Chapter 1

System Reboot
Kai's POV
     Okay, wait. So here I am. In the arms of a middle aged woman. Drinking from a warm bottle she's holding. Securely wrapped in a stained blanket.
What an unusual dream.
     Normally, when I fall asleep, I dream of Lu Han, or possibly a nightmare of some sort. Never do I imagine a family. Weird thing is, they seem extremely realistic. I wish most of my dreams had this type of authenticity to them. I can sorta move my limbs as well, but not as much as I'd like to.
     The woman began to stroll around the house(I would assume) we were at. I saw a beige and chocolate brown room, a living area, and a miniature kitchen. It felt as if my eyes had never closed. They remained open nearly the entire trip, scanning their surroundings. Have I seen this place prior? It feels abnormally familiar and comfortable.
This is just a dream. Only a dream.
     I'm not sure why, but I gradually began to reach mass hysteria. These people. These rooms. These emotions. They all appeared far too geniune in existence to be a fake. My eyes darted from left to right. From the man settled at the kitchen table to the miss continuously whispering sweet nothings in my direction. I guess she noted my glances at the man.
     "Ah, TaeHee. I think he wants you to hold him." The man pushed the chair back and swiftly stood. His face expressed much happiness. Much like a father's.
     He gently scooped me into his lean arms and deeply stared into my eyes. Familiar. So familiar. It's not my dad. It can't be. I don't want it to be. Why would I dream of someone as filthy and horrible as him? His name, though. TaeHee..
     "MiSoo. He's very beautiful." MiSoo. U-umma.
     "I know. Why don't you call TaeYeon. I'm sure he'll be glad to meet her baby brother." Wait! TaeYeon? Oh my gosh. That name. My eyes glazed over with salty tears once more and as soon as they appeared, I was violently wailing. It was odd, dreaming yourself as a baby. Hearing yourself cry like that. So odd.
      "Aigoo~ Jongie, JongIe.~ Why are you crying now? Are you tired?" I attempted to shake my head but my bones were so stiff. So tightly packed together that nothing I tried to do would work. I calmed down somewhat before I saw a before I saw a gorgeous little girl excitedly run down the carpeted stairs. TaeYeon.
     "TaeYeon. Say hello to your baby brother." The woman sweetly said.
     "Hello, my name is TaeYeon and I'm your big sister. I will protect you 'till the end of time, do you here me JongIn? That means forever." She whispered the final part, as if giving me the answer to a question. I tried not to cry at her sweet words, I really did. Instead, I began kicking and screaming(Or at least trying to). I want to wake up. I want to wake up from this horrific nightmare. I don't want to see TaeYeon. I don't want to see umma. I don't want to see appa. I have already lived through the pain of loving them and losing them, and I sure as hell don't want to relive it.
     "Umma~ Is JongIn okay?"
     "Yes, dear. He's just very rambunctious since he was born a few days ago."
     "Umma. What does ram-"
     "Never mind, sweetie, just go to bed. You can see JongIn tomorrow again. It's getting late. Dad will go and tuck you in."
     "Okay!" She yelled and disappeared.
     My m-mom(?) retrieved me from the man(Who I refuse to call my father) and began walking up the set of stairs. "Now, let's put you to bed, arasso?"
Good. Hopefully I'll wake up and realize that this was all a dream.


Okay, so the next chapter is where it starts taking off(Like he's already realizes some things and he meets some people and there will be time gaps. So and so) <3 I hope you aren't disappointed yet.

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Chapter 2 on 7/27/13


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Chapter 3: this fic is so cool and unique! :) i hope you update soon. luhaaaan <3
Chapter 3: Eeeep! I loved it and it is kinda sad how he knows the people he love are going to die. Can he change his mom's fate and how did she die? :) Great chapter!!!
oh-tea-twelve #3
Chapter 1: whoa! looking forward to your update c:
glasskun #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^