The Restaurant



Some Restaurant In Seoul


 I took a sip of my Earl Grey tea and waited patiently for Mr. Lee to arrive. He was about 20 minutes late but it didn't matter to me much. I mean sure I was getting a bit antsy thinking I got the wrong restaurant but my exterior looked relaxed, calm and composed. So I decided even if I was in the wrong restaurant I didn't want to look like a complete moron and rush out of there but calmly finish my beverage and leave.


 It was only my second day and I had arrived an hour early.....I didn't want to be I over compensated just a bit. Plus after my first impression of Mr. Lee or sorry MungSu-nim (he asked me to stop calling him Mr.Lee, something about his employer having the same last name? I couldn't really understand, he was talking a mile a minute.) I got the impression that he wasn't the type to be completely organized and in control all the time, thus being late was to be expected.


 As I took another sip of my tea I replayed the events of my first day again in my head. It hadn't been to awful, I was expecting to go home completely exhausted and stressed out after I had talked to the 'overly nice receptionist' *sarcasm* But things went fairly smoothly. 


 After getting my first assignment I had gone back to my cubicle and worked a good hour and a half on the photos. I was able to recognize a few celebrities...such as the members of Super Junior, 2AM, MBLAQ, f(x) and SHINee. The others I knew but the members confused me, I couldn't remember their names, group yes...names not so much. 


 The Korean Drama stars I completely FAILED at. I knew a few of the show names that they played in but not their actual names. I was a bit embarrassed when I needed to ask about them all but MungSu-nim had been very nice about it and said that I wasn't expected to know EVERYONE all at once.


 Once I had finished MungSu-nim's assignment I had been given a few more by other assistance. It was odd though, they weren't particularly friendly to me at all. They kind of looked me over and handed me things to do without saying a word. I did what I could and often popped into MungSu's office for help, he didn't mind one bit though. 


 Young-Sook came to greet me sometime near the end of the day. He seemed pleased about something but I didn't ask what. Maybe he got to meet Lee Hyori or something? He seem's to be a fan. He has a picture of her in his wallet....his wife must really like that *sarcasm*


 Just as I packed up to leave MungSu-nim told me to meet him at this restaurant. Claiming that we needed to discuss KBS intern stuff (I don't remember the exact details he seemed in a huge rush and I can't understand fast korean yet).


 I went back to the hotel after that, getting some take out on my way. I hadn't done much after that though, I was still jet lagged so I e-mailed home to say I was alive and well. I got into my oversized t-shirt and plaid PJ pants and crashed.


 I took another sip of my now almost gone tea. I wasn't sure how to dress and the ice cold winter weather limited my wardrobe quite a bit. So I had opted for a long purple sleeve top that had one of those scoop necks. I wore a pair of black skinny jeans and some black high heels to still look a bit professional. I had a chunky bracelet on my left wrist, simple dangly earrings were in my first lobe piercing (I never switch out the black studs on my second lobe piercing and hardly ever my cartilage either.) and my black thigh length jacket rested on the coatrack near our table.


 I glanced at the door AGAIN, who knows how long I've been staring at it, the employees must think I'm a desperate girl waiting for her date....that would be my first impression.


 "Megan!" I turned to hearing my name being called.


FINALLY! MungSu walked over to me, his coat covered in small snowflakes that began to melt in the warmth of the building. I got up to greet him, bowing slightly with a smile on my face "Annyosayo MungSu-nim." 


"Annyosayo Megan-shii, I'm so sorry I'm late. I was caught up back at the dorm - I mean my apartment" he said apologetically removing his coat and hanging it up.


We both sat down and after ordering some food MungSu-nim got right to the point.


"So did anyone explain to you about the history of KBS, the chairman, any information like that?"


"No to be honest I'm not sure of anything, I mean I read some things online..." Uh oh...was I supposed to know this kind of stuff?! Oh crap! I'm completely not prepared!


"Me neither. To be honest all you need to know is what department you're in, the department head, the CEO and the celebrities in case you ever deal with them."


I looked at him puzzled. This isn't making much sense but I went along with it. 




 MungSu looked behind me and smiled, I was slightly started by the random presence of the person behind me. I turned around to see....






"Sunny! How are you? Good I hope!" MungSu got up and ushered Sunny to join our table. He grabbed a chair and set it down between him and I.


 "I'm good MungSu-nim! Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were busy at the moment! I can talk to you later-" she started nervously looking in my direction. 


This- this was Sunny? As in SNSD Sunny? OH MY GOODNESS!


I'm not a huge fan or anything, to be quite honest SNSD is a bit too sugary sweet for my liking but I have nothing against them either. PLUS out of all the members Sunny is one of my favorites. What's she doing in a place like this? Is this actually a celebrity ridden, fancy restaurant?! 




I thought I could guess if this place was fancy by the prices! I thought $5 for a cup of tea was a bit pricey but not FANCY, CELEBRITY PRICEY! I swear I want to run out of here, buy some Louis Vutton and Prada clothes and then come back. Maybe I could fit in then - 


Stop panicking Megan, BREATH. Breath.....


 I was slowly losing control of my mind...I had to get back down to earth. She was normal, I was normal, MungSu was....well normal enough and I did NOT need to go blow $2000 on a new outfit just for a restaurant meeting that will last less than 2 hours.


MungSu took the time now to introduce me to the very short girl sitting beside me know. 


"Sunny this is Megan are new international KBS intern, Megan this is Sunny a member of the group Girls Generation" I smiled politely at her and bowed my head.


"It's very nice to meet you Sunny."


She smiled and bowed her head back "Nice to meet you as well Megan." 


We sat and got to know each other a bit and I found out that I was actually younger than her. Not long after our food arrived MungSu-nim excused himself to the washroom and it was just me and Sunny at the table.


Sunny decided to speak first, which I was beyond grateful for because I was at a loss for words at the moment. 


"So Megan-shii are you a fan of Girls Generation? Have you heard of us?"


I put down my fork and wiped my mouth with my napkin. "Oh yes I've heard of your group! I think your choreography and outfits are really cute!"


I couldn't tell her that the sugary pop music they made was not for me, that would not have gone over well....


She looked really happy by my compliments, did no one compliment her group much now a days or something?


"What's your favorite song?"


"That would be Genie hands down!" It's true Genie is one of the only songs I like by them and I'm ADDICTED to it. It's even on my Top 25 most played songs on itunes.


We chatted a bit more about her group, I started to wonder what happened to MungSu, did he get lost in the bathroom or something?


"So", Sunny started finishing with her plate of food, "Do you know other artists from SM Entertainment?"


"Oh! Yes actually I'm quite familiar with a few! Although your the first celebrity from any company I've met."


She smiled at me again and leaned her arms on the table, "So who is your favorite group then?" 


I smiled a little and nervously looked away....was this a trick question?


"Oh don't worry if it's not Girls Generation", she laughed getting the hints from my body language. "I don't mind! My favorite group is Super Junior Oppa's"


I relaxed a bit, crisis averted! So she wasn't testing me, thank goodness, I'm a terrible lair.


"Well I really like Super Junior, f(x) and your group of course. But my favorite is SHINee by far!"


Sunny unnie looked a bit surprised by my answer and a look of was that satisfaction? passed over her face.


"SHINee hmmm? Why do you like SHINee the most?" 


"I really like their music to be honest, it's got a contemporary feel to it and I love contemporary everything. Everything from their clothes to their dancing feels very fresh and unique. It appeals to me a lot. And seeing as were all around the same age I can relate with them more than other groups."


"What about f(x) and my group, were more your age even. What makes you more attracted to SHINee rather than us?"


"Ummm well I have nothing against either girl group, it's just the music that draws me towards the group. Girls Generation is very sugary and f(x) has a bit of a younger feel to it. I just can relate more to SHINee in the music sense. More my style I guess."


This was starting to feel a bit like an interview.....


"What would happen if you were to meet others from my company? Like Leeteuk oppa from Super Junior? Are you one of those scary fangirls?"


"Not at all! I would obviously respect their boundaries. I wouldn't run up to them and hug them or scream their name from 50 feet away. I would great him politely and most likely act nearly the same as when I met yourself. I'd probably stutter more though, seeing as I'm a bit nervous around guys."


"You wouldn't ask for autograph or tell him to marry you?"


"Errrrm no. I mean I would like his autograph but if it's not the right time to ask for one I won't, and marrying me....not a chance. First of all that's creepy and second isn't he a bit old for me?"


Sunny unnie burst into laughter at my last remark, "Oh my goodness if Leeteuk oppa ever heard that I think he would burst into tears. HAHAHAHA~ Too old!"


I laughed a bit myself, that's when MungSu finally arrived from the washroom. 


"Sorry about that girls I got a phone call", he smiled at us resuming to his now ice cold food.


"Ah! It's fine MungSu, I actually have to get going", Sunny unnie got up to leave. I got up as well to see her off. MungSu nodded to her as his mouth was preoccupied with chewing. 


"It was very nice meeting you Megan-shii~ I hope to see you again in the near future", she gave me a hug goodbye. I'm not a touchy feely person so I immediately went stiff. I lightly hugged her back. 


"It was nice meeting you too Unnie" I smiled at her.


She gave a final wave after putting on her shades and hat and left the restaurant on to the streets on Seoul.


"Well she was nice, a bit odd though" I thought to myself....maybe in the future I can ask her to help me get SHINee's autograph? hahahahaha! Just kidding, I don't think I'll see her again for a long time, celebrities are busy these days.




Sunny walked around the corner and got into a big white van. She closed the door and took off her shades.


"Mission Accomplished?" the driver asked as he pulled away from the curb on to the road.


Sunny smiled widely, "I like her a lot, I think she'll do just fine!"


"What did you learn?"


"She's polite, she's nice and a bit awkward at first but that's to be expected. I don't think she's a crazy fan or anything like that."


"Good, good" the driver grinned, "Then I guess we'll just have to watch her a bit longer and then put her through the final round"









Hey peeps~


Here's a nice long update to make up for the last one that was a bit rushed >.>


So the person at the restaurant was none other than SUNNY FROM GIRLS GENERATION~ It was originally meant to be someone else but I've decided to put them in last ;D


To be honest it was a bit hard to write about Sunny because I don't know anything really about SNSD. I mean I have the Run Devil Run Repackaged Album but I bought that because it had Genie.....and Key was featured in one of the songs >.< LOL!


Nothing against SNSD it's just like I said in the story, not a fan of the sugary sweet concept, not my style. Nothing against them, just not my thing.


Anyway~ Seem's like the time for her final test will be soon approaching, what will happen?


Soon she'll meet SHINee as well! But she has to survive another week and a half before that can happen! Will things go sour or will she still be able to film with them? 


Can manager-nim keep things under wraps or will he spill the beans? And who was Sunny talking to in the van?


Please give me as much feedback as you can? Are you guys bored? Is it to 'realistic' for you? I don't like making this story far fetched and silly so I apologize if you don't like my "real life" style.






I can't thank you all enough for supporting this story ^0^

Next update is on Tuesday ;D


BTW I'm back from the lake LOL it was nice to get away from the city ^^

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 34: I vote for Jonghyun!
ShineeWG65 #2
Chapter 27: Awesome as usual! :)
ShineeWG65 #3
Chapter 19: Update please!! :)
ShineeWG65 #4
Chapter 18: This is such a cool story! Please update soon!

Ah, if only real life was like in your story ... tv show...editing.. money.. apartment.. pretty boys.
You really took on a lot of work with this story... and by sticking so close to the actual show. Admirable!

Jia you~
Come on! Update!!! I'll give you a cookie!!!!!! I love it so much! UPDATE!!!!!
You haven't updated since last year!!! Hurry up!!! I'll give you a burnt cookie! I can't cook...But I LOVE your story!!! Please update!!! :D<br />
LOVE IT!!!! Please update!!! I am no longer a silent ninja reader beacause of you! So update!!!!
I just found/read through all the chapters of this story today, and I really like it! The story line moves along a a good pace, there isn't a lot of heavy drama so it keeps me hooked, and the plot is interesting and written well. I really hope you choose to continue writing this story and update soon. No rush. I completely understand how lack of feedback/busy schedule/whatever could prevent you from writing frequently. I just want to say I hope you update this great story, and keep up the great work!! ^_^
OMG!<br />
OMG!<br />
I'm so sorry!<br />
I don't know what'S wrong with my account but it didn't show any updated fics...just today<br />
the baby pics were so cute, now I can imagine little Megan painting pictures of Taeminnie with her wax crayons^^<br />
next up is the soothing baby challenge...I already lmao when I think back what Key did XD<br />
great chappie and I like how the story has more flow now that you changed the style a bit 8D<br />