Locked In

Locked In

Holiday already started, Luna, Sulli, and Krsytal went to mountains but they weren’t alone because they had Chanyeol, Suho, Baekhyun, Kai, and Sehun. At first Luna didn’t want to come but Sulli and Krystal begged her, she tried to reject but Sulli promised that it’ll be fun. Luna still didn’t want to come, and Krystal said Sulli and her really need her. And Luna gave up, then she joined with them.

She still didn’t like this because she wasn’t really close with the guys. Ok, Luna a bit close with Suho and in same club with Baekhyun but it didn’t help a lot, moreover there’s chanyeol. She hated her. After they arrived on their cottage all of them prepared for making barbeque. Suho and Sehun were looking for charcoal, Kai and Baekhyun chopped the vegetables, Sulli and Krystal were cleaning house, and Luna helped Kai and Baekhyun. The one and only person who didn’t appear was Chanyeol.

“Luna” Baekhyun called her

“ne?” Luna still concentrated on her meat

“can you help me?” Baekhyun said again

“what?” Luna turned her head

“well, I don’t see Chanyeol, can you call him over to help us or help whatever he can do?” Baekhyun asked

“huh? Why me? I- I cant, why it’s not you?” Luna asked back

“no.. im still chopping this”

“I can replace you”

“noo.. I wanna Baekhyun” Kai suddenly said

“see.. please.. if I go up there then he will be mad at me. he wont be mad at girl, I promise. You can force him to go down because when he says later he wont help us, as you know, we need help. So, forcing is allowed. hehehe” Baekhyun smiled

Luna exhaled “okay, I’ll be back asap” Luna put off her apron and went up to the house

She slowly opened the door and entering the house. She still saw some bags on living room, she found Sulli and Krystal cleaned the house

“hi unnie!” Sulli greeted her

“hoi, already done?” Luna asked

“ne, by the way. Me and krystal gonna go down. Wanna take some soap” Sulli said then she passed by

Luna just nodded her head and now she heading the room, she knocked the door

“Chanyeol” she called

No answer.. she tried again

“Chanyeol…” she said again then opened the door, she found Chanyeol slept on bed.

Luna just sighed, she came closer.

“Chan..” she stand beside the bed, she heard Chanyeol mumbled, he almost woke up.

Chanyeol rubbed his eyes “what?” he asked

“euumm.. Baekhyun asks you to go down, he needs help” Luna said, at that moment she thought that Chanyeol was so damn cute

“I’ll go down later” Chanyeol said then rolled on bed to other side

“aishh.. come on! We need help!” Luna annoyed with Chanyeol act

“I’ll.. just leave me” he said again

Luna pulled his pillow

“hey!” Chanyeol yelled

“get up!” Luna said strictly


“oh gosh! Baekhyun needs help”

“hmm.. why don’t him go here?”

“he’s doing something”

“I don’t care, he has to ask me directly” Chanyeol stubborn

Suddenly the rain poured

Luna sighed again, she waited so long and Chanyeol didn’t move. Luna sat on chair and placing her cheek on table, because she’s so tired, she fell asleep.


Luna rubbed her eyes, all she found just darkness. Her eyes tried to find lights.

“have woken up?” she heard someone asked

“ye-yes..” she answered

“we’re locked” the voice said once again

“what? How can??” Luna shocked

“I don’t know, as far I know the wind blew then the door is closed, and I cant open it again”

“has asked someone to open this?”



“because my phone is somewhere”

“ha! And you didn’t ask for help by screaming or making noise?”

“I didn’t”

“aahh..” Luna slipped her hand on her pocket, looked for her phone

“damn!” she cursed

“why?” Chanyeol asked

“I forget where I put my phone” she said

She sighed again. Luna and Chanyeol were locked on Chanyeol’s room. No lights, she couldn’t open the window because it’s rain hard. Luna knew that her friends wouldn’t come to house and prefer to stay there. All she could do just waiting till the rain stoped.

“Luna, are you hungry?” Chanyeol asked

“not really. Why? Are you hungry?” Luna asked back

“yes I’m. There’s bread here, we can eat this” Chanyeol said

Luna knew that her stomach was growling.

“eumm.. oke, where’re you?”

“im on bed”

Luna walked to Chanyeol’s bed and sat on the edge, Chanyeol sat in front of her. They ate the bread on silent.

So long they didn’t talk then Chanyeol started the conversation

“what are you doin?”

“me? breathing”

“ha! Funny”

“i just can do that thing”

“why don’t sleeping?”

“I have”

Then Luna walked toward the window, looked at the hard rain. Suddenly she saw flash lightning.

“omma!” she surprised, and jump alittle

Chanyeol laughed, Luna took a deep breath and close her eyes, walked slowly back to bed and sat.

“im sorry, you were so funny”

Luna still silent

“Luna.. are you there?”

Luna nodded her head but Chanyeol couldn’t see her

“Lun, are you okay?” Chanyeol asked

Luna kept in silent. She was really uncomfortable there, she wanna out or at least she with Sulli and Krystal not there.

“why.. why me?” she suddenly said

“what?” Chanyeol confused

“why I have to trapped with you?” she asked

Chanyeol froze

“I supposed to be with Onew oppa and his friends, spends our time on beach” she mumbled

“so, why you join us?” Chanyeol asked

“Sulli and Krystal ask me, I worry about them”

“you can go back after the rain stop” Chanyeol said, annoyed

“I just not comfortable here, you don’t help much. You know the light was off but you don’t do anything” Luna frustrated

“because I know that will be nothing, I screamed calling over bakehyun but he didn’t hear me, the rain so hard, I tried to open the door but it still cant” Chanyeol said angrily

Luna sighed again

“we’ll wait until tomorrow. You can sleep here”

“what? No.. I’ll wait till the light on”

“ya.. up to you but if you wanna sleep you can use this bed”

“sharing the bed with you? A big no!”


“why? I don’t wanna sharing bed with y guy like you!” Luna risen his tone

“am i?”

“you are”

“proof it!”

“you peeked on my skirt many times!” Luna said and she felt her cheeks went red

Chanyeol laugh hard

“hahahahaha… it because your skirt is so easy to peek” Chanyeol said

“many times?”

“no.. the rest is I have a bet with my friends”

“wha-what?” Luna couldn’t believe that peeking on her skirt was a race

She felt something choked on , she wanna cry

“damn” she cursed

Chanyeol already realized what he had spoken about.

“I’m sorry” he said

Luna didn’t response him

“Luna.. im sorry. It’s just a joke”

“joke? Peeking on someone skirt is joke? How rude”

Luna turned her body, Chanyeol come closer

“I really sorry”

“don’t dare you get closer!” Luna yelled, now she sat on floor though she knew that it was so cold

“Luna.. back to bed, it’s cold”

“I prefer get flu than sharing bed with y man” she yelled again

Chanyeol sighed.

Luna sighed, honestly she wanna forgive chanyeol by join this trip but knowing the reason why he was peeking on her skirt then she didn’t wanna forgive him, maybe forever. Her heart was hurt.

“Luna, im sorry”

“don’t dare to get close” again she said

“yaya.. but I really sorry”

“save your sorry, I don’t need it. Better we don’t know eachother after this”

“eyy.. that’s too much”

“I don’t care, don’t bother my life” Luna said

Chanyeol walked toward Luna and sat in front of her

“go away!” Luna swing her hand

“I wont”


“before you forgive me”

“I forgive you, now.. go!” Luna pushed Chanyeol’s body

“no, until I say something”

“what, say in quick!”

“I love you” Chanyeol said to the point


“I love you, Luna”

“don’t be kidding me!” Luna yelled

“ Im not!” Chanyeol now grabbed Luna’s hand

Chanyeol looked into Luna’s eyes, he could her eyes because the slight light

“go!” Luna pushed Chanyeol again

“no” now Chanyeol hugged Luna, Luna just gasped

Chanyeol rubbed Luna’s back to make her relax. her hair and keep her relax.

“I love you, don’t you hear that?”

Luna nodded her head

“im sorry, all i did are for getting your attention” Chanyeol confessed


“yeah.. I cant get your attention so I try to act something bothering you, so you keep remember me. hehehe” he said

“but.. that’s annoying” Luna still couldn’t believe

“yeah.. i just want you to remember me, and give me chance to get closer”

“why u just acting normally?”

“because you always ignore me”

“am i?”

“yes, remember when I sent you a letter, you receive it but never come to the place”

“haa.. oh that’s you!” Luna suddenly remember the letter on her desk

“ahh.. I went to that place but you’re with sulli, so I think you’ve been wrong, so I went back” Luna said lightly

“when I greeted you, you just reply it in plain. It’s different when Minho or Onew greet you, you always smile. So, from that day I want you to remember me”

“by doing annoying thing?”

“yeah… hehehe.. it’s because you didn’t give me any chance”

“ahaha… im sorry” Chanyeol sighed, but then he smiled finally Luna was smiling.

“im sorry Luna, now you know what I feel, wanna forgive me?”

“eumm.. tbh I still hurt but I try”

“I really sorry” Chanyeol said again

“neee… im sorry for ignoring you too”

They’re in silent



“would you be my girlfriend?”


“im serious, would you be my girlfriend?”

Luna smiled, then she said yes, Chanyeol hugged Luna tighter.

“thank you”

“ne.. by the way, wanna hear my confession?”

“yes, what?”

“to be honest, I like you too, I don’t ignore you im just too nervous when we meet. So all I can do just ignore you. Hehe.. im sorry. I don’t think that you liked me” she stick her tongue out

“what? Is it true?”


They smiled, and Chanyeol kissed Luna’s shoulder.

“so, we’re official now?” Chanyeol asked

Luna nodded

“can I ask you something?”

“yeseu, Chanyeol. What?”

“can you stop talking about how kind Onew hyung, how y Minho hyung or how cute Taemin. Im jealous”

“hahahaha.. okay. By the way, you’re complete. You’re kind, y, and cute”

Chanyeol mess Luna hair

“hmm.. okay, then I should call baekhyun to open the door”

“wha-what? Call baekhyun.. but you said”

Chanyeol just smiled

“you set this?” Luna surprised and released her hug

“im sorry”

“how dare you!” Luna pushed Chanyeol body

“hehehe.. if I didn’t do this we never have talk and I never confess my feeling” Chanyeol explained

“but.. “ Luna still shocked, and exhaled

“im sorry,ne”

Nothing Luna can do, so she just nodded, she’s trapped.

She heard Chanyeol calling baekhyun and in second the light on.

“the light is your setting too?” Luna still cant believe it

“yes. Am I genius?”

“noooooooooo” Luna felt her knees get weaker, she trapped, absolutely trapped

Baekhyun opened the door, then Luna saw chanyeol hugged him and said “we’re official. Thank you”, Baekhyun just smiled.



© krissingU

June 21st 2013

thank you for reading :)


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sincesince #1
Chapter 1: It's soooo cute and and cheesy.
Why don't Chanyeol just stay a night with Luna in the 'lock room'?
Wouldn't it better? Lol
Chapter 1: oh my I don't want to insult you, but your bad english nearly killed me >.< but I really did like the storyplot and the fact it was chanyeol/luna got me through :)
Chapter 1: asjkdamllsamcflamsl sheeeeeeems Chanyeol-ah! <3
Chapter 1: lmao that was really cute! I love the storyline, although there were some grammar mistakes here and there. But neverless, if i comment on a fic it always mean i love it. I also ship Luna and Chanyeol together! Hehe hope you can make some more ;)
woooow its cute I love it
I hope there is anther one ^^