Ilhoon’s Sister

Wow, You Make Me Feel Insane

I couldn't decide ont he poster so the poster 1 at the moment is the cover poster and poster 2 is the chapter posters

Your POV

Ilhoon and I have created a routine where he takes cooking lessons from me in my spare time.

While he teaches me goofy dances that we just do when we have too much energy.

I thought Ilhoon was a dumb kid when really he’s smart… for a boy.

Most days we wake up at different times counting all my classes are in the far morning while his are only 3 times a week while mine go Monday to Friday.

Through days like today where our schedules meet up is always nice.

Ilhoon and I will both be going to school together.

I smile as I walk into the kitchen too see he’s trying too make us both something to eat.

Ilhoon’s POV

I woke up before her for once since we started living together and it felt weird so I happily went down stairs deciding I was going to try to make some omelets for us.

I don’t turn around when I hear her enter the room until I hear her pull out a chair instead of standing by my side.

I look behind me too see her sitting at the kitchen table watching me with a light goofy smile on her lips.


“So how would you like the omelet today?”

She taps her chin, “Well I’d like it like I have it any other day.”

I chuckle as I nod my head looking back at the stove.

I hear someone knock at the door the same time my phone goes off.

I pick it up too see that it’s my sister.

I sigh as I smile at Choon Hee and say, “I’ll get it. Be right back.”

I sigh as I look at her full message as I trudge through my apartment, “Dear brother I’m at your apartment open up.”

I sigh as I reach the door and try to figure out if I want to open it.

I sigh as I open the door too see my sister, “Hey little brother you finally opened the door.”

“Sorry it’s early in the morning so you can’t blame me.”

“Yeah right. You’re dressed for once and it smells like you’re even cooking.”

I sigh as I look at her, ‘What do you want?”

“Oh can’t I see my little brother?”

I lift my eyebrow, “I saw you yesterday.”

“So maybe I want too see the girl that you supposedly living with.”

I push my sister away from the door and I step out with her, “Shhh… She doesn’t know.”

“That you’re living with her,” my sister teases me.

“You know… that I like her.”

“Seriously you’ve been living with her for about 2 to 3 months and she doesn’t know that you like her.”

I nod my head, “Yeah.”


“Cause she hated me for how long for the first month or 2 she wouldn’t even be in the same room with me.”

“So she doesn’t hate you now?”

I nod my head as I smile at my sister, “Yeah. We actually became pretty close friends.”

“Well then I’d like to meet her.”

“I block the door, “Noona.”

“I won’t tell her anything I simply want to meet her that’s all.”

I look at my sister and sigh, “Fine. I need to pick up some lunch boxes for us anyways. I’ll be right back.”

I turn to leave and my sister says, “I won’t do anything to make her hate you or feel awkward around you.”

I nod my head and smile, “Let’s hope.”

Your POV

I hear my phone go off I look too see it’s from Ilhoon, “I’m heading out to get a few things. I let my sister in. Just message me if she causes any trouble.”

I nod my head as I turn the stove off and scoop up the 2 omelets  onto the plates and scoop up some rice into small bowls.

I turn around to face  a woman who  definitely is related to Ilhoon is standing in the entry of the kitchen leaning against the window that’s right next to the door.


“Hello, you must be Ilhoon’s sister Min Joo.”

She nods her head, “I am you must be Rhei Choon Hee.”

I nod my head ignoring a bit of the rude tone too her voice since she’s older than me.

“Have a seat I was just about to have breakfast. Would you like to try some of your brother’s food?”

“He made that?”

I nod my head as I watch her move over to the kitchen table .

“No, I’m alright you can eat them.”

“Well 1 was for your brother…” I sigh o,h” well I guess. Wonder what he had to pick up so badly.”

I smile as I set the plates down and pour myself a cup of tea since I don’t care too much for coffee.

“Sorry that we don’t have coffee or anything.”

“It’s alright. Why don’t you drink coffee?”

“I can never get it sweet enough.”

I sip at my tea as I sit down with my food, “You don’t mind if I eat do you?”

She shakes her head and I happily eat away.

“So you used to hate my brother?”

I nod my head, “Yeah, we didn’t get along very well and I never got a chance to know him for who he is. Now I see he’s a really great guy.”

She smiles as she looks at me, “What’s between the 2 of you now then?”

I shrug my shoulders as I smile, “I know that we’re friends.”

“That seems to be causing a problem for you though.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean when you said you were friends you looked sad like you wanted to be more.”

I look at her shocked, “Even if I wanted to like him more than I do… I can’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean my friend… my best friend like Ilhoon and I had told her after an issue we had in middle school of liking the same boy that I wouldn’t like the same guy as her again.”

“So you’d be willing too give up a chance of happiness for a friend that isn’t here?”

I nod my head, “She likes him a lot. She even gave me a letter to give to him, but I haven’t cause at first I hated him… Now I don’t get the point almost.”

Min Joo’s

He likes you.

I watch this beautiful pour her heart and soul too me and I can’t help but too feel bad for her.

She’s a very loyal friend and she won’t let herself have a moment of happiness more with Ilhoon cause she’s afraid of what it’ll do too her friend.

“Does your friend know that you are living with him?”

I shake my head, “No. I’m worried when she finally visits me.”

“Well he can always stay with me during that time if you're so worried.”

“I thought you lived in Busan or something like the rest of his family.”

I shake my head,”No, I live here but I live with my boyfriend and he doesn’t want to bother us by intruding in on us. Also I live a bit far from his work and the school.”

She nods her head, “I guess I can be glad that he didn’t move in with you.”

We hear the door open and she checks the time, “That took him shorter than I thought it would.”

When we look up at Ilhoon when he enters the room I notice that he’s holding two plastic bags.

“I got you some lunch boxes since you’ll be too busy to stop too get lunch and dinner. “

I look at Choon Hee too watch her face give off a small soft glow as she smiles at him, “That’s really sweet of you Ilhoon. How much do I owe you for it?”

“Don’t worry about it they were having a sale and I was going to buy a 1 for myself but I thought I’d do something nice for you.”

The way they trade words is different than it was when I first saw them together… Not that my brother and he know that.

They were fighting and she had his head in a headlock.

When I asked Ilhoon if he was alright later he told me that  a girl gave him a good lesson that day.

When I pushed father he told me the entire story and I think that was the day that Choon Hee started to hate him.

I stand up and smile at them, “Well Choon Hee it was really nice too meet you. I hope that I can speak with you a bit more.”

“Well I don’t ever use my phone but if you want you can use Line or kakao too talk with me.”

“That would be nice,” I say to her and she writes the username quickly for me.

“I hope too talk too you more Minjoo.”

“About everyone calls me Joo.”

She looks so cute when she mumbles it then looks up at me, “Alright, Joo.”

I wave to her and Ilhoon sets down the lunch boxes on the table, “I’ll be right back.”

As I reach the door I give my brother a hug, “Good luck.”

“Thanks noona.’

“She’s a really sweet girl who’s loyal to her friends.”

“I know.”

“You never told her exactly what happened that day did you?”

He shakes his head, “No… I didn’t want her to be mad at her friend and feel guilty for how she’s treated me since then.”

I shake my head as I look at him, “The two of you are idiots.”

Before he can pester me for questions I turn to leave.

As I reach the elevator I notice too see not so stoic looking kid who doesn’t seem very happy about Ilhoon.

I look at him and say, “YOu better not try anything too try to separate them.”

He looks at me as he asks, “What do you know?”

I smile as I step into the elevator, “Apparently more than you.”

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battlescars #1
Chapter 11: OMG I got the feelz I'm so emotional
Chapter 11: YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: Boom!!! Awesome sister!!! Lol!
Chapter 9: Poster 1 looks amazing. It's like BAM LOOK AT ME I'M POSTER ONE!!!
But then Poster 2 is simple yet beautiful once you read it.
I say poster 2.
Chapter 9: Hmm, I see why you were having a tough time decide! Poster one is like BAM! Amazingness ^_^ But at the same time the simpleness of poster 2 works really well. I kinda get lost in the colors of the first one and have a hard time focusing on what its saying XD
unknowncosplayer #6
Chapter 9: poster 1 looks cool use that one
Chapter 6: Totally coolz! As long as you don't stop updating, we're good!!
Thazin123 #9
Chapter 5: Thanks for updating author-nim
Thazin123 #10
Chapter 3: Yes I agree with iuseob1