Part 1


It 'a day like any other, I and my family we wake up, we have breakfast, and prepare ourselves because there are those who must go to work, who have to clean the house and there are those who must go to school. In my case I have to go to school. I attend high school "Chung High school" is not much of a school, but between all three schools (high schools) in this small town, it is the best. My mother is a housewife, while my father is a chef working in a restaurant (in theory it is the mother who cooks, but in my case is the father), and leisure time goes along with his group of hunters and go in search of so-called "wolves", then I have a little sister of six years, which first seems kind and sweet but in truth has a devilish side (or maybe it does so only with me, because when you have guests at home and quite another person);

I looked at the clock in my room, it was 6:00 AM and my parents were not yet awake. In truth, I get along great with my parents since was born my sister. I got up from bed and went into the kitchen, I looked for something to eat in the lockers. I saw a pack of cereal, so I took them and leaned on the table, I went to the fridge in search of milk, I looked a bit 'there and a bit' here and in the end I found it, took it, opened it and poured the milk into the bowl containing grains. I sat down in one of the chairs and begins to eat. While I was eating I heard footsteps, was my mother. He looked at me and said, "Why so soon?" And I replied "I'm in a hurry today I have a job and I want to go over now so I remember everything." But it was not true. Well ... I had to wipe it was true, but that was not a task but for a query. So to avoid talking to my mother (because yesterday I had a discussion with her), I hurried to eat. Finished eating we took a pikemen of water and without saying anything I went upstairs and went to my room. I closed the door and opened the closet door to catch the school uniform, he leaned against the bed and then I went to the bathroom to wash. As soon as I finished, I went out to wash the bathroom and I met my sister holding her favorite stuffed animal, but not talk to us each went to their rooms * Have you had breakfast? *. Then I closed the door of my room key and changed. When I was ready I went out of my room and walked towards the exit of the house and said, "I'm going." And then I closed the door carefully, I took a breath and walked away. I walked to school alone, or at least with the heavy backpack. I do not have many friends, and the only friends I have are nerds, but they are nerds or not I do not care, the bad is that they do not live in my neighborhood. So in solitude I went to school.

When I was almost arrived at school, I stopped along a road where you could see the wood Uriw and I thought * I wonder if they really exist. * But then kept walking. As soon as I arrived at the gate of the school, I stopped suddenly because I dropped the doll attached to a backpack, "Gee I have to find a way not to drop it.", So I bent down and took it. As I was about to get up but I heard footsteps of someone running. So as soon as I got slammed with a guy, who stopped to apologize to me, "Oh! I'm sorry. "But the rush did not tell me more. He was a boy say neither too high nor too low, and when I said excuse smiled, and throughout the morning I did nothing but think about that boy. And suddenly during the lesson, I rang the phone * Damn I forgot to turn off the phone! * So the teacher put me in the punishment, I had to stay at school until late afternoon to wash the class.

By now they were about to finish the lessons, and the sound of the bell was a sign of the beginning of a tough afternoon. But before that I had to tell my parents that I had put in the corner, so I went to call on the answering machine. My parents were furious, kept shouting on the phone, so I hung up and I went back into my classroom; Before cleaning I wanted to do my homework (which is odd since I hate school), so I sat in my seat and began to do your homework. By now it was late and I still had to clean the class, so I rolled up my sleeves and started cleaning. I started with a clean slate and remove the chalk in the erasers, then I moved the desks and cleaned the floor. When I had finished cleaning from top to bottom of the class, put it back in place the desks and chairs, then I gave her a settled here and there and then I took my backpack to go. But while I was going to take the backpack I heard footsteps and voices of boys * There are still students at this hour? * So I looked out the door and saw three guys, but I saw them from the back and did not understand who they were. But one of them will face on one side and smiled, perhaps because of their conversation. * That smile ... I know is the guy before! * Something told me to follow them, I do not know maybe instinct, I felt there was something going on, I do not think they are here to school for punishment much less to get something, even because they had nothing with him. So I followed them. I do not know where they should go but ended up behind the school, where he was the forest Uriw. Those guys looked around to see if there was none, so I hid in a hurry, and they went into the woods. At that point I did not know what to do, to enter or not to enter? But in the end decided to continue them to follow them. Then they stopped and I hid behind a tree, with the three of them were other guys, I think they were 9 others. But why all these people? In the meantime, between them ... "There is no one right?" Said one who seemed that he was the leader of the gang, had a tough-guy attitude, however, had a baby face, it was too cute. "No, there is none." Said one of the three boys that followed. "Ah, I can finally stretch a bit '." Said one boy high, wow how if it was high. * In what way stretch? I do not think that this would be the place to play. * And suddenly before my eyes the same guy ... well ... became a wolf! And so on all the others.

I was shocked * What are ... can not really be there. * I backed off slowly, but accidentally broke a twig. And so I found out, I looked at all, I was afraid. One of the gold came up to me, I turned around and hit me with his nose to the back beckoning me to go there. So I advanced, and soon I was surrounded by them. "He saw us and now we do?" Said one of the wolves. Then they returned again human. And the boy with a face like a child asked me "What are you doing here?" And I did not know how to answer, so I remained silent "The only way out is to do it, so do not tell us." Said one of them. But the guy with the baby face stopped him telling him, "No, do not talk." So for me to decide what to do with him and the others gathered and made ​​me watch the two of them. I was sitting in a quiet grange rock. In the meantime ... not that I know of was approaching the same guy who wanted to kill me ... I left her sharp teeth and suddenly bit me in the arm, and as soon as the two guards noticed it turned back into wolves and I broke away from him. That bite was a terrible evil, and I squeezed his arm was bleeding. One of them called the other while the other kept the wolf at bay. The others heard the news rushed immediately arrive. The baby-faced (I have to stop calling him so, well ... maybe I think it's the leader of the group.) Came running towards me and I immediately saw the wound. I try to take me into their home (all 'inside of the wood), for medicarmi. But when we were walking I fell to the ground, and suddenly I began to transform into a wolf, while the others were to reach. Become a wolf all looked at me with a face. So I went immediately to myself in a puddle near there (created by the heavy rain of last night). I had become a wolf, a white wolf with blue eyes.

As I looked at the reflection of my face in the puddle went back again a human and looked around, were still staring at me, they were shocked because I had become a wolf. And the boss went mad at me who had bitten her and grabbed him by the shirt. "Look what you did! Lay look what you've done! "Said this I call to report me and another named Baekhyun (it was the boy's smile). We went all three in their home and as we entered the boss said to Baekhyun "Baekhyun you searching for a way to bring it back to normal again." And he said to him, "What! Are you crazy! I do not ever find! "but he did not listen to him, and then he took my hand and we went upstairs. He left me in a room, then returned with a first-aid kit and I doctor's arm. "Eco I'm done." So all things settled. "Thank you ... Here I wanted to ask ... if Baekhyun not find a remedy in the meantime, what do you do with me?" I asked, and the boy got out of bed and said, "Well ... the only thing we can do is train you. "The chief said," Come on you have to present the group. "So we all went back and two on the ground floor were all there. "Guys it's time to show up. Well ... let's start with you. "So before I started to introduce myself. "Hello, my name is Kim Jae." So then they all showed up. And I finally had some new friends ^ - ^. Without the presentations I went home and the next day I should have to resubmit again beyond for training.


I got down to breakfast in a good mood, but the mood was broken by my parents. "This time I get in trouble, and then yesterday you came home late! I do not think it takes all that time for a punishment! What have you done? Where have you been?! With who? "Stove in me I got up and left the house. It was the morning on a Saturday and there was no school so I decided to go to the house of wolves. I was almost at home on their own, but someone called me from behind, "Hey! Jae! "Baekyun was the boy-smile. We said goodbye and started walking toward the house and talk. "Why here?" He asked, "Well ... I had nothing to do so I'm here for training." I told him. "Ah ... you know ... I do not know why ... but we met before?" Asked me Baekhyun. "Yes, you remember yesterday in front of the school gate? The girl you banged? That was me. "I answered. "Ah! I remember you now. "So we talked among ourselves, until we got home. We entered and Baekhyun said "We have guests!" So all went down including some Luhan (baby face) who asked me "What are you doing here?" And I told him the same thing, so he began to train me. And so day after day, I spend a month, now we were like brother and sister but he is the opposite of my sister does he show with a tough character but in truth and gentle and sweet. One day we were training together near a cliff not far from the forest, then we grew tired and sat down to watch the sun set. We were silent for a while ', then suddenly Luhan began to look at me, and as soon as I realized I turned and looked at him, too. By now we were so close, we were going to kiss me and it was so. We kissed in front of that beautiful sunset, then we stopped and we stared at each one to the other, then We addressed his gaze back toward the sunset and we held hands and then leaned my head on his shoulder and he over my head. Since we were no longer best friends but something more ...



Between Kai and Luhan there will be a rivalry, it will be because of Jae?
"We must banish from the group Jae is giving us so much trouble!"
Jae's father begins to get suspicious ... and keep it locked. Eventually he gives up and reveals all ...
The final battle! hunters against wolves!
Jae which side will stand? Who is your family to you? What will happen in the end?
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Marciakslp #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^