Chapter 2

Who Would Have Thought...

*DING DING DING* Mrs. Sloan was cut off mid-sentence by the bell. Marcie and I snickered at her 'Catching Flies' expressions.

"Don't forget to do-"

"Yeah, Yeah, we know," Marcie hollered as we walked out of the classroom. Jared was leaning against the wall when we came out.

He whistled when he saw Marcie, a giant smirk taking up his face. Marcie shoved him, but took his hands and kissed him gently.

"Save that for when you're on your own time. Not ours," Amy said, coming up behind us. Jared chuckled, but stayed glued to Marcie, pulling her along by her waist.

"Amen," I agreed, walking with Amy to the cafeteria. Marcie and Jared were already standing in line.

"What's that smell?" Amy groaned, crinkling her delicate nose. When it came to school lunches, there was no telling what it was. It always smelled like a mixture of B.O. and strawberries. NOT pleasant what-so-ever.

"Lunch," I sung in an off-pitched voice. She rolled her eyes and grabbed a tray.

"Get some food, shut up, and sit down," she ordered.

"Whatever," I grumbled, my mood slightly ruined since she didn't sing along with me. I filled my tray with what supposedly passed as a school lunch.

"Over here!" Marcie called from across the lunch room at our normal table. Nah duh, Sherlock. I hurried over and sat across from her, Amy sitting next to me.

"Hey Baby!" A guy hollered, moving our direction. I mentally sighed.

"Hey Sweetie," Amy said, tilting her head up. Marcus gave her a quick kiss and sat down next to her.

"Did you guys hear?" He asked excitedly.

"Nope," Everybody said at once, used to his normal chatter.

"I'll tell you then. This big head honcho guy was murdered last night. It's all over the news! You really haven't heard about it?" Marcus asked in disbelief.

"Seriously?!" I asked, "Do you know what happened?" I mentally gave myself a pat on the back. Acting innocent was my speciality, 

"They're not releasing much information. Everybody in the house was killed." His eyes went wide as he spoke.

"Well, there's nothing in our power that we can do about it," Marcie said, rolling her eyes.

"Amen," we all chorused. Marcus looked sad that his news hadn't excited us.

"It's okay, baby," Amy told him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Ha. If only he knew that the people responsible were us.

"You seriously need a boyfriend," Marcie said, pointing her fork at me.

"No thanks," I replied quickly, "You're not my type."

"Not me, Stupid. A guy."

"I don't like anybody."



"How about the new guy?" she asked with a mischeivous glint in her eye.

"What new guy?" My eyes narrowed. The last time she had used that line on me, the 'guy' ended up being in a gang. "This isn't the same type of new guy like last year, is it?"

"Nope. Mr. Mysterious. Rawr."

"Hey!" Jared yelled accusingly, his eyes twinkling with humor at her comment.

"You know I love you," Marcie assured him with a kiss on the cheek.

Inside, I knew that I was jealous of Marcie and Amy's relationships. Nobody had ever liked me. 'Stop,' I mentally ordered myself. They were my best friends. They deserved to be happy... But didn't I?

"Hello? Earth to Cameron," Amy hollered in my ear, waving her hand in front of my face.

"S-sorry. What?"

"What about the new guy? For you," she insisted, backing up Marcie. 

"I haven't even met him for crying out loud!"

"That was loud. There! Right there in the lunch line!" she exclaimed, grabbing my arm in her iron grip. Marcus laughed at her side.

Against my will, my eyes traveled to the lunch line and locked on an unfamiliar face. His black shaggy hair almost reached his eyes. The eyes in question were a midnight black, so black that it was as if they were never-ending. Mr. Mysterious was right. It matched his leather jacket, black tee, and black jeans. He felt my gaze and those eyes shifted to mine. I sat, frozen by his stare. He flashed me a half smile and looked away as the line moved forward.

"Whoa. Epic Connection!" Marcie sang, giving me and 'I told you so' look. I huffed out a sigh and took a bite of what may have been mashed potatoes. Amy started laughing, her hand attempting to cover .

"What?" we all asked.

"Look who's coming over here," she snorted between laughs. I looked over my shoulder and let out an audible groan. 

"May I sit?" the guy asked, smiling with his eyebrows raised almost as if he were mocking me.

"No," I said while Amy and Marcie said, "Yes." He apparently didn't care about my opinion because he sat down next to me. I gave Marcie and Amy looks that could kill. From our occupation, I was quite capable of doing so. 

"Names?" he asked, looking around at everybody.





I stayed quiet, and the new guy loked at me expectantly, humor shining brightly in his eyes. I straightened up and looked at the wall beside his head, knowing that if I met his eyes, I would become speechless. "Cameron," I told him. he nodded and turned to his tray.

Underneath the table, he bumped his knee against mine. I looked over at him to find him smiling. Gosh. Couldn't he keep all body parts to himself and stop being such a 'bad boy'. So far, last year was clearly repeating itself.

"So Cameron. Why don't you start the conversation," Amy said, kicking me under the table. Ow. That was definitely going to leave a bruise.

"Why me? Any other person could start it, you know," I replied, glaring daggers at her.

"How about I start it," the guy suggested, looking straight at me. I squirmed uncomfortably. "Kiseop."


"Kiseop. That's my name." I gave a curt nod.

Wait. I stiffened. What the hell was he doing? He had hooked a finger through the belt loop of my jeans, tugging me closer on the bench.

"Stranger danger," Marcie said and everybody laughed. Except for me and Kiseop. A strange look crossed his eyes although his lips twitched into a smile.

"What are you doing?!" I hissed under my breath at him. 

"What? Am I not allowed to admire the scenery?" His posture, the look on his face, everything sure told me he was admiring scenery alright.

"Not at this close of an angle," I protested, trying to scoot over. His fingers held fast in my belt loop, not moving a millimeter. Glancing over at Marcie, I saw her trade-mark smile. Kiseop bumped my knee again. "Would you please stop that?" I asked, shooting him a dirty look.

"Stop what?"

"Touching me!"

"My hands have been beside me on the bench and holding your belt loop."

"Fine. Stop bumping your knee against mine. Does that clear anything up?" I slapped his hand away and stood up, exiting the bench by climbing over. Confused looks were directed at me. 

"I want something to drink," I lied smoothly, fishing in my pocket for coin change.

"Here," Kiseop said, stuffing a five dollar bill into my hand."

"I don't want your money. I have money of my own."

"It's not my money anymore. It's yours," he insisted, feigning innocence.

"Whatever. You're not getting the change." With that, I turned around and stopmed off to the soda machines. "I hate this cheap school," I muttered under my breath, kicking the machine that did not respond. It beeped and spat the money back out.

Arms reached out from behind me, took the bill, and slipped it back in the machine. It actually excepted the money, and the hands pressed the button for a Coca Cola. "Needing some help?" Kiseop asked from behind me.

I stiffened. I could smell his spice cologne and the leather from his jacket. "Nope." I crouched down and swiped the drink out of the machine alone with the change. When I turned around, his face was inches from mine. "Ever heard of personal space?"

"I'm pretty sure that I have, but I'm not in the mood for it."

"Oh really?" I snapped. He laughed at my stupid question, his breath washing over me and turning my legs to jelly. It smelled of mint. "If you don't mind," I breathed, gesturing away from him.

He moved over and I walked past him, making sure to bump into him as I went. Marcie and Amy looked confused as I left. I mouthed, "Stomach ache," and headed for my locker.

Every couple of seconds I would look over my shoulder and make sure that Kiseop guy wasn't following me. Opening my locker, I came across pictures of my mom and little sister plastered over the inside of the door. I caressed my mother's and little Isabelle's faces. 'Why them?' I thought. A pang of loss shot through my heart.

Shuffling my soda into the front pocket of my hoodie, I grabbed my books for the next two, or last, classes. I closed the mini door and guess who I found standing there.Yep. You guessed it. Kiseop.

"Why are you following me?"

"What's your next class?" he asked, ignoring my own question.

"You don't answer somebody's question with another one." I looked at him, annoyed.

"Fine. I want to know what your first class it." His eyes filled with laughter, shining throughout his unique, doll-like face.

"Physics," I told him, heading to class early.

"Perfect. So is mine." He pulled a schedule out of the pocket of his leather jacket.

"Yippee for me." I didn't mention how this fact made my stomach fill with butterflies and my insides turn to mush.

"Look. The band and I are going to grab something to after I get out of this dumo later. Wanna come?"

My mouth dropped open. I had just met the guy and he wanted me to tag along with him and his band? "Why aren't they in school?" I accused.

"They chose not to be. We are having a break from touring and decided to spend it here in the United States. I want to get a better education while I can," he responded, not missing a beat. Dang he was good.

"That's good to know. Can I please get on to class?"

"I don't know. Can you?" He smirked at me. I was just about to stalk off when I remembered that I had left my wallet in my locker. I opened it and snatched it off the top shelf.

I stopped to look at my mom and sister.I thought for a moment, and then pulled off one of the pictures, gently placing it in my pocket. Closing my locker, I turned to leave.

Kiseop stood completely still, looking at my pocket.

"It's nothing," I whispered, turning around and walking towards the biology room. Loking over my shoulder, the bell rang. Kiseop stayed where he was, staring now at the ground. A flood of students cut off my view, and I continued forward.






What do you all think of the story? Mysterious, right? Mwhahaha. It's okay. Everything will be revealed in later chapters. What do you think is going on with Kiseop? Any guesses? I'll try to update soon.





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