chapter 1

Spring In London
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Seoul, South Korea


"Finally you answered your phone. I've tried to call you so many times in this past three days."

That words kicked in Jung Yunho's ears even before he said 'hello'. He even hadn't place his phone right on his ear. Well-knowing his best friend's voice on the other end, yunho laughed and said,

"Park Yoochun, I know you miss me, but please turn down your volume. I don't want the people beside you think that we're in a relationship or something like that. You maybe have used to the rumour of being gay, but I'm not."

"Very funny" said Park Yoochun sarcastically.

Yunho stood before a big window in that big office, looking at the street in apgujung-dong down there. The road was quite crowded, people in their thick and colourful coats walked along the sidewalk and cars to and fro on the road. A very common view. The daily view that often ignored by most of people. But Yunho love it. He liked to observe things I his surroundings, every passerby and every cars that passed.

"Actually I knew that you're calling,"said yunho softly,  "and I'm sorry because I've no time to call you back. You yourself is a famous singer, so you defenitely know how did it feel when your schedule were so tight that you have no time to think of others. I must go to London next weekN so I must finish all my work here before I left." 

"I know you will go to London,"said yoochun."That's why I called you. I need your help."

"Sure"said yunho without doubt,"just say it."

"I want you to take part in my music video."

"Your music video?"

"The shoot will be hold in London, you know who had agreed to be the director?" Without waiting for answer, yoochun continued, "Daniel Lee. And because I knew you go to london to work with him. I thought we don't have to look for the man're the perfect cast. How do you think?"

Yunho sighed and pretend to be helpless."Did I have another choice?"

"No" said yoochun chuckling.

"It's deal then. And yunho,just so you know, your face won't be shown in the music video. Only the other cast will be shooted."

Yunho raised his eyebrows."What? Why?"

"Personally, I thought you're too handsome for my music video,"joked yoochun. "But stay calm,evethough only your back and the back of your head that will be seen,the whole korea will know that Jung yunho is the one who is in Park Yoochun's MV. And in case you mind with it, please complain to director lee. He make all the concept."

Yunho sighed excessively again,but he's smiling." Park yoochun, I'm a busy person, in here or in london later. So tell me, why must I waste my valuable time to take part in your MV if my face won't be seen?"

Ignoring yunho's question,park yoochun returned to ask,"busy? You mean busy in courting?"Then he laughed."When will you introduce your girlfriend to me?"

Yunho raised his eyebrow curiously."What do you mean? What girlfriend?"

"The girl that I saw walked out from a restaurant in gangnam with you last night. Is she the reason why you're busy these past days?"

Yunho narrowed his eyes when he remembered last night event. And event before last night."She is not my girlfriend." " if." "She..isn' girlfriend,"said yunho, emphasized every word."Moreover, what's this? Have you change your job into a journalist or what?"

Yoochun laughed."Hei, I'm only asking."

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NinePlusOne #1
Chapter 40: Yay! They finally are together! Nice story❤️
Chapter 40: Hello there...I re-read this story and still giving me the same effect...*sigh dreamily*...I hope you will be back with more fic some time soon...I'm Yunjae deprive TT____TT
byul04 #3
Chapter 39: I don't know for how many times i re-read summer in Seoul and this~~~~ i just love ur translation @ adaptation into yunjae~~~ I've keep coming even though I already knew the story line ~~~ hope you'll come back with more yunjae fics~~❤❤❤❤❤
ahh~ finally! im done reading this story. first of all, thank you for the effort of translating this fic even though there are errors here and there, but still it's understandable. :) i enjoyed reading it. which came first? this one or the Summer in Seoul? hehe.
sunshineonu #5
Chapter 40: beautiful fic ..thank you for translating..
hope to see more stories form you.
hy2min #6
This fic was so awesome and beautiful !! I just loved this story !!!!
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 40: Waaah read this in one go.. Again, awesome fics held responsible for all the 'Couch, Snack & Me' in saturday time, i will die diabetic lol..
Tbh i had the original series before, but that time i still in 'Ugh romance, I want adventure!' phase lol so the books goes for my cousin.. But stumbled to this fic now, Just Wow.. This really awesome story! Maybe i should snacth things back from my cousin lol.. Just kidding :D This YunJae version really make me all contented hehe.. Their characters just so perfect though i still really cant imagined Shim Changmin and motherly in one sentence XD Cant wait to read the other verse as well esp the seoul one when Yunho is an idol hehe.. Thank you for sharing this <3<3<3
PS: Sorry for too much of hyper.. one word : s.u.g.a.r
BTS_Rania_ARMY #8
Chapter 39: Aww I just finish rading this fic and loved it so much . It's beautiful .
Chapter 40: i was hoping for some lovey-dovey yunjae but it doesn't matter this was awesome
Chapter 40: Authornim...I love this story too!!...but I was hoping more of Yunjaeness after they confessed to each other and JJ still haven't said 'I Love you' to Yunho too...

Thanks for the great story authornim!! *bow 90 deg*