lighthouse in the dark



It took days, weeks, even months. Realization. Painful one. Crawling on a surface with bitter taste of fear and anxiety on a tongue. But Luhan still kept smiling, still kept pretending. With every little faint smile kept burying his heart deeper in the chest where no one should reach it.

Title: lighthouse in the dark
Pairing: Luhan/Minseok
Rating: PG
Genre: slight!angst
Word Count: 1130

A/N: I always get so nervous when I post something here and I don't even know why. Anyway, lately I'm into Xiuhan way too much and this is how it ended. My huge inspiration was song Lighthouse by Mallory Knox which I totally adore (their singer is such a cutie). Bad grammar ahead. Bye.



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nycbean #1
Chapter 1: Your formatting is pretty cool~! And the fic is even better ^~^