Chapter 22

Spring In London
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That night Jaejoong went in his bedroom, throw his bag on the floor and directly lay his body on the bed. He bite his lips and look at the ceiling. He began to feel that he was over reacted that night, even when Heechul answered Yunho's phone. He shouldn't act that way. He shouldn't ignoring Yunho's calls when he called him.


However, He didn't have the right to feel jealous. Jung Yunho was free to do everything he want. he was also free to choose whoever he want. free to like whoever he want.


But why this thought make Jaejoong felt lifeless?


He got up and walked to his wardrobe. his eyes accidentally caught the small yellow note that was sticked on his mirror. He took that paper and read it.


Check your e-mail. Changmin.


Jaejoong frowned curiously. What else is this? he thought, but he walk towards his desk and his laptop. Not long after that he was already enter his e-mail inbox. Someone send a video file for him. Hope that it's not any kind of virus, Jaejoong opened the file.


Seconds later he blinked surprisedly staring at the picture that appear on the laptop screen. The lake that surfaced with the calm clue water, the green dessert that spread widely, and with the background of dark green hill. The sky looked so clear and he could hear the rustle of the leaves that caused by the wind. He also almost could feel the wind hit his face softly. what place is that?


Suddenly a very familiar voice went through his ears. "Beautiful, isn't it? Welcome to Ullswater." Then the scenery was changed when the camera was moved and Jaejoong widened his eyes when Yunho's face full his laptop screen. he felt that it has been a long time since he last saw Yunho's face. Yunho smiled widely to the camera and said, "did you know that Ullswater often considered as the most beautiful lake in Cumbria? yesterday we did the shooting here. I know you definitely will like this scenery, so today I come back here to show it to you."


Yunho sweep back his camera to all his surroundings, to show all the beautiful scenery that spread in front of him. And Jaejoong also felt as if himself was there, stood beside Yunho, witnessed all that amazing  scenery with his own eyes, felt the wind hitting his face. He pulled up both of his legs on the chair and hug his knees. A smile decorating his face.


Yunho's face came back to the screen. he looked up at the blue sky with one hand shade over his eyes. his hair was messed by the wind. Then he looked at the camera and put on a wide smile which make Jaejoong's heart beat two times faster. "Next time I sure will take you here so that you can see it by yourself," he said. "Now hold my hand. I'll take you out for a date today, Kim Jaejoong. So I hope you are willing to spend this beautiful day with me."


Jaejoong's smile got wider. "Very creative," he mumbled softly.


And he almost forgot to breath when he see all the beautiful scenery which recorded by Yunho. Yunho brought him from Lorton Vale which was a green land that lied in the south of Cockermouth, then to Crummock Water in the north of Buttermere, to the beautiful Borrowdale, which make Jaejoong chocked.


It's very obvious Yunho didn't record it for only a day. Jaejoong is sure that man must do it in his limited free time. The awareness that Yunho have spare his time to plan everything for him touched him. Very touched.


Yunho's bright face seen back on the screen. "How do you think? You like it?"


Jaejoong smiled. "Very," he mumbled softly.


"I really hope you are here with me now." Yunho sighed and looked around, then back to look at the camera. Stared at Jaejoong. "You know, I realize something when I'm here," he said lightly. He was still smiling, but there is a serious impression in his voice. "I miss you."


Jaejoong blinked surprisedly and held his breath. Oh, dear… His surrounding suddenly became so silent. Only his own heartbeat that could be heard.


"I thought I have used to see you, so if there is not your presence, I felt weird. As if there is something… wrong," Yunho continued with wondering tone. Then he laughed slightly. "My God, I thought I began to talk nonsense. Well, I hope you enjoy our date today. see you again in London."


For twenty minutes after the video ended, Jaejoong still sat still in front of his laptop.


I realize something when I am here. I miss you.


Yunho's words still lingered in his ear. And that words now make a smile appeared on his lips. he glanced at his phone that was on the table. After hesitant for a while, he determined himself, reach for that phone and typed Yunho's number.


This time Yunho answered on the first rings and the voice that now Jaejoong realized how he miss it was heard directly asked, "Jaejoong?"


"Mmm," mumbled Jaejoong. "This is me."


Jaejoong could heard Yunho exhaled his breath slowly. "Did you enjoy our date ?"


Jaejoong smiled. "How could you know I have watched the video?"


"I have a reliable spy."


reliable spy? Jaejoong glanced at the note from Changmin which was on the table.


"So, Jaejoong, You didn't angry with me anymore?" asked Yunho. His voice seem hesitant, absolutely not like the one Jaejoong know.


Jaejoong snorted. "I didn't angry with you." However it's impossible to admit that he didn;t like the fact that heechul answered Yunho's phone, that Yunho brought Heechul somewhere, Then they have dinner together, that Heechul can meet Yunho while J

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NinePlusOne #1
Chapter 40: Yay! They finally are together! Nice story❤️
Chapter 40: Hello there...I re-read this story and still giving me the same effect...*sigh dreamily*...I hope you will be back with more fic some time soon...I'm Yunjae deprive TT____TT
byul04 #3
Chapter 39: I don't know for how many times i re-read summer in Seoul and this~~~~ i just love ur translation @ adaptation into yunjae~~~ I've keep coming even though I already knew the story line ~~~ hope you'll come back with more yunjae fics~~❤❤❤❤❤
ahh~ finally! im done reading this story. first of all, thank you for the effort of translating this fic even though there are errors here and there, but still it's understandable. :) i enjoyed reading it. which came first? this one or the Summer in Seoul? hehe.
sunshineonu #5
Chapter 40: beautiful fic ..thank you for translating..
hope to see more stories form you.
hy2min #6
This fic was so awesome and beautiful !! I just loved this story !!!!
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 40: Waaah read this in one go.. Again, awesome fics held responsible for all the 'Couch, Snack & Me' in saturday time, i will die diabetic lol..
Tbh i had the original series before, but that time i still in 'Ugh romance, I want adventure!' phase lol so the books goes for my cousin.. But stumbled to this fic now, Just Wow.. This really awesome story! Maybe i should snacth things back from my cousin lol.. Just kidding :D This YunJae version really make me all contented hehe.. Their characters just so perfect though i still really cant imagined Shim Changmin and motherly in one sentence XD Cant wait to read the other verse as well esp the seoul one when Yunho is an idol hehe.. Thank you for sharing this <3<3<3
PS: Sorry for too much of hyper.. one word : s.u.g.a.r
BTS_Rania_ARMY #8
Chapter 39: Aww I just finish rading this fic and loved it so much . It's beautiful .
Chapter 40: i was hoping for some lovey-dovey yunjae but it doesn't matter this was awesome
Chapter 40: Authornim...I love this story too!!...but I was hoping more of Yunjaeness after they confessed to each other and JJ still haven't said 'I Love you' to Yunho too...

Thanks for the great story authornim!! *bow 90 deg*