Chapter 5

How did we fall in love?


Days have passed. Ever since Chanyeol and I recovered from the cold after playing in the rain, we started hanging out more. We see each other in the mornings, have lunch together along with Kris and Tiffany, and we even say goodnight to each other before bed. Also, I realized Dara or CL haven't bothered us at all when we started hanging out. The last time they bothered us was at the cafe, which was a horrible day for me. My thoughts were broken when Tiffany repeatedly called out my name. "Taeyeon, were you even listening to me?" "Yeah, yeah. It was something about a double date, right?" Tiffany knows I don't like going on dates so why is she making me go through all of this?! Someone please save me. "Yes! I hope you're excited cause Kris and Chanyeol will be our dates for tonight!" "That's- WAIT. THEY'RE OUR DATES? AND WHAT ABOUT YOUR BOYFRIEND?" I continued to throw questions at her until she finally covered my mouth with her hand, making me quiet. "First, my boyfriend will never find out. Second, it's just a friendly date, not a couple date. Chill Taeyeon." Tiffany is right. We're all friends and no one is dating, right? 

Time was passing by fast and the sun started to set. Tiffany has already finished fixing her make up and hair after dressing in a white blouse with long sleeves, a pair of black skinny jeans, and 4 inch black heels. She looked stunning and beautiful as always since she is a fashion a queen. Now it was my turn and with Tiffany's help, it was easy for me to get ready. I've got to admit, loose curls do look good on me, not to brag or anything. And with the fashion queen's help, she helped me choose my outfit. The dress had a flower pattern and it reached my mid-thighs, which I find kind of too revealing but then again it's just me. To finish the outfit, she made me wear 3 inch white heels. I looked at my own reflection in the mirror and smiled to myself. "Oh Taeyeon! You look so beautiful! I wish I was beautiful like you." Tiffany bursted out laughing. "Oh shush Tiff! You look better than me so stop complaining or else we'll be late." We both grabbed our purses and jackets as we ran out the dorm, heading towards our cab. 

On our way to the restaurant, questions ran through my mind. Why did I go along with this date? Why did Chanyeol agree to this? I shook my head from the thoughts of it. I looked out the window and watched the stores and buildings pass by to distract my mind. As we reached our destination, the waiter led us to our table with Kris and Chanyeol already there. Chanyeol noticed me walking to the table with Tiffany. As he got up from his seat, our eyes were locked in each other. Tiffany seem to notice our moment so she broke it by telling Chanyeol to sit with me. Of course I didn't say no to it. All of us sat in a booth, Chanyeol sat next to me while Kris sat next to Tiffany. After ordering our food, Kris and Tiffany were in their own world just talking and few laughs from time to time. Chanyeol and I just stayed quiet for a while until he broke the silence.



"You look , uhm, beautiful, Taeyeon." I gave her a shy smile. As she looked at me, I noticed her cheeks started to turn into a shade of pink. S-She's blushing? That's kind of adorable. "Thanks Chanyeol. You don't look too bad yourself." She playfully nudged my arm as she flashed a warm smile at me. Looking at her smile started to make my heart beat faster than before when she entered the restaurant. Before I could say anything else, our food arrived at our table. Everyone digged into their meals and they all seemed to enjoy it. Especially Taeyeon, every bite she took of her steak left a little sauce on the corner of her lip and she would wipe it away. But as she continued to eat, more than a tiny drop of sauce started to form on the corner of her lip. "Taeyeon, you have a little bit of sauce on your lip." She looked at me while she touched her lip to see if the sauce was gone. I chuckled at her silliness as I found it cute. I grabbed my napkin, placed my hand on her chin, and wiped the sauce off the corner of her lip.

Taeyeon and I made eye contact again after I placed the napkin back on the table. Of course we forgot the presence of the people sitting across from us until Tiffany excused herself to the ladies' room with Kris following her. What's up with those two? Oh well but now I'm stuck with Taeyeon. "So, are you enjoying the date so far?" I broke the silence between us. "Hmm, I think it's kind of fun so far but I do want dessert." She patted her stomach, probably imagning about ice cream or something. But as soon as she said dessert, our waiter had brought a chocolate sundae to our table. Deja vu. Taeyeon acted quickly and shoved a spoon full of ice cream into . I laughed at the way she acted until ice cream was shoved into my mouth and thats's when she started laughing too. This continued to go on until the ice cream was gone and Tiffany and Kris returned from the restroom. I didn't even notice that they came back and I didn't realize that that they were in the restroom for a very long time. I shurgged it off and got up from my seat since it was time to go.

We all rode in Kris' car. Tiffany and Kris were in the front while me and Taeyeon were in the back. Tiffany and Kris continued to mind their own business in the front and as for Taeyeon and I, it was quiet. We didn't say a word when we got in the car. She was just looking out the window with the city lights flashing. I also looked out the window, watching all the city lights flash. Suddenly, I felt a small weight on my shoulder. I looked to my right and I saw Taeyeon asleep on my shoulder. A smile formed on my face just by looking at her peacefully sleep. I grabbed her jacket and used it as blanket to cover her. I glanced up to see if Tiffany and Kris were looking at us through the rear view mirror then looked back at Taeyeon and placed a soft kiss on her head as I locked my hand with hers under the jacket. An hour had pass, we were back at the University. I careful made my way to Taeyeon's room then gently placed her on the bed and tucked her in with a blanket. Before I could leave her room, I sat on the edge of her bed and stared at her face. I brushed a few strands of hair off of her face, leaned down a bit, and softly kissed her forehead. 



I peeked through the door from Taeyeon's room and saw Chanyeol tucking her in bed. I observed his movements as he sat down on the edge of her bed. I couldn't get a clear view of what he was doing but I saw him lean down and got up from the bed. I quietly escaped from the scene and made my way to the kitchen where Kris was. "I think he kissed her. I mean, if he kissed her on the head in the car then he probably kissed on the lips this time, right?" Kris shrugged and patted my head like some kind of pet. "If he did, he'd tell me soon or later but anyways, I had fun on our little date." He flashed a bright smile at me along with a wink. I rolled my eyes and pushed him towards the door. "If anything, I ask Taeyeon what happened or whatever." "Ask Taeyeon about what?" Chanyeol suddenly appeared, causing me and Kris to flinch. "Nothing. It's girl business so you wouldn't understand." I grabbed Chanyeol by the arm and slightly pushed him out the door. "I hope you guys had fun tonight! Goodnight!"

I closed the door before they could even say anything. I made my way to Taeyeon's room and changed her into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Oh Taeyeon, if only you knew what he feels about you. You could finally experience your first love." Leaving Taeyeon's room, I changed into my pajamas, plopped onto my bed, and slowly fell asleep.


No One

"What was that all about?" Chanyeol made his way to his room with Kris following. "Like Tiffany said, it's girl stuff. We wouldn't understand." Kris shrugged it off and went to his room, leaving Chanyeol alone just thinking to himself. He was laying down on his bed, thinking about the fun night he had with Taeyeon. A small smile formed on his face and kicked his legs in the air from excitement. He never felt so happy before in his whole life because of one girl that he had just met. To him, she was different from other girls. Not too girly, fancy, or whatever. She is perfectly normal. Her personality wasn't too bad either. Chanyeol continued to think about Taeyeon as he slowly fell asleep with a smile still on his face. 


A/N: Ew, I haven't updated in such a LONG time. Like, literally. It feels nice to update again! Anyways subscribe, comment, and enjoy the chapter!


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MikochanEx #1
Chapter 4: Actually I really like this because taeyeon and chanyeol is my ultimate bias while krsi and Tiffany my second bias
Chapter 4: ChanYeon/ChanTae is so cute~!!
What's Tiffany and Kris' plan? 0o0
Update soon~!
kpopcornxo #3
Chapter 3: omg. this is too cute ~~
update soon :')
Chapter 3: . lol Chanyeol's dream ; v ; you like her don't you Dobi ah~~~ XDDDD
. aigoo aigoo they kissed > w <
. update soon '^' :D
taeyeoppeo #5
Chapter 3: .sweeeeeeetttttt
....... <3
Chapter 3: Awwwww cute!
amycute #7
Chapter 2: wat d......dara here is antagonist.....dis is i think its ok...but i cant imagine her being a ....i cant explain...ur story is nice......keep it up:)
taeyeoppeo #8
Chapter 1: poor taengooo~~~~