Chapter one.

Sleepless Nights With Endless Tears.

The sun had risen as it marked the start of a fresh day. A fresh day, a new start. Those were the exact words running through the newly-black-dyed-haired girl. She took a long and deep breath before stepping out of her room and into the living room for the first time in one whole day. Once getting out of her medium sized room she spotted her ideal couple cuddling tightly on the couch asleep.

YoungBae must have slept over for the night, she thought to herself before walking closer over to them. She looked at the happy two as they were in a deep slumber. "I wish me and Seunghyun could be like them." She whispered quietly before turning around on her heel to walk away but little did she know she had accidently woken Dara up.

"Bom?" The eldest spoke as she opened one of her eyes slightly and slowly sat up. Bom quickly turned around a gap. "Dara unnie! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you I just-" Bom immediately stopped talking once she saw Dara Place her index finger up against her lips in order to tell her to be quiet.

"It's okay just don't wake YoungBae, okay?" The oldest in 2NE1 said followed by a light and cute giggle. Bom nodded and walked away with her head down as she walked down the hall.  She was heading down to Chaerins room at the end of the hall to talk to her about her problems with Seunghyun and what was going on but instead she bumped into Minzy.

Her short black hair was in a mess followed by her mascara and eyeliner being smudged. She was a mess. All the side affects of partying out late and getting drunk. 

"Minji -ah! What's wrong with you? Why do you look like this? Are you alright?" The worried girl yelled at the youngest forgetting that there was a sleeping male in the living room still sleeping. 

Bom had no idea that Minji, Seungri and Daesung had been out at a club last night. Well, it was mainly only Seungri and Minji but Daesung was there for a majority of the time. Instead of knowing all of this She had been quietly sobbing over one stupid man named Seunghyun in her room alone all night.

Minzy groaned a little with her eyes still half open. Of course she had a hangover and that included a horrible headache. "Uuuh, Unnie...I was.." Minzy tried her best to speak but the pain in her head was increasing by the minute.

"Did you go out partying?" She asked trying to help her continue her sentence. All Minzy's response was a nod. The oldest sighed a little disappointed. "Dara! Could you get some medication for our baby Minzy, she is hurting!"

Dara's foot steps were heard as she quickly ran up to Minzy. "Ah! Our Minzy is all grown up." She laughed a little before becoming serious again. "Right, you need some medication?" She said before wrapping her arms around Minzy and taking her into the kitchen.

Dara had had enough experience to be able to spot a hangover when she sees one. 


Over in the Bigbangs dorm Seungri was feeling exactly the same way as Minzy felt and that was terrible. Once having the motivation to drag himself out of his bed, he did.

Seungri made his was slowly into the kitchen and met with Jiyong. The leader of the group was slightly shocked at the state even though it's not unlikely for Seungri to party a lot. A light chuckle was heart from Jiyong as he watched Seungri struggle to walk very far.

"Drink to much last night eh?" He teased before turning around to butter his toast. "Shut up Hyung." The slightly annoyed Seungri yelled. The sober male turned around and faced the vulnerable Maknae in front of him. He pouted and pretend to feel sorry for him. "Hook up with Minzy did you?" Jiyong laughed but it was the completely wrong time to make such a joke since that was when Daesung had walked in.

Since Daesun had walked in Mid-sentence he was not completely awear of the situation. He quickly stomped up towards the two of them. "You better not have laid any of your hands on Minzy last night or I swear to god...!" Seungri turned around and winced with pain as Daesung shouted against his ear.

"I didn't do anything to her! I promise." He defended himself slightly scared of the angry Daesung beside him. It was obvious how strong Daesungs feelings were for Minzy hence this reaction.

"I knew I shouldn't have left you alone with her.." The main vocalist mumbled under his breath but Jiyong heard him. 

"Hey, give Seungri a break. He wouldn't have done anything that bad, look at him." The leader spoke in a defensive tone. It's known by all of the members that the two of them are extremely close and that Jiyong would do anything for Seungri.

There was silence in the room as no one spoke at all So to break this silence the eldest amongst the three said something again. "Hey do any of you know where Seunghyun is? I have not seen him for almost 2 days now. He is probably drunk with his other friends." He paused to sigh. "I feel sorry for Bom Noona." He continued before collecting his food and making his way over to the TV. Seungri followed shortly after since he didn't want to be left alone with the still mad Daesung.


The clock on the wall of Dara's room read 5;45 pm. The day had already passed so quickly and it was almost time to have something for dinner.

Dara was sitting in her room watching a comedy on her TV calmly but that all changed in a matter of moments. 

The air went cold all around her and the TV screen went black as it had turned off by its self. This shocked Dara a little but she thought that maybe the power had just cut out. She tried turning on the TV yet again, yes, it but the screen only turned white, a very bright white.

Dara is the type to get easily scared by little things so she quickly jumped up out of her bed and moved swiftly to the door. 

"Bom!" She shouted knowing that Bom's room was closest to hers. 

"Yea?" Bom mumbled yelling out with full of food.

Dara stepped out of her room and the door shut by its self, this scared her even more. She quickly ran into Boms room. 

"I think there is a ghost in my room!" Dara spoke slowly trying to spit out her words.

"Haha, Yeah right." Bom sarcasticly spoke in her usual tone.

"Bom! I'm telling you, There is a ghost, or at least....Something strange." Dara said breathless trying to convince her she is being serious.

"Don't be silly!" Bom says knocking her on the shoulder lightly with a soft giggle.

"I'm telling the truth!" Dara said sounding more seperate than ever.

"I think the ghost is back then." Bom whispered silently to herself.

"What?" The eldest asks as she didn't quiet hear what Bom said.

"Nothing at all..." She lied


A/N Hey everyone! I updated this and it's basically introducing the plot.

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fauxreality #1
Chapter 3: More topbom! Hehe! Damn seunghyun!
Chapter 3: Haha. Leaders Gonna Het Caught One Day ... Geez Jiyong cx
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sorry for taking up space! - you can delete this if its kinda annoy you ^-^
Chapter 2: Skydragon Moment .?
Sushimidumpling #5
I'm intrigued!!
Hamtone #6
The ghost is Chaerin??? Sound interesting. Update soon.