"She made a mistake, what can I do about that?" The woman said, "Don't worry, we'll get all of this handled soon."


"Yuri, you said she wouldn't get caught. This was not part of the agreement we had, if she gets locked in pris-."


"Don't do anything stupid or you'll end up in

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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 40: I love it!!!!!!!!! perfect~~~ they have twins and i hope i have one tooooo~~~
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 40: awww.....such a cute story, 2 fathers huh? hehehe, anyways done reading this one, looove this ;)
Chapter 40: You are amazing, author-nim! Let me give you a virtual hug for making such a wonderful story >:D< I'll be patiently waiting for another Jiho story~
dyumic #4
Chapter 40: It's been a wonderful ride reading your stories.. feel so happy to see a good ending for all parties even Woo Bin :)) thanks author!!
Chapter 40: Keke... even though this story ended, it was an amazing and happy ending! So thank you SOO much for writing this story till the end!!

Jongsuk and Sora are SOOO cute though!! I can just picture Woobin yelling at him for him to not fall over... hahaha... so cute...

I'm glad that everything is perfect now... especially with Woobin and Jiho and them....

Goodness though!! I wish I can see the photos!!!! My phone permits for some weird reason >.<

Gah... this story ended... I still cant believe it.....

Hwaiting on your future Jiho stories!! <3
Chapter 40: U.U This story ends u.u Thank you for making an amazing story author-nim. I Love You :3
Chapter 39: This chapter was so beautiful!!! Jiho got his sweet little princess (which I think is SOO cute how you said he wanted to spoil her >.<)... They're happily married and Woobin is an AWESOME MAN NOW!!! THATS AMAZING!!!!

Ukwon and Junhee are together forever now! Kekeke...

Thank you so much for this long chapter!!
Chapter 38: Thanks for updating author nim :3 Anyway, Happy Late Birthday author-nim :3
KeylVeh #9
Chapter 38: Great! I'm a silent-reader~ Once again, ur fanfic was great!! xD I wonder what's the conversation that Jiho and Woobin had? Also, where's Jay? I missed his character, too much T_T Anyway Happy Late Birthday from me~ xD
zarahaha58 #10
Chapter 38: ohohot new update<3, ahh after longtime, finally i can smiles in joy x3. Btw nice update and happy late b'daaaaaaay<3