A Misunderstanding





Uggggg I'm so late to meet with her!! 


 I rushed into the doors of the restaurant, I spotted her sitting at a table sipping a cup of tea quietly. Although she looked calm at first glance I could defiantly sense that she was a bit worried once I got closer.


 "Megan-shii!" she lifted her head up a bit startled. A smile formed on her lips, she looked a bit relieved as we greeted each other. We sat down and began talking about useless things.


 I began questioning her about the company, I didn't even know the answers! I was just trying to kill time until Sunny arrived. Megan was completely confused but that was okay, as long as she didn't suspect anything was amiss I was okay.


 That's when I saw Sunny behind Megan walking towards us. Sunny was in Hello Baby Season 1 along with the other members of Girls Generation. Sunny however had been the best with the baby we found and thought she would be the best to judge weather Megan was fit to be a television omma or not. 


 They greeted each other and although it was a bit awkward Megan didn't seem to go into scary fan girl mode or anything. She seemed a bit panicked at first and very self conscious but as they started chatting she began to act her normal self again. 


 I was impressed if she can be like this towards SHINee then we don't have anything to worry about. No crazy fangirl here, but I thought I'd give them some time alone just to see if her personality did change once in the presence of a celebrity.


"I'll be right back ladies just have to run to the washroom" 


They nodded their heads in understanding as I got up and left.


 I left Megan and Sunny alone as I ran to the 'washroom', I turned the corner and tried to eavesdrop on the girls conversation. The staff at the restaurant knew that Sunny was there and were instructed to step in if Megan turned out to be some rabid fangirl.


 She personally didn't seem to be the type to loose all self control over a celebrity but you can never be too sure these days. They were getting along pretty well but my spying was cut short by the beeping of my cell phone.


"'Onew' What could that boy want?" 


I decided to take the call, it's from Onew so it could be important.




"Hyung, where are you?" Onew's voice came from the other line sounding all too curious.


"Ah, I'm out with a friend right now Onew-shii, I told JongHyun before I left."


"Oh yes but where are you with this 'friend'?" was his voice teasing me? 


Just before I could reply a waiter almost bumped into me turning the corner, his plates shifted on the tray and he politely apologized.


"Hyung? What was that?"


"Nothing Onew-shii, it's fine." I fumbled with the phone against my ear.


"I think I heard dishes in the background."

"Me too hyung, defiantly dishes!"

"Is Manager-hyung at a restaurant?"

"He is sooooo on a date."

"SEE! See! I told you! And you never believed me Key you pabo!"

"Yah! I don't believe anything you say!"


"H-Hold on? You guys think I'm on a date??'


"There's no point hiding it now hyung your bound to be found out!"


"But I-"


"We'll leave the love birds alone now."

"Sorry for interrupting hyung!!"

"I can't believe he was secretly dating behind our backs!"

"You better fill us in on the details later hyung!"


"Wait no-"







 Those little- calm down manager-nim, calm down. It's okay...I just need to clear it up with those five when I get home, nothing to worry about. I shook my head and decided that I'd been to the 'bathroom' long enough. I straightened myself up and walked back to the table. 


"Sorry about that girls I got a phone call", I smiled at them sitting back down and started to shove the food into my mouth. I was starving!


 "Ah! It's fine MungSu-nim, I actually have to get going", Sunny got up from her seat. I nodded in farewell. As she turned she gave me a small wink that Megan didn't notice. Good, everything went well. 






 Manager-hyung emptied his pockets onto the kitchen table and headed straight for his bedroom upon entering the dorm. He was tired and didn't want to deal with those silly teenagers he lived with just yet. 


 After he had quickly paid for the bill (although Megan insisted that she should pay at least for her meal, he declined her the opportunity of coarse.) they went their separate ways. He called up Young-Sook and they met up at the KBS building in his office. They both agreed that she would continue interning for the rest of the week with no hidden surprises and then spring the final test on her. Hopefully she could pass it....but manager-nim had high hopes as he flopped onto his bed falling asleep.







 "Is Manager-Hyung back?" I asked peering into the kitchen. I saw his keys and other pocket items strewn across the table. A receipt of sorts stuck out in the pile of change, I decided it wouldn't hurt to check it out. After all we were all really curious as to where he had gone. I wasn't yet convinced he had started dating someone but my mind was quickly changed as I looked at the receipt.


My mouth hung open at the price....THEY ATE THAT MUCH!? JUST TWO PEOPLE!!!!???


Before I could get over my shock the receipt was snatched from my fingers.


 "What's this for Taeminnie~" Key asked as he flipped the receipt in his hands to read the print on the front. His mouth suddenly dropped open and he stared at me in  disbelief.


 "Taemin-ah! If you were this hungry why didn't you just tell omma? You didn't need to blow your entire life savings on FOOD!" he screeched at me in his high pitched omma voice.


I covered my ears a bit and grimaced, "That's not my receipt hyung! It's manager-hyungs! From tonight with his girlfriend!"


Key immediately went from shocked to a sly smile. "Oh is it~" he hummed. He signaled for me to follow him as we went into the room we all share.


 "SHINEE MEETING!" Key shouted as he burst into the bedroom. Onew hyung shot up out of his bed (was he napping AGAIN?), Minho-hyung looked over at Key-hyung totally unfazed and JongHyun-hyung ripped out his headphones and looked up from his laptop resting on his lap.


"What the heck Key? What is it??" JongHyun asked annoyed.


 Key held up the receipt as if it was some sort of evidence to a crime, I snuck out from behind closing our room door behind me. I went to go sit beside Onew-hyung on his bed. He scooted over and I grabbed a stuffed pig from behind me and hugged it. This could be a lonnnnngggggg meeting knowing Key-hyung.


"Taeminnie has indeed confirmed our suspicion that manager-hyung was at a restaurant with someone else!"


Everyone took more interest into the loud individual in front of them. "So he really is secretly dating!?" JongHyun asked surprised. 


"See for yourself", Key passed the receipt around. Everyone studied it closely. 


"Errrrmmmm they ate 3 meals?"

"Or maybe one person ate 2?"

"Manager-hyung doesn't eat THAT much...."

"Do you think the girlfriend is actually fat?"


We all discussed why there was the possibility of 3 meals being on the bill,  everyone wanted to know more about this mystery girl. We needed to approve of her if she was going to date our manager!


We decided that we'd try spying on manager-hyung a bit to see if we could get a glance at this mysterious girl...with our busy schedule for the week it would be difficult but hey it's a good way to pass the time.


Suddenly Key hopped up and stated, "Operation find-out-manager-hyungs-girlfriend is officially underway!'


.....I guess for others it's more than that. *Sigh*







WOO! Already at chapter 5, I'm pretty pleased with myself right now. I usually don't write more than 3 chapters to anything so to make it to 5 is kind of exciting ^^


Anyway what could those silly boys be up to now? 


Is this whole misunderstanding going to get out of hand?


Knowing Key...it might. LOL!


And by now you must all know MungSu is actually SHINee's manager, if you didn't get that then.......your very errrm special? >.>


What are MungSu and Young-Sook planning? Hmmmmm?

I made this more of a comic relief/ I-swear-I'm-getting-to-the-point chapter.


I MADE A POLL THAT EVERYONE MUST TAKE! I can't release the next chapter without some feedback!


It's under my polls on my profile PLEASE GO TAKE IT READER OR NOT! I need everyones opinion!


Expect the next chapter Friday unless I don't hear anything back :P



I love my silent readers as well!!!! Thank you all so much for supporting this fic :D



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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 34: I vote for Jonghyun!
ShineeWG65 #2
Chapter 27: Awesome as usual! :)
ShineeWG65 #3
Chapter 19: Update please!! :)
ShineeWG65 #4
Chapter 18: This is such a cool story! Please update soon!

Ah, if only real life was like in your story ... tv show...editing.. money.. apartment.. pretty boys.
You really took on a lot of work with this story... and by sticking so close to the actual show. Admirable!

Jia you~
Come on! Update!!! I'll give you a cookie!!!!!! I love it so much! UPDATE!!!!!
You haven't updated since last year!!! Hurry up!!! I'll give you a burnt cookie! I can't cook...But I LOVE your story!!! Please update!!! :D<br />
LOVE IT!!!! Please update!!! I am no longer a silent ninja reader beacause of you! So update!!!!
I just found/read through all the chapters of this story today, and I really like it! The story line moves along a a good pace, there isn't a lot of heavy drama so it keeps me hooked, and the plot is interesting and written well. I really hope you choose to continue writing this story and update soon. No rush. I completely understand how lack of feedback/busy schedule/whatever could prevent you from writing frequently. I just want to say I hope you update this great story, and keep up the great work!! ^_^
OMG!<br />
OMG!<br />
I'm so sorry!<br />
I don't know what'S wrong with my account but it didn't show any updated fics...just today<br />
the baby pics were so cute, now I can imagine little Megan painting pictures of Taeminnie with her wax crayons^^<br />
next up is the soothing baby challenge...I already lmao when I think back what Key did XD<br />
great chappie and I like how the story has more flow now that you changed the style a bit 8D<br />