Wasn't Horrible

♕ [♚ Our past Kingdom ♛]♔
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After Ms.Kim dismissed us Amber as usual was the first to leave. I watched him walk away while I wait outside for my friends. Everytime after class I tried to be the first to leave so I could avoid being surrounded by my fans at my table causing me to be late for lunch or sometimes miss it completely.


They soon came out, and we headed to the lunch room. The guys were having a conversation with Vic and Luna while Sulli striked up a conversation with me about Amber.


"Soojung-ah your so lucky your paired up with Amber oppa." 


"Why are you pouting Sull? You got paired up with "your" Minho oppa"


"Shhhhh!!" Sulli covered my mouth eyeing Minho in case he heard. Luckily they didn't and  kept walking ahead.


"Don't be too loud he doesn't know yet."


"Sorry ok ok I won't be loud about it."


"So as I was saying your lucky because your with Amber Liu THEE Amber LIU do you know what that means?! Not only that but you two are the major biases of this school. People will go crazy!"


"Sulli your overreacting people won't go crazy its just a project that we're working on and if they did you know how annoyed I am with those type of people and of course I know what it means. You know I've had my eye on him for awhile he's the only guy in school that I haven't used yet." I scoffed while frowning at the fact.


"I know its no use saying this and I know our group will always be by your side no matter what but don't you think you should stop manipulating guys Soojung-ah?" Whenever she uses my Korean name I know Sulli is serious. I just shrugged my shoulders in response and she left the question alone.


I don't know why I like to manipulate guys I have been in relationships a lot of them actually, but I have never been hurt in them causing me to be like this. I guess I just enjoy it? But something tells me it's from my past.


"Ok just don't go too far Soojung-ah come on let's go catch up to them!" This is why I love my friends they know the real me and accept me for who I am. Manipulating is still wrong to them, but they love me no matter what because the way we see it we are like family not by blood but by friendship.


"So Krys Amber huh? Every girl in this school wants him and lucky you get to work with him ehhh ehhhh eeeehhhh if you know what I mean." Jonghyun

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 24: 2021 fightin
Chapter 22: Lol how cute^^
Chapter 20: Woah ...two thing I have in mind and I know you be trolling.
Chapter 18: Woah .. dang ..amber....
Chapter 13: Woah hold on, amber ?! Boyfriend?
Chapter 11: Yuri still the bff this time too much
Chapter 10: Yuri?
Chapter 9: Ohhh snap , fight in the restroom??
Chapter 7: Bruuhhhhhh this is getting interesting!
Chapter 5: Wait which jung did he married??