Chapter 34

Spring In London
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"I didn't know that You can Speak Korean, Jaejoong."


Jaejoong smiled hearing Jung Kirin's comment. "Only a little," He said modestly.


When Jaejoong arrived at the location earlier, He must admitted that his stomach fell queasy because of nervous. Billions question went through his mind. What did Yunho's sister know about Jaejoong? How did Jung Kirin look like? Could Jaejoong ask anything about Jung Yunho? And if he could, What should he say?


But when he finally met Jung Kirin, Jaejoong felt that his nervousness disappeared a lil. Jung Kirin Looked at him with happy shining eyes and Jaejoong was sure that woman new nothing about his past.


Jung Kirin has a totally different face from Jung Yunho, But still there are some clear similarity between that sister and brother. For example their smile, their cheerful character and their friendly way of talking.


Jung Kirin titled her head to the side a bit. "I heard you ever worked with my brother for Yoochun's Music Video two years ago," she said. "You still remembered Yunho? He is my younger brother."


Like usual, everytime Yunho's name was mentioned, Jaejoong would suddenly held his breath and his heart thumping like crazy. This was the chance that he have waited. This was the right time to ask about Yunho.


Jaejoong opened his mouth to ask, but before he old voice out anything, He heard someone called his name excitedly. He turned around and soon recognized Yoon, The stylist that worked with him for the MV two years ago.


Yoon ran towards Jaejoong while waving her hand. "Hello, hello, hello," She greeted with a bright face. "Glad to meet you again. You still remember me, don't you?"


"Oh, Noona," said Jaejoong in Korean. "How are you?"


Yoon's smile got wider. "Oh My God! turned out you've learn Korean."


"Both of you had knew each other? It's good then," asked Jung Kirin while looked at Jaejoong and Yoon alternately. "You guys had better get ready now. I should call someone."


And there gone his chance to ask about Yunho, thought Jaejoong while looked at Jung Kirin who turned around and took out her cell phone from her hand bag. Then Jaejoong looked at Yoon who holding his arms happily. Ah, that's right. He could ask Yoon instead. Yoon sure new about Yunho.


"Noona," called Jaejoong hesitantly. "By The Way, did you know how is Yun…"


"Jung Yunho! do you know what time it is now? Why you haven't come? Come here right now or I'll go there and drag you here."


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NinePlusOne #1
Chapter 40: Yay! They finally are together! Nice story❤️
Chapter 40: Hello there...I re-read this story and still giving me the same effect...*sigh dreamily*...I hope you will be back with more fic some time soon...I'm Yunjae deprive TT____TT
byul04 #3
Chapter 39: I don't know for how many times i re-read summer in Seoul and this~~~~ i just love ur translation @ adaptation into yunjae~~~ I've keep coming even though I already knew the story line ~~~ hope you'll come back with more yunjae fics~~❤❤❤❤❤
ahh~ finally! im done reading this story. first of all, thank you for the effort of translating this fic even though there are errors here and there, but still it's understandable. :) i enjoyed reading it. which came first? this one or the Summer in Seoul? hehe.
sunshineonu #5
Chapter 40: beautiful fic ..thank you for translating..
hope to see more stories form you.
hy2min #6
This fic was so awesome and beautiful !! I just loved this story !!!!
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 40: Waaah read this in one go.. Again, awesome fics held responsible for all the 'Couch, Snack & Me' in saturday time, i will die diabetic lol..
Tbh i had the original series before, but that time i still in 'Ugh romance, I want adventure!' phase lol so the books goes for my cousin.. But stumbled to this fic now, Just Wow.. This really awesome story! Maybe i should snacth things back from my cousin lol.. Just kidding :D This YunJae version really make me all contented hehe.. Their characters just so perfect though i still really cant imagined Shim Changmin and motherly in one sentence XD Cant wait to read the other verse as well esp the seoul one when Yunho is an idol hehe.. Thank you for sharing this <3<3<3
PS: Sorry for too much of hyper.. one word : s.u.g.a.r
BTS_Rania_ARMY #8
Chapter 39: Aww I just finish rading this fic and loved it so much . It's beautiful .
Chapter 40: i was hoping for some lovey-dovey yunjae but it doesn't matter this was awesome
Chapter 40: Authornim...I love this story too!!...but I was hoping more of Yunjaeness after they confessed to each other and JJ still haven't said 'I Love you' to Yunho too...

Thanks for the great story authornim!! *bow 90 deg*