

Instead of being raging mad, Sunggyu just blinked and sat quietly. Yuna told him everything. How this was all a plan to hurt him, how she was actually dating Shin, how Shin totally felt envious of him, and how Hyerin is related to Shin, and more.

"I'm really sorry, Sunggyu. I didn't know it could get out of hand. Now that I think about it, this is really harsh of us. I'm really sorry for causing you pain."

Sunggyu nodded unknowingly. All he was thinking about was you.

Why didn't he believe you. Why didn't he try to hear your side of the story. Why didn't he. 


He shook his head and groaned. "So that's what she's been trying to tell me all along?" He whispered and Yuna nodded.

"I'm really sorry, Sunggyu. I really am." she sighed and stood up. 'I.. I have to go. My mom will get worried if she finds out I'm not home." Sunggyu nodded and stood up. "So.. Yea." he rubbed the back of his neck and Yuna gave him a friendly hug. "You deserve to be happy, and I believe I won't give you that happiness, Sunggyu. You don't have to forgive me, but of course I wish we'll stay friends." she whispered and Sunggyu hugged her back.

"I'm not that bad, Yuna." he chuckled slightly and the girl pulled away. "Let me know if something happens. I'll be glad to be of help." 

Sunggyu nodded and waved goodbye.

He watched her leave and a chuckle escaped his mouth. "So there goes my girlfriend...." he shook his head, "..ex-girlfriend." he sighed and leaned back as he set his eyes on the emergency room doors.

"Yah, Park Hyerin. You better not leave me!" he whispered as he closed his eyes.





You groaned and slowly opened your eyes. You squinted at first until you've fully adjusted to the light. Your eyes darted around the room and you didn't have to wonder about what happened.

You sighed as you looked at your arms fulls of needles and tubes and stuff. You groaned again when you felt pain all over your body. 

"Oh? You're awake." the nurse smiled at you and you nodded slowly. "How are you feeling?" you groaned and she chuckled. "I'll give you your meds now. Just push the button if you need help, okay?" you smiled and thanked her and as she left the room, another one came in.

"H-hyerin-ah.." Sunggyu whispered and you sighed. "Hey.." he whispered again as he walked over to your bed. "How are you?" You blinked at Sunggyu and nodded slowly. "I'm fine." you whispered and he let out a sigh of relief.

Silence took over as he just sat down beside your bed. "Sunggyu-ah.." you started and he sighed again..

"I'm sorry." you blinked at Sunggyu and he sighed again. "I'm... I'm sorry I didn't believe you.." you weren't answering so he lifted his head up. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you.."

You bit your lip and tried to sit up, but you were still in a lot of pain. You cried in pain and Sunggyu panicked. "Yah stop moving around!" he nagged and you let out a sob. "That hurts.." he pouted as he helped you lay down again.

"Hyerin-ah.." you hummed in response and he looked at you. "How long.."

You stayed quiet and Sunggyu just looked at you, waiting for your response. "Ever since we moved in together.." you mumbled and Sunggyu nodded. "I wish you told me so I could've helped you."

You fought back the tears but it flowed down anyway. "Hyerin-ah.."

"I don't want to show that I'm weak, Sunggyu-ah."

"That doesn't show you're weak......... Hyerin-ah.." he sighed and shook his head. "I'm your best friend, right?" you nodded and he patted your head. "From now on, I'll listen to you. I won't agree always, though." he joked and you smiled. "I'm sorry for all of this." you whispered and he shook his head. "Don't be. I'm just glad my bestfriend is okay."










"I didn't do it Mrs. Kim! Sunggyu was the one who burnt it!" you half yelled and Sunggyu gaped. "What are you.. Yah I didn't burn those! It was your fault! You opened the door and left them there!"

You smacked his arm and Sunggyu yelped. "Well if you opened the door instead, those wouldn't have burned."

"So you did burn them?" Sunggyu smirked and you groaned. Mrs. Kim chuckled and shook her head. "Just clean up the mess and I'll cook dinner." the two of you nodded and bickered while cleaning up.

After dinner, the two of you bid goodbye and Sunggyu walked you home to your new apartment. He begged his parents to help you move out. They would have helped you anyway even if Sunggyu didn't plead.

"Your mom's cooking is the best!" you giggled and jumped along the streetwalk.

Sunggyu shook his head as he followed you behind. He can't be falling in love with you. He can't be feeling...

"Hey!" his eyes widened at the closeness and you poked his forehead. "You're zoning out!" you frowned and he cleared his throat and looked away. "I.. I w-wasn't.." you blinked at him and shrugged your shoulders.

Sunggyu was walking behind you and he sighed. What was he feeling?

It was strange yet.. it felt good.

"We're here! Thank you for walking me home. You didn't have to, you know.."

Sunggyu nodded mindlessly and you chuckle. You patted his cheeks and Sunggyu jumped at the contact. "What's with you lately?" you asked, amused with how Sunggyu was the past few weeks.

He shook his head and looked away. "Nothing." he muttered. You sighed and nodded.

"Okay then. I'll go inside. Thank you again. Don't forget the project tomorrow, Kim Sunggyu! I'll punch the living daylight out of you if you forget!" you chuckled at your own remark but stopped when you saw Sunggyu staring at you.

"Uh.. Good night, Sunggyu.." you awkwardly said as you opened the door.

You waved your hand in front of his face and you jumped in surprise when he grabbed your wrist. He was looking at you straight in the eyes and you gulped. "S-sunggyu-ah.."

And the fireworks inside of you lit up when Sunggyu pressed his lips against yours.

He pulled away and gently let go of your wrist. "Uh.." he rubbed the back of his neck and looked away.

"Good night." he mumbled before scramming off. You blinked and your hands slowly reached up and touched your lips.

Sunggyu. Kissed. You.

Your lips slowly curved into a smile and you bit your lip.

"Good night to you, too, Sunggyu-ah." you smiled like a stupid person in love.




Sunggyu leaned against a wall and he can't help but to smile. "Now that you did that, you should not back away." Sunggyu told himself as he grinned to himself. "Yes you are in love, Kim Sunggyu."

he hummed to himself as he went home.

He fell in love.

















~~~ kkeut.

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Wunddy #1
Chapter 5: the ending is so cuteee
pinkpajamas #2
Chapter 5: super lalalalab. <3 ;)
Chapter 5: OH MY GYU. Sunggyu you're too cute <3 ; D gah. It's over~~~~ I hope you make a sequel because it's really good! Kekeke~ author-nim are you excited for infinite's destiny? I AMMMMM!!!! It'll be out soon ^---^
Chapter 3: Awh Yuna has a heart to feel guilty. I hope she stops Shin in the next chapter! Probably not... XD update soon!
Chapter 2: I'm first comment! I feel honored :3 lmao I like your story so far, keep updating! And I feel bad for Sunggyu and myself in this story D; why can't he listen to me?! Stubborn hamster. /pouts/