
Apartment 044

a/n I didn't really wanted to go into details for this because it'd be too long to read -.- I apologise for the already long wall of text coming your way (yes, it's already THAT long without much details) but I hope you guys like it, nevertheless!


Wednesday, 1 May 2013, 4.45pm

They say; dream what you want to be, go where you want to go and be what you want to be. At the end, it’s because you only have one life and one chance to do all the things that you want to do.

For a little guy like Do Kyungsoo, that wasn’t something easy to swallow.

All his life he’d lived by strict traditions and a rigorous system of upbringing. Like all parents would, he was expected to top not only his class but school, and of course somehow be miraculously athletic at the same time. Leadership was a virtue and charisma was a necessity.

As he grew older, he realised the importance of having free will; of having this rush of life called pleasure and enjoyment ingrained within him.

Kyungsoo didn’t want to top classes nor did he want to be a leader.

All he wanted to do was to pursue music.

The emotions that a person can experience as one listens to a song was not only astounding but captivating as well.

That was the very reason he left Japan for Korea.

A little weird considering how Japan is the second biggest music industry after the States but it always struck him as a little comforting to go back to a home you’d left years ago.

Nothing else mattered as he stood in front of the humble building today, his eyes wide with anticipation and excitement. The building was modest, probably 7 stories tall but nothing too fancy. It was definitely easy on the eyes, the reason why the young man chose this particular place to live in.

Tugging on to his duffel bag and luggage, Kyungsoo walked in eagerly before being greeted by a perky young man.

“Good Afternoon! Welcome to Kim Apartments!” The man gave a warm smile to which Kyungsoo quickly warmed up to. “How may I help you?”

“My name is Kyungsoo.” He introduced himself. “I actually rent an apartment here by call a few weeks ago.”

“Ahh! Mr. Do Kyungsoo is it? My name is Suho.” The former extended his hand. “I am the owner. Nice to meet you.”


“Let me see. Your room would be on the fourth floor. Come, allow me to you there.”

Kyungsoo followed the man to the lift and he realised just how antique the place was. In fact, the lift reminded him of a cargo lift; something you’d see in movies back in the 90s.

“Are all the rooms occupied?” Kyungsoo questioned once they reached the fourth floor.

“Not at all.” Suho led the way. “There are only 2 people living on this floor, excluding you of course.”

“I see.”

“Well, here it is. Apartment 041.”

“Thank you.” The young man nodded his head, before getting interrupted by his new neighbour.

“Wow. A new guy.” His neighbour smiled and Kyungsoo returned it immediately.

“Ahhh. Jongin.” Suho laughed. “I hope you’d treat your new neighbour well?”

“For the millionth time, Suho,” The man rolled his eyes. “I told you to call me Kai.”

“He’s a wannabe actor that one.” Suho whispered to Kyungsoo.

Ignoring Suho, the man stepped forward as he proceeded to shake hands with Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo noticed that the man was very handsome; tanned skin, big eyes and that was some wonderful hair indeed.

“I’m Kyungsoo.”

“Nice to meet you, Kyungsoo.” Kai nudged him a little. “Just to let you know, Suho’s a busybody, that’s what he is.”

“I am a caring person.” Suho remarked shamelessly. “I care about people.”

“A-Are you guys always this… friendly?” Kyungsoo stuttered. Honestly, if this was the atmosphere here, then Kyungsoo would have liked to think he chose the perfect place to live in.

Well, almost.

“All of us are!” The tanned young man replied. “Maybe except for that weirdo...”

“Now, Jongin.” Suho chided. “Chanyeol is not a weirdo.”


“The guy from 044.” Both talked at the same time.

“We all think he’s a little loony,” Jongin whispered. “But good ol’ Suho here thinks he just doesn’t mix well with people, that’s all.”

“I see.”

“Well, I hope you find yourself comfortable here.” Suho cleared his throat. “Come, Jongin. We’ll leave him to do his packing.”

Stepping inside the apartment, Kyungsoo noticed that it felt like his house back in Japan. The interior was homely and it may not be fancy but the amenities were sufficient.

The man took a seat on the sofa, sighing in relief as he eyed his surroundings. He frowned a little as the thought to unpack crossed his mind but smiled soon after, knowing that dinner was in an hour’s time.

If he recalled correctly, both breakfast and dinner were available down at the basement.

Maybe it was time to socialise.



Wednesday, 1 May 2013, 6.10pm

“This place is actually huge.” Wide eyed Kyungsoo remarked as he entered the restaurant down at the basement.

“Full of surprises, this place.”

5 minutes before 6pm, his door had been knocked upon and Kyungsoo had opened in wonder to who it was. As it turned out, Jongin, his new neighbour had offered to accompany him to dinner where he would introduce the young man to the other residents living there.

Kyungsoo had accepted his offer politely. After all, if he was going to live here, he might as well get to know the other people more closely.

“This is Luhan. He lives on the third floor.” Jongin had introduced him to yet another tall young man. “He lives with his girlfriend, Tiffany. Pretty stunning if you asked me.”

“Those are Minseok and Jongdae. They’re brothers and they both live on the 7th floor, together with Suho.” He continued.

“Suho lives here?” Kyungsoo asked incredulously. It struck him as odd to why an owner would want to live in the place he does his business in.

“He’s a busybody, remember?”


“Kris, Zitao and Yixing.” Jongin pointed to another 3 men. “They all live on the second floor.”

“Evening.” Kyungsoo greeted them.

“Baekhyun and Sehun. They’re the 6th floor neighbours.”

“Pleasure to meet you!”

“I guess that’s all.” The tanned young man sighed in relief once they’re seated at the table. “Anyone I missed?”

“Not at all.” Suho suddenly joined them. “And of course you know Chanyeol? The anti-social?”

“Doesn’t anyone live on the 5th floor?” Kyungsoo asked again but he noticed how Jongin had taken a peek to Suho’s reaction.

“The 5th floor is out of bounds.” Suho quickly uttered. “Chanyeol actually rents the whole floor.”


“It’s true.” Jongin agreed. “He pays a lot too. I’m guessing he’s an orphan of a businessman.”

“Why does he need to rent out the whole floor though?”

‘I heard he’s an artist.” Suho recalled. “He stores all his art pieces in the rooms. Or at least that’s what he told me.”

“I see.” Kyungsoo’s eyes soon set upon the sole female figure in the room. “Is that Tiffany?”

“Yup. Don’t stare.” Jongin grabbed the man’s head comically and turned it to face him instead. “Luhan doesn’t like us looking at his girlfriend.”

“I don’t like you staring at her.” Luhan’s voice boomed, a sign that he heard what Jongin said. “Nice to meet you, Kyungsoo!”

He nodded his head again as he greeted the young man but Kyungsoo can’t help but wonder…

“Suho?” He decided to speak up. “Why are there so little female residents?”

Kyungsoo felt the room turning tense, if that was even possible. He noticed how it suddenly turned quiet as if everyone were patiently waiting for Suho’s answers.

“They didn’t want to get harassed by Jongin.” The man joked, leading Kyungsoo to laugh as well. He could see why, though. Jongin turned out to be quite the Casanova.

Unfortunately for him, Kyungsoo realised that the truth wasn’t meant to be told and he too didn’t find a need to know.

It’d be better if he didn’t know as well seeing how big of a secret the residents were preventing him from.

Oh well.



Wednesday, 8 May 2013, 12pm

Throughout the one week that Kyungsoo had stayed in the apartment, the man had gotten to know of all its’ residents and their quirks and personalities.

Kris was an accountant. The man was rather cold at first but his warmth equalled Suho once you got to know him better.

Yixing was a marketing director. He was a man of few words but definitely humorous once he started talking.

Zitao was in his final year of college. Kyungsoo was very fond of Zitao because the young man seemed like a younger brother to him, looking like he needed to be pampered.

Luhan, like Tiffany, were both bubbly and loved to talk a lot. Tiffany was the writer of a column in a fashion magazine and Luhan was a model.

Jongin was, like what Suho said, a wannabe actor. Imagined the shock when he got to know that the man actually appeared in his favourite toothpaste commercial.

Baekhyun and Sehun were colleagues; both were photographers with impressive portfolios. Unlike the others, the two were known to be troublemakers, always playing pranks on the residents there.

Minseok was the baker down the street and Jongdae too attended the same college as Zitao. Both were a little talkative but it was nothing too serious.

And then there was Chanyeol.

Weirdo Chanyeol.

The first time he saw him, Kyungsoo remembered that the guy was really good looking. In fact, the man could pass off as model, no offence to Luhan or anything.

But like his nickname, Weirdo Chanyeol was weird.

The first time Kyungsoo had saw him, the man had flickered a gaze towards him before quietly retreating back to his own room.

There were no smiles nor greetings exchanged during their first meeting.

He could honestly see where Jongin was coming from with the abundance of not so nice nicknames. At the end of the day, Kyungsoo came to the conclusion that Suho was just too nice of a person; always looking at the positivity that everyone inhibits.

Chanyeol, Kyungsoo thought, was someone that he’d rather not hang around with alone. He couldn’t put a solid reason to why he felt that way.

Maybe it was fear.



Wednesday, 8 May 2013, 10.03pm

“Back so late?” Kyungsoo had asked Tiffany once when they bumped into each other at the lift.

“10 is not that late.” She laughed before mumbling seriously. “Midnight though is a different story.”

“Why? What happens at midnight?”

“N-Nothing!” He noticed how she had remarked too quickly. “You know what they say. It’s never good for a lady to come home so late.”

The young man nodded his head as he himself understood the importance behind that statement. Back in Japan, he remembered advising his younger sister on her late night outs with her friends. He had feared something would happen to her in the case when he wasn’t home.

“Luhan must be waiting for you, huh.”

“He’s actually on a night shift.”

Kyungsoo paused as he heard her words.

A model?

On a night shift?

Something was definitely iffy.

“I guess he is.” He smiled as the lift came to the third floor.

Only when Tiffany left did she realised her words had seemed suspicious.

Feeling a little tense, the girl quickened her pace as she hurriedly rummaged through the many keys that will eventually unlock her front door.



Friday, 10 May 2013, 7.45am

“Thank God it’s Friday!” Yixing exclaimed excitedly as he took a bite of his croissant. “Come on Kris. You’ve got to eat something!”

“No thank you.” The man declined curtly as he read through the newspaper.

“What’s up with him?” Kyungsoo whispered to Jongin who was at the table as well. “He seems a little moody today.”

“Ignore him.” The latter lamented. “Today’s his 2 month break-up-sary.”


“Break up anniversary.” Yixing filled Kyungsoo in. “His girlfriend broke up with him exactly 2 months ago.”


“She said she needed space.” Kris started to speak up, glaring at both Yixing and Jongin. What a subtle way to gossip. “I gave her space but it’s been two months since she’d contacted me.”

“I see.” Kyungsoo muttered sadly. “What was her name?”

“Jessica.” The three answered at the same time.

Hearing her familiar name, Kris sighed as he finally give in; taking a bite off the buttered croissant. “Her name was Jessica.”



Saturday, 11 May 2013, 8.30pm

The sun that had risen a few hours ago had woken up the man who had been sleeping in soundly. Putting his robe over his grey t shirt, the young man stumbled slowly to his front door; still half awake.

Opening the door, Kyungsoo picked up the newspaper that had been waiting for him ever since the postman came.

Front News: SM Entertainment to debut a group like the legendary S.E.S

The young man finally became awake and grinned upon reading the news. S.E.S had always been his favourite girl group back then.

“Crazy, huh?” A deep, raspy voice called out to him.


“Q-Quite.” Kyungsoo stuttered, unsure on how to answer the lanky man staring at him.

“Were S.E.S your favourite group?” Chanyeol asked again, his icy gaze resting on the shorter young man.

“T-They were.”

“Me too.” Was the last he replied before shutting his door closed again.

Kyungsoo was left to stand there alone, his mind slowly taking in the realisation that Chanyeol, Weirdo Chanyeol, had just struck a conversation with him.

What the hell was happening?



Saturday, 11 May 2013, 9.45am

“Have you guys heard?” Jongdae who was having breakfast, babbled on enthusiastically. “SM is going to debut a new S.E.S like group!”

“I hope we get to see someone who looks like Bada!” Zitao too joined in the conversation. “Don’t you just love the idol groups from SM?”

Kyungsoo laughed as he ran his fingers through his own hair. It was quite amusing to see the guys getting all excited over a girl group.

What can he say? After all, these were the very same guys who hadn’t had much female companions to look at in a place like this.

“Idol huh?” Kyungsoo faced to turn the man whose mumblings were heard. “Taemin always wanted to be an idol.”


“N-Nothing.” Jongin muttered too quickly. “Taemin was my best friend.”




Sunday, 12 May 2013, 5am

His first thought had been to shout at whoever it was that was crying too loudly for his liking.

Kyungsoo sat up groggily in his bed, wondering if he should head down to the first floor to where the noise was.

For pete’s sake. It’s 5am on a Sunday morning. He almost pulled his hair out in frustration.

The man decided to see what the fuss was all about as he grabbed his robe and walked out of his apartment, only to realise that Jongin mimicked his actions.

“Up so early?” Jongin chuckled once they entered the lift.

“I can say the same thing to you.”

“Those are the cries of a lady and I am a ladies man.” He winked. “It’s only polite.”

“You sure do have a lot of energy in the morning.” Kyungsoo yawned as they stepped out of the lift, his eyes soon coming in contact with Tiffany’s, her makeup smeared.

Blinking again, Kyungsoo noticed she was restrained by Luhan who seemed hesitant himself in having bodily contact with her.

“What’s happening here?” Jongin questioned the onlookers who tried to pacify the girl.

“They found Krystal’s body.” Sehun murmured worriedly to the said man who stiffened up at his response.


Kyungsoo could only look on helplessly as the scene unfolded before his eyes.

Why was Tiffany bawling?

Who was this Krystal?

Why was she dead?

“A little lost, aren’t you?” Baekhyun had dragged Kyungsoo to the side, leaving the poor Jongin to recollect his thoughts.

Lost might have been an understatement. He was more than lost.

He was out of it.

“You can come to my room later if you want.” Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders. “I could fill you in.”

“D-Does this happen every time?”

“Nope.” He enunciated the ‘P’. “Though I think it’s about time we told you the secrets that underlies with the Kim Apartments.”



Sunday, 12 May 2013, 1pm

Against Kyungsoo’s better judgement, the man had voluntarily taken the lift up to Baekhyun’s room; curious to what secrets there actually were.

He was a little surprised to see Sehun as well, seeing how they were actually dealing with big matters here. Baekhyun reassured him that everyone knew about these so called secrets and that he was the only who didn’t, because he was new.

And by the time Baekhyun and Sehun had actually started, Kyungsoo had wished he hadn’t accepted Baekhyun’s initial offer.

“What do you want to know?” Sehun took a sip of his coffee ever so leisurely.

“Let’s start with Krystal?” Kyungsoo too was unsure. “Who is she?”

“She was a resident here. Her apartment was on the fifth floor.”

“But I thought Chanyeol…”

“Bear in mind that Krystal was here way before you. That was before Chanyeol had rented the whole floor for his… works.


“The girl was best friends with Tiffany. Oh and she was also Jongin’s admirer.” Baekhyun interrupted Sehun’s explanation. “The only one of the girls who tolerated his flirtatious behaviour.”

Now this was news.

There was someone who actually liked Jongin.

“What happened to her?” Kyungsoo asked again.

“About four months ago, Krystal went missing.” Sehun sighed. “Her clothes… her personal belongings… missing.”

“And no one bothered to look for her?”

“She left a note for Suho saying she wanted to venture elsewhere in Seoul. We all thought she managed to secure a place in one of the entertainment companies. We always knew she wanted to be an actress.”

“I see.”

“That’s not the ending though.” Kyungsoo saw how stoical Sehun’s face had become. “Jongin couldn’t accept the fact that Krystal left without saying goodbye and so he, together with Tiffany, lodged a police report.”

“But didn’t she give a letter to Suho?”

“If she did, she wouldn’t have ended up dead today.”


“Moving on.” Baekhyun cleared his throat. “There was another lady who lived here. In fact, she lived in the apartment right next to Krystal.”


“Jessica.” Sehun smiled a little as he fondly recalled the girl. “I believe you’ve heard of her.”

“Kris’s ex-girlfriend, right?”

“Yeah. Though she only did stay here for a short while, that too after Krystal disappeared.”

“What happened to her?” Kyungsoo was getting interested in the whole thing. “I thought Kris said they broke up, that’s all.”

“Nothing happened to her of course. She left on her own free will.” Baekhyun’s eyes started to gleam. “But that’s not the full story.”

“What is?”

“Well,” Sehun trailed off nervously. “This is something only known to me and Baekhyun. Promise you won’t tell the others?”

“I… I guess so.”

“One of the nights when I was returning home from work, I overhead the break-up happening between Jessica and Kris.” Sehun bit his lips in contemplation. “I didn’t wanted to sneak up on them, honest, but then I heard it.”

“Heard what?”

“Jessica telling Kris that she wanted to leave immediately. She said she wanted out.” Sehun continued. “She said nothing she does will ever bring back her precious sister.”

“I don’t understand?”

“Precious sister as in Krystal.” Baekhyun grinned. “Jessica was Krystal’s sister.”

“W-What?!” Kyungsoo almost choked on the sweet he was chewing. “That just puts drama into a whole new level.”

“Not until you hear this.” Sehun chuckled, amused at Kyungsoo’s reaction. “Taemin? Rings a bell?”

Kyungsoo nodded his head as he recalled to how lost Jongin seemed when he talked about his best friend.

“He lived here too. 5th floor as well.”

“What happened to him?”

“Disappeared. Just like that.” Baekhyun told him simply. “He was here before Krystal and Jessica though. He was the first victim in the string of disappearances of the Kim Apartments.”

The young man slumped back on the sofa as he allowed the information to sink in. So there were 3 disappearances so far.

“Why did you tell me all this?” Kyungsoo questioned cautiously to the duo. “It’s not like I’ll be able to do something.”

“Common knowledge.” Baekhyun said grimly. “We just want you to understand what goes on in here. Suho may say otherwise but this place is wretched.”

“Let’s just say we’ve grown too fond of you.” Sehun agreed. “We wouldn’t want you to disappear as well.”



Monday, 13 May 2013, 11.57pm

Kyungsoo had thought a day of work of spending time in the studio would have gotten his mind off the creepy stories that Baekhyun and Sehun had told him yesterday.

Being in the studio all alone in the end took a toll on him.

Would he be the next one to disappear?

The man shook his head firmly as he walked back home. It can’t be. The three lived on the 5th floor, if he remembered correctly.

Kyungsoo didn’t. He lived on the 4th floor.

His mind drifted as with every step he took came a new thought passing him by.

Was it a ghost?

Was it murder?

Is he going to be safe living there?

“Kyungsoo!” A voice startled him from the back. “Kyungsoo wait up!”

The young man turned, wondering who would have called him like that in the middle night. He soon came face to face with Luhan and the once tensed shoulders droop immediately.

“Late night?” Kyungsoo asked once they started pacing their steps to match one another’s.

“As always.” Luhan chuckled. “You too?”

“As always.” He laughed along as well.

Reaching the Apartment, the pair went into the lift; Kyungsoo pressing the 3rd floor button for Luhan politely.

“O-Oh.” The man stopped him. “You needn’t do that.”

“W-What?” Kyungsoo stiffened.

“I’m heading to meet Jongin.”

“Oh.” Kyungsoo felt ridiculous as soon as he realised Luhan wasn’t out to get him.

The damn secrets were really taking a toll on his life.

“You know what?” Luhan suddenly eyed the man from head to toe. “You should come.”

Could it be…

“No thank you!” Kyungsoo muttered a little too quickly. “I-I have to… uh…”

“Baekhyun and Sehun would be there as well.” The former told him calmly.

Baekhyun? Sehun? I guess it won’t be that bad.

“I-If you insist.” The man tailed after Luhan closely as soon as they reached the 4th floor.

“K-Kyungsoo?” Jongin stammered once the duo entered his abode. “You brought Kyungsoo?”

The little man took a good look at the current situation.

First, you have Jongin who was welcoming, or rather protesting his entrance.

Then, you have a solemn Kris and Tiffany, both seated on the couch, not moving an inch.

And lastly, you had Baekhyun and Sehun, both sitting right opposite the solemn duo, waving eagerly in his direction.

“Why are you risking him?” Jongin hissed before giving an awkward smile to Kyungsoo.

“We need every help we can.” Luhan shrugged the man off. “Now, let’s get this meeting started!”

“M-Meeting?” Kyungsoo fumbled through his words. “W-What’s happening?”

The man waited for someone to fill him in but no one cared to even acknowledge his presence. Feeling a little out of place, Kyungsoo took a seat in the dining area where he oversaw whatever meeting it was that was unfolding before him.

“Baekhyun. Give us the pictures.” Luhan ordered and the young man was seen frantically taking out the envelope as he laid down each photograph on the coffee table. “Anything else?”


“Sehun, details.” Luhan commanded again, and Kyungsoo knew then that these two took orders from Luhan.

“Victim A,” He saw Jongin flinched. “Was located at about 1000 hours today at a secluded warehouse in Street 30. He was certified to be dead at least 6 months back.”

“What about Victim C?” Luhan pointed to another picture and Kyungsoo noticed that it was a female’s.

“Victim C was found next to the river in Avenue 7.” Sehun took a hesitant breath. “She was certified to be dead at least 2 months ago.”

“Anything else?”

“Erm, all three victims had something in common.”

“And what would that be?”

“Other than being residents of this Apartment, Victim A, B and C had their hair plucked out from the sides.”

“Can’t you be a little more humane and call them by their names?” Jongin growled.

“Any more similarities?” Luhan ignored the young man as he flipped through a confidential file.

“No, sir.”



Kyungsoo blinked his eyes slowly as he finally came to terms that Luhan had an authority over these people, whoever they were.

“I heard that there was another case today?” Tiffany’s voice was soft as she stared at the many photographs on the table.

“Choi Minho.” Baekhyun nodded his head. “A college student in Zitao’s and Jongdae’s school.”

“W-Was his hair plucked out as well?”

The man turned mum as he gave a chilling nod. “Yes.”

“Luhan?” Kris finally spoke up. “Where do we go from here?”

“We wait.”

“God damn it.” Jongin growled again as he slammed his fists on the table. “What are we waiting for? Another victim to pop out?”


“We can’t wait. We already have enough evidences against him! Why can’t we arrest him now?!”

“Those are speculations, Jongin.” Luhan calmed the young man down. “The closest we’ve got is how he had started a conversation with the four victims.”

“You’re part of the police force, aren’t you?” Jongin raised his voice. “Surely you’d have more evidences than just speculations!”

“Until Park Chanyeol comes out of his solitary silence,” Luhan warned him. “We can’t issue an arrest warrant against him.”

“P-Police Force?” Kyungsoo stammered. “You’re part of the police force? A-And Chanyeol?”

“He’s our suspect.” Baekhyun told him. “And yes. Luhan, Sehun and myself are part of the police force.”

“And the three of you?” The young lad pointed to Jongin, Kris and Tiffany.

“They’re the victims’ friends, of course.”


“Anyway,” Luhan cleared his throat. “Until Park Chanyeol makes his first move, we’re unable to do anything.”

“And what is his first move?” Jongin snickered.

“Talking, duh.” It was obvious that Sehun was little bit annoyed with the over emotional young man.

“Does it counts if he talked to me?” Kyungsoo questioned nervously. “I mean, all we did was to talk about S.E.S.”

“W-What exactly did he say?” Kris choked on his words.

Kyungsoo proceeded to tell them of when, where and how the conversation with Chanyeol took place. He noticed how animated their eyes were, as if they were glad that he was the key to issuing an arrest warrant against the weirdo.

It also made Kyungsoo a little sick knowing that his demise would mean their success.

Not exactly, but it was close enough.

“I’m sorry to say this, Kyungsoo,” Luhan, he thought, seemed genuine in his worries. “But you’re his next target.”

“W-What do you mean?”

“All the victims had somewhat communicated with Chanyeol who, if you noticed, doesn’t talk very much.” Sehun was lost in his own thoughts. “Minho with soccer, Taemin with art, Krystal with music… But we’re not really sure on Jessica.”

“Her dress.” Kris reminded them. “They talked about her dress.”

“After Choi Minho, you seemed to be the next person he talked to.” Luhan’s expressions were serious. “But don’t worry. You’ll be safe around us.”

“B-But he managed to kill four people already! Right under your noses at that!”

“Two.” Baekhyun corrected him. “Taemin and Krystal don’t count since all of us officers have yet to stay here.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any better. I’m getting myself out of here.”

“And what makes you think he won’t come after you?” Luhan smirked. “Jessica ran away didn’t she? She died.”

“Please stay.” It was now Tiffany’s turn to plead him. “We’ll do our best to keep you in our sight, but until then, you’re the only one that can help us.”

“What do I get from this?” Kyungsoo uttered bitterly, still annoyed at the smirk that Luhan bore on his face.

“Your life.”



Thursday, 16 May 2013, 3.00pm

Two days had passed since Kyungsoo agreed to be bait for the police force. Just yesterday, the man had been down with the flu and today, he was still recovering from his fever.

The doctor had told him that his cause of flu had been stress, something Kyungsoo thought was fitting since the risk to his life had been quite the shocker.

The thoughts of the young man resting peacefully on his couch were soon interrupted with a knock on his front door.

Damn it. Can’t they just leave me alone?

“Good afternoon!” Imagined the surprise when it turned out to be a smiling Chanyeol. “I heard that you were sick!”

“H-Hi.” Kyungsoo found himself stammering. What the hell was he doing here? . “Y-Yeah. I still am.”

“I made you some porridge!”Chanyeol pushed the packet into his hand. “It’s said to cure you from a flu.”

“N-No, it’s okay.” What if it’s poisoned? “I wouldn’t want to trouble you.”

“But you won’t.” The tall man remarked. “I thought I’d been quite a bad neighbour so here’s to peace and recovery.”

“Chanyeol.” Kyungsoo found Luhan standing right behind the guy. “What a pleasant surprise.”

“So yeah.” Chanyeol ignored the new companion. “I hope you’ll like the porridge. I gotta rush off for work now. See ya!”

Kyungsoo could only nod his head politely as the man left. Mumbling a’ what the ’, the young man invited Luhan in, his eyes wide with disbelief.

“Wow.” Were the first few words Luhan muttered.

Annoyed, Kyungsoo had wanted to open his mouth to ask why the man was here, but he was distracted looking at him; whose eyes were set on his ceiling.

“Don’t mind me.” Luhan assured the man as he climbed onto his dining table.

“Luhan? I appreciate you coming to save my life just now but why are you standing on my table?”

“Do you have a metal fork or spoon?” The former stared at him wide-eyed and Kyungsoo was displeased to see that he was ignored, again.

“Here.” He passed it hesitantly. “What are you planning to do with a fork, Luhan?”

He saw how the man had tapped his fork a few times on the ceiling before grumbling a few blabbers that he could not make out.

“Luhan?” Kyungsoo tried again once the man stepped down. “Can I get my answer now?”

“You’re lucky.”


“I said you’re lucky.” Luhan sighed as he extended his palms, revealing a little black object. “The camera can’t capture any noises, though I have to take this back to the lab.”

“W-What did you say that was?”

“A camera. A pinhole camera to be exact.”

“B-But how could that be? I… I didn’t put it there.”

“Of course you didn’t.” The taller man rolled his eyes. “I’m guessing its Chanyeol’s, which means we probably have to call Baekhyun and Sehun in for a check.”

“What check?”

“To see if any more of such cameras are installed in your apartment.”

“You mean he’s been looking at me this whole time?!” Kyungsoo raised his voice in panic. “H-How is that even possible? I didn’t even invited him in. T-This is an invasion of privacy! Surely this calls for an arrest warrant?!”

“Yes it does.” Luhan contemplated. “But I need to go back to the headquarters to fill in some paper work. Think you can stay here in the meantime? All the others are hard at work.”

“Can’t I go with you?” Kyungsoo pleaded. “I really don’t want to be left alone.”

“How about I leave you in Tiffany’s apartment?”

“You mean your apartment. Aren’t the two of you together? Besides-”

“We’re merely acquaintances.” Luhan stopped the man from going further. “Didn’t you know? The relationship was merely a cover up.”

As if he was affected by Kyungsoo’s words, the man mumbled softly, thinking he wasn’t heard.

“I think. Anyway, staying at Tiffany’s would be a great idea.” Luhan scrunched his nose in disgust. “I’ve never really liked the fourth floor.”


“Don’t you know? The Chinese believe the number four to be bad luck.”

Luhan winked as he placed his arms around Kyungsoo. ”Four means ‘to die’ as well.”



Thursday, 16 May 2013, 3.15pm

“So how did you end up being my baby-sitter again?” Kyungsoo took a sip of the grape juice Tiffany had prepared for him.

“Because today’s my off day?” She laughed, amused to how sceptical the man was. “You know, Kyungsoo. If you’re that unhappy about a girl taking care of you, you can always go back to your own apartment.”

“A girl’s fine too.” He made a face. “So, don’t mind me asking, but you and Luhan? Purely business?”

“I’d like to think it’s that way,” The girl sighed. “It started as business but…”

“But feelings got in the way.”


“Emotions,” Tiffany frowned as she continued. “Is a dangerous thing.”

A knock suddenly sounded on the front door, interrupting the duo’s conversation and they both had tensed up for a moment.

“Must be Luhan.” She reasoned. “Pretty sure he forgot something.”

Kyungsoo noticed how the girl smiled as she went to get the door. He could only guess how deep her feelings for Luhan were.

“Kyungsoo, run!” Tiffany screamed out of the blue and Kyungsoo saw how her frail body dropped to the cold hard floor.

The world seemed to pass in slow motion as his eyes flickered to the attacker.

The man needn’t take off his mask for Kyungsoo to know who it was. Tall, lanky and armed with an icy glare, he knew who the man was in an instant.

“If you don’t want her to die,” The raspy voice began. “Then you should come quickly with me.”

“What the hell do you want?” Kyungsoo’s breath was falling rapidly as the man approached him. “Stay away from me!”

“I only want one thing, Kyungsoo.” His eyes flickered to the handkerchief that Chanyeol was holding on tightly to. “I want you.”

And then, darkness.



Thursday, 16 May 2013, 7.15pm

The first time he regained consciousness, the man had felt a little numb and stiff; his body sore from perhaps being motionless for too long.

His eyes were still shut, his body unwilling to work with his brain for it to move. Kyungsoo felt his fingers twitching as he slowly warmed up to reality.

But when he tried to move his arms, he realised he couldn’t; and that was when it hit him.

He was all tied up.

On cue, Kyungsoo’s eyes fluttered open, his eyes readjusting themselves into sight. The first thing he noticed was a man, sitting alone on a stool as he appeared to do something.

Blinking again, Kyungsoo realised he was in a room filled with ball-jointed dolls.

He screamed, only for it to muffled. Breathing in again slowly, he noticed how his lips were taped tightly and he finally understood the situation at hand.

Kyungsoo was at Chanyeol’s bidding.

“I see you’ve woken up.” The deep voice greeted him absent-mindedly; the owner still focused on whatever he was doing before. “Please, give me a second.”

“I’m adjusting his hair.” The man continued. “I’ve recently got myself a new doll, you see. I’ll show it to you once I’m done.”

This man is… crazy!

Kyungsoo tried to untie himself but to no avail. No matter how he struggled, the end result was the same; that was if there was a result in the first place.

“And I’m done.” Chanyeol giggled as he approached Kyungsoo. “This is my newest doll. Isn’t he handsome?”

The doll was a little tanned, his eyes big and his lips pouting. He had to admit that the doll did have nice hair, parted slightly to the left.

“Victim A, B and C had their hair plucked out from the sides.”

Kyungsoo suddenly recalled of Sehun’s words and he felt the chills instantly.

Are those….

“His name is Minty.” Chanyeol finally placed the doll aside. “I didn’t really like the name Minho.”

M-Minho?! Choi Minho?!

“Shall I show you my other dolls?” The young man exclaimed excitedly. “That’s T, short form of Taemin. And that’s my favourite doll, Jessie. She’s really pretty, isn’t she?”

C-Chanyeol is a lunatic!

“And oh. How can I forget Soojung?” Chanyeol brushed another doll’s hair tenderly. “I think the Korean meaning of the name ‘Krystal’ is much more appealing on the ears.”

“But of course,” He grinned upon seeing how wide-eyed Kyungsoo had become. “You’ve heard of them. So allow me to show you my newest doll, though he’s still incomplete.”

Chanyeol walked up to his desk area again, coming back with a doll in his hands. The eyes weren’t yet fixed and the clothes were not yet put on. The same can be said about the hair.

“His name is Koo.” Chanyeol looked like he was proud of himself. “A much shorter version of the name Kyungsoo.”

My God… He’s planning to kill me.

“Don’t worry.” He assured the young man as he saw the flash of panic on his face. “I’ve yet to complete him. I won’t take your hair so soon.”

“Maybe tomorrow.” The man jumped up and down, eager to finish his latest project. “You’ll stay here, won’t you, Kyungsoo?”

I have to escape!

“After I’m done with Koo, I’ll start working on Krissy!” Chanyeol laughed. “He’ll make a very handsome doll!”


“And then, Tiffany!” His laughter was slowly turning maniacal. “Maybe I’ll call her Fany!”

“Park Chanyeol!” A voice boomed across his front door. “Open up!”

“Oh dear.” Chanyeol frowned as he heard the voice. “It’s your friend Luhan, Kyungsoo.”

L-Luhan? Luhan!

“Mmmmffff!” Luhan! I’m inside!

“If I knew, I should have made Luke earlier.” Kyungsoo’s attacker pouted. “Such a waste. And he could have been a beautiful doll too.”

“Park Chanyeol! Open the door or we’re coming in!”

“Do you want a friend, Kyungsoo?” Chanyeol asked earnestly. “I could make a Luke for Koo. Fany can be there as well!”

“Mmmmfff!” The hell,Luhan! Hurry up!

The door came bursting open, leaving a very surprised Chanyeol wondering to what was happening. Upon seeing a tied up Kyungsoo, Luhan pointed his gun at the man, threatening to shoot him if he failed to comply with the police.

“Kyungsoo! Are you all right?!” Luhan untied the man. “Kyungsoo!”

“Luhan has such pretty hair.” Chanyeol giggled as he passed by the man, escorted by the police. “Luke would have been so beautiful!”

“M-My hair?” Luhan stuttered as he removed the tape from Kyungsoo’s mouth.

“He kills people.” Kyungsoo managed a sentence out. “He kills people and he gets their hair for his dolls.”


“These dolls.” The former pointed to the whole room and he saw Luhan’s expression turning into fear. “He nicknames his dolls after the ones he kills.”

“T-That’s crazy!”

“It sure is.”






Wednesday, 12 June 2013, 9am

A month has passed since the incident occurred and Kyungsoo was just relief that life had restored itself in Kim Apartments.

The case came to light to the public’s eye and it was one of the most gruesome cases that everyone had come to know. Kim Apartments then became an infamous place of curious onlookers, but not one dared to inform Suho of their interest in living there.

They also noted that the amount of residents remained the same with the previous lot still staying there, worried for Suho who might have no income after the whole ordeal.

As if nothing happened, the lot was gathered down at the basement, having their breakfast as per usual.

“He’s on the front papers.” Jongin muttered through gritted teeth, the paper on the table for the rest to see. “I can’t believe they pardoned him and placed him in a mental institute instead.”

“He was always a little weird.” Minseok recalled before turning to Kyungsoo. “I’m just glad we’re all safe.”

“Why was he pardoned anyway?” Jongin was definitely still bitter.

“The doctors said he’s crazy, basically.” Sehun yawned as he fed himself some buttered croissant that was given by Yixing. “You should ask Luhan why.”

“But he’s not here.” Kris chuckled. “I recalled he wanted to bring Tiffany back to Beijing for a trip.”

“Sweet love.” Kyungsoo laughed along. “Looks like we’ll have to wait a little longer to see why the man was pardoned.”

“I’m always here.” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Sehun’s a good for nothing. Basically, the doctor stated that he had Athazagoraphobia.”

“Atha a what?” Both Zitao and Jongdae asked at the same time.

“The fear of being forgotten or ignored. That was why he made all those dolls. So that he’ll never be forgotten.”

“Creepy.” Jongin admitted. “Like Minseok said, I’m just glad we’re all safe.

“Me too, Jongin.” Kyungsoo agreed. “Me too.”










Thursday, 13 June 2013, 11.45pm

“Kyungsoo!” A voice called out to the young man who was returning from work. “Kyungsoo, wait up!”

“Oh? Kris!” He waited for the man to catch up. “Late night?”

This feels strangely familiar.

“As always.” Kris chuckled. “You too?”

“As always.” He laughed as well. “You know, I said the same thing once to Luhan.”

“Really?” Kris matched his walking pace to Kyungsoo’s. “It’d be really funny if Luhan was suddenly here to agree with us.”

“Funny indeed.”

The pair finally reached the Apartments and both waited patiently for the lift to arrive.

As the door opened, Kyungsoo took a step back, a little surprised to see two ball-jointed dolls staring back at them.

“Damn,” Kris too was clutching on tightly to his chest. “What the hell is that?”

“Dolls.” Kyungsoo muttered hesitantly. “W-Wait, what’s that?”

“It’s a note!” The former picked the white piece of paper up.

Come join us quickly! Love, Fany and Luke.

“This is…” Kris felt his heart racing. “This is…”

“Hi Krissy!” A familiar voice called out to them and the pair turned ever so slowly, knowing full well whom it belonged to. “Hi Koo!”

The two staggered backwards into the lift, leaving the supposed man to follow them inside. The tension and fear in the air was evident as they knew that there was no escape in this.

“Welcome home!”


a/n Argh. How did I do? Haha. Thank you to _tofudonut, ishipwoofany and oXIceGoddessXo for the upvotes even before this chapter was up! Thank you for having so much faith OTL I hope I didn't disappoint as well to my other readers and hope you have a great night ahead! (;

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Chapter 1: OMFG it was amazing! This is brilliant! Creepy but brilliant. My heart dropped at 'come and join Fany and Luke' part. Wth I thought they were safe and sound in Beijing. T-T Anyways thumbs up, any chance for a sequel? Chansoo maybe ; )
Chapter 1: Aww look at how cute yeol when he's being creepy
Chapter 1: OMG wtfffffffffff
Btw, Baekhyun and Sehun are on Chanyeol's side..isn't it? O.O
Creepy s lol
Chapter 1: OMGGG this is amazing!!! The final was so pERFECTO SKFJSKFNESKCJEG I loved this, now it's one of my favorites <3
Sleepless #6
Chapter 1: I was reading because i couldn't sleep but now i think i won't sleep for real.
yixingyifan #7
Chapter 1: Damn this story is amazing
Chapter 1: Hmm ok at first I was getting hyped up but towards the end, all of the pent up fear washed away and I thought "this isn't scary" but when I got to the real ending, sht that got my heart beating quick. All in all, t'was a good read!
Chapter 1: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! This is the best psycho horror story that I've ever read! I love it! I love the ending! I love this whole story! Ahh! Creepyeol
Chapter 1: creepy yeol!! someone save kyungie please >.<