Chapter 1

Who Would Have Thought...

The music was cranked up to full volume, blasting its way through the speakers. Amy's car sped down the highway as Marcie and I loaded our guns in the backseat. "You guys almost done?" Amy called over the music, glancing in the mirror at us. She had the cold air on, flipping her blonde curls around her head and slightly out behind her. 

"Almost," Marcie replied with a thick accent straight from the New York Bronx. She placed the last of her ammo into her AK-47. 

"Same here," I said. Clenching the gun tight in my hand, I loaded the bullets into the slip and snapped it into my Mini Uzi.

"Good. That means you can load mine for me," Amy joked enthusiastically, slinging her Glock to Marcie along with a box of bullets.

"Gee. Thanks," Marcie said sarcastically. Amy only smiled and slipped a pair of Gucci sunglasses over her blue eyes to block out the fading sun.

I laughed as Marcie made faces at the back of Amy's head. She looked at me and smiled. "We need to get serious. If Boss finds out that we are goofing off during this hit, it'll be our heads," Amy informed us as she turned down the music.

"You're no fun!" Marcie and I called at the same time. This resulted in us bursting into even more laughter. Amy shook her head and only smiled.

Marcie and I were always the ones to make things interesting. Messing up and getting in trouble were our specialties. Amy, of course, was the one to correct us every time no matter what we did. I guess that it was just in her nature to be protective and motherly.

Our laughter was cut off by squeeling brakes as Amy led the car down a nearby road, taking the sharp turn. "Get ready. Almost there," she warned. I pulled out a pocket mirror, fluffed my hair, and applied a coat of blood-red lipstick. My dress pinched at my thighs, and I pulled at the hem, willing it to be longer even though it was no use. I wasn't used to such revealing attire.

"Be prepared," Amy snapped as we pulled up to a Victorian Style house. Marcie gapped at the million dollar home, not minding her ridiculous expression. "Cam, we will be at the back door. If anything happens and you need us before around five minutes is up, you know what to do."

I nodded, adjusted myself anf the itchy wig adorning my scalp, and slipped the Mini Uzi into my designer purse. Getting out of the car was a hassle thanks to the stilleto heels that encassed my feet and pinched here and there. I was safely out of the car though, and I gave my friends a warm smile before heading up the winding driveway. The only thing on my mind was this hit. It had to be perfect. No mistakes. No leads left behind. Before I had a chance to knock on the oversized white door, a tall, handsome man opened it. 

He smiled brightly and gestured for me to come in. "It's so nice to meet you," he gushed after closing the door behind me. I heard the car pull off and knew that it had started. Amy would park the car a few blocks away and then the two of them would make their way to the back of the house.

"The honor is all mine," I returned sweetly, mentally gagging at how formal and girly I sounded. The man grasped my hand in his and brought it to his lips. I tried not to cringe at the contact my skin against his moist lips. I succeeded. 

He led me to a sitting room that was furnished with white velvet shairs, an ornate fireplace, a diamond chandalier dripping with the sparkling gems, gold-trimmed wallpaper, and a mini bar set along the entire back wall. I settled gracefully into one of the many plush chairs and positioned my bag next to me, crossing my legs daintily. 

As he straightened his tie, he asked, "Would you care for some wine or chapagne before our evening?" He was expecting a date. The original girl that his mother had set up to come here had been taken care of by some of Boss's other workers. I was in her place to set the night in action. 

"No thank you. I don't drink," I replied. "Perhaps a lemonade or maybe tea? Whatever is available." I flipped my 'hair' over my shoulder and batted my eyelashes at him prettily. What an easily fooled punk.

"One lemonade coming up." He went behind the bar, taking a crystal pitcher from beneath, probably from a mini fridge. He poured it into a matching glass.

"What do you do for a living?" I asked as my attempt to make small talk. He handed me the lemonade complete with a lemon slice perched on the rim.

"I'm the C.E.O of-" Is all he had time to spit out before a large crash came from down the hall. He paused midsentence with his mouth still hanging open. "What the-" Another crash and hollering. Right on time. I sprang from my chair, advancing towards him. Placing my hands on his chest, I forcefully pushed him down into the chair opposite mine. He was launched hard enough for the chair to lean back and almost send him toppling out. It was a shame that we couldn't just use our mere strength to do away with him, but Boss demanded that weapons were used. 'Not to tire us out' he would say.

"Why don't you relax Mr. C.E.O." Another crash. Walking over to my chair, I picked up my bag and drew out my gun. 

"What the hell?! Who are you?" The poor man screamed. He stayed in place though because I had the gun trained at his chest. Just when I was about the pull the trigger myself, being the impatient person I was, Amy and Marcie rushed into the room, instantly pointing their guns at the only target in the room.

"Rumor is, you had a little 'agreement' with our Boss. Word is, you didn't go through with your end of the bargain. Boss doesn't really appreciate it when low-lives like you say you'lll do something and then you don't," I cooed. His eyes widened when I mentioned what only he and Boss knew about.

"You were sent to kill me, weren't you?" he demanded, his face turning red and his eyes bulging out of his head almost comically.

"Of course," I said with a smirk. I trailed the tip of my gun along his cheek. He tried to flich away, but I grabbed his chin to keep his head in place.

"Cam. Stop playing around. Let's get to business." Amy's eyes didn't leave George once. 

"But I was having some fun," I protested. A blood red lip poked out, and my eyebrows knitted together.

"Can we just please continue?" There she went again. Ruining my fun. I only nodded. "Who gets the honors? Because I've been itching to try out my new Glock."

"Go for it," Marcie said. She was helping herself to a drink at the bar. Although we were in high school, she didn't mind underaged drinking one bit. 

Amy wasted no time aiming the gun and shooting. Was she really in that much of a hurry to get home and watch TV?

"No pulse," Marcie confirmed. It was over just like that. She checked his neck and then double-checked his wrist.

"Any witnesses?"

"What do you think we were doing while you were having fun with your little date?" A corner of Marcie's mouth tipped up into a half-hearted smile.

"Well. What's done is done." I leaned down to remove my heels. "Let's go girls. I'm hungry. Plus, on the not-so-bright side, it's a school night."



When we made it to Amy's Mercedes, I hollered "Shotgun!" and claimed my prized seat. The door was now closed and the itchy wig made its way off of my head. I shook out my hair, revealing my chesnut colored waves.

"Red head," Marcie muttered jokingly when she slid into the backseat. 

"For the last time! My hair is not red! It is a darkish auburn brown," I decided, making up my own color and examining a lock of my hair that was pinched between my fingers.

"Red head," Amy agreed, taking a punch in the arm from moi. 





So sorry that this chapter is as short as it is (^^; Are you all looking forward to Kiseop's appearance? I know I am!!! He will be revealed in the next chapter! I hope that I will get to update soon, but softball is a meanie.

I hope that you guys like this update and will look forward to the next one! Here's a random Kiseop being his adorable and dorky self.

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