After School Meeting


The bells ringing. Everyone get out from their classes. It's lunch break time. You just stared at the window near your seat. You like to eat your food while gazing at the scenery of the school garden. You open your lunch box and start eating. Alone.

You like being alone. It's refreshing because sometimes people around you are too noisy and annoying. You continue eating lunch while looking at the school garden. The garden full of trees and bushes, there are some soft looking flowerbeds in the middle of the garden.

You remembered her. You remembered your mother again.

Yuki/Your P.O.V.

She really liked flower. Mom was always asked my sister and I to help her with her garden. My sister refused because she afraid of insects and I refused because I only want to do it with my sister. I missed her. I wish mom and dad were still with us.

God... Why did you take her away? Don't you know I haven't done anything to make her happy? Uh... Silly me, of course you know. You are god. You are the one who create people with feelings. You know how much pains my sister and I felt but why did you still took them away? That's doesn't matter anymore. They were dead. Now, I just can pray for the best for my parents. I sighed.

"Hey Yuki are you okay? You seem so upset" A girl shakes her hand in front of my face. I turn my head a little. It's Tiffany Hwang and behind her Seo Joo Hyun or people known her by Seohyun. They are the most beautiful girls in my class and probably whole school admits that they are very pretty.

"I'm okay... I just remembered something" I answered them and shrugged.

"You know, my offer is still valid. If you wanna join my cliques, you are always welcome. Remember, I'm very picky at choosing people I hangout with. So, you are very lucky." Tiffany smiled with her eyes and showed off her row of teeth.

"If you join us, no one will bully you and our clique will be bigger and better. I hope you'll change your mind Yuki-shi" Seohyun also talked to me.

"Okay, Yuki please consider my offer and choose the right choice" she walked away while playing with her hair. I know that they are sincere but I just cannot accept it because I don't feel comfortable around them. But I can’t reject them too. I’m afraid that something bad is going to happen if I reject being a part of them.

Yeah, I know I’m a coward. I mean, I can just politely refuse and maybe.... Everything still going to be normal but that's too risky. I doubt that rejecting their offer would be a good idea.

The Tiffany's are the most powerful clique/group at SM Academy. The leader is Tiffany Hwang and the members are the Jung's sisters, Seo Jo Hyun or Seohyun and Choi Jin Ri or Sulli. Everyone in the school knew about Tiffany the heiress of Hwang's Entertainment, ice princess Jessica Jung, warm and lovely Krystal Jung, graceful Seohyun and the adorable Sulli. Everyone respect them, even another clique like 4minute is afraid of them.

4minute is another group but they are not as powerful as The Tiffany's. 4minute never get into trouble with another group or cliques. Their leader Nam Jihyun was transferred from Cube Academy. It was very obvious that she have a crush with one of our school kingka. The kingka she likes came from a senior group called TVXQ.

His name is Yunho. He is the leader of TVXQ. Well... I don’t really care about this, before one day Yunho asked me to go on a date at the weekend. Unfortunately, I promised Chanyeol that Saturday I will accompany him go to the bookstore and I need to go with my parents on Sunday so I turned down his offer. The news about me rejecting him for a date spread through the school and some crazy fangirls started bully me including Jihyun and 4minute.





You are about to finish your lunch. When you start to pack your lunchbox a girl enters your classroom. You know her face but you don’t know her name.

"Hi there... I'm Xi Luhan. You must be Kwon Yuki?" A very pretty girl sits on empty space beside your place. She sits in Jongdae's place.

"Yes I’m Yuki. If I am not mistaken you are Chanyeol’s classmate right?" I asked her. Chanyeol are older than me so this girl must be my senior too.

"Unluckily yes, I am his classmate. I’m the Student Council Treasurer or you may say accountant. Chanyeol told me to introduce myself to you” she explains while checking her phone. “Here, give me your phone number” she gives her phone and you start enter your phone number.

“I wonder when we will start stuffs like meeting and working as the student council?” you give her phone back.

 “Our first meeting will be after school at the Student Council office. You don't need to be so formal with me sweetheart. Just call me Luhan unnie, Okay?” she frowned.

“Okay Luhan unnie... I hope we’ll get along...” you nod your head and smile at her.

“Well of course we’re gonna get along really well! I’m really happy that there’s a girl member so I don’t need to stuck with those boys. You know we're gonna be a partners and doing many things like checking reports, discussing, hanging out, shopping and many more” she smiled and pat your head. “Catch you later” she grins and walks out from your class.





The school was over. You walked through the school’s corridor heading to your locker. You arrived at your locker. You opened it and placed some of your books. You put in your bag some books that you need to study for tonight. After that you go to the student council office there are still some students preparing for some extracurricular.

After a few minutes of walk you arrived at the office. You’re here. The wooden door seems cold and intimidating, in front of the door there's a metal plate that wrote 'Student Council Office'. You knock and open the door slowly.

“Yuki-chan! Finally you’re here. What took you so long?” Chanyeol sits straightly after you came.

"Sorry I just put some books at my lockers" You smiled at Chanyeol and walk closer to the big table at the center of the room.

Luhan raises her finger and point the seat next to her “Oh just sit here sweetheart~”.

“I think all of us already knew each other but I need to start this formally. So, my name is Oh Sehun and I’m your leader. As a Student Council we’re going to plan the school program, checking reports, reading student letters about their complains or comments for us after that we made a solution to improve our performance as the Student Council. So let’s starts by make some plans for the school programs, shall we?” Sehun started. He then moves his gaze on you.

You gulp and Sehun still stare at you and he smirk. Uh.... Okay, that’s creepy. This is going to be a long afternoon to go. 


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Chapter 3: Wonderful story!Update soon! :D