Amber's sadness ;Goodbye Kibum !

Negotiate with Love




Amber couldn't believe that Kibum was running away once again. It seemed whenever Kibum came up against a problem he didn't want to face he ran away. Amber had seen Kibum grow up and mature a lot over the years since Minho's rule and he knew that Kibums feelings for Minho had played a huge part. It seemed with the dissolve of their engagement Kibum had gone back to his old ways.

"Amber, are you alright?" Amber looked up at Hoon who was watching her carefully. Amber pouted and went back to knitting a kitten for Kibum to take with him when he left this afternoon for Daegu. She had been trying to think of reasons to make Kibum stay but Hoon had shot them all down. Hoon looked at the mass of knitting that Amber had created. It looked a little bit like a podgy bear.

"Amber if Kibum wants to leave and if Minho isn't going to stop him then you should let him go with good grace." Amber pouted again. "Oh the trials of young love!" Hoon wailed pressing a hand against his forehead. Amber's eyebrow twitched.

"They are not in love that is the problem." Amber said finishing the last stitch and admiring her handy-work. It wasn't the best work ever but for a morning's work it wasn't bad.

"Oh JangGwan must be suffering terribly." Hoon sighed making Amber's eye twitch again. "Maybe I should comfort him?" Hoon suggested and Amber snorted. She had a feeling that the last thing Minho needed was Hoon fawning over him. "Hmm, you're right there is someone else who needs my attention more than Minho." Amber was about to ask who when Hoon swooped down and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hoon –" Amber began but Hoon just winked at her before floating out of the room in a flash. Amber blinked at the spot that Hoon used to be in before a rare smile spread over her face.



Kibum checked everything was secure one last time before mounting his black car. They were all on their cars checking if they had all the papers with them to continue working while they were away. Kibum glanced at his little brother and smiled. Taemin didn't smile back.

"I will be fine Taeminnie; I just need some fresh air." Taemin nodded but he didn't look convinced.

"Send me an Email when you get back to uncle's house." Taemin instructed and Kibum nodded. Sulli was standing a little behind Taemin and was staring at Kibum with a sad look in her eyes. Kibum turned away to check on his men. They were all ready to leave so Kibum started driving.

"Just a moment Kibum," Kibum turned in surprise to see his older sister Amber walking towards them. "Take this with you as a good luck charm." Kibum looked at the hand-knitted bear and smiled.

"Thank you Noona," Kibum took the bear and put it into his suitecase.

"It's a kitten," Amber said and Kibum glanced at his sister wondering if she was joking. Amber looked serious.

"It's very nice," Kibum said slowly and Amber nodded. Kibum sat up straight and nodded at his siblings. "Well goodbye then."

"Isn't Minho-hyung going to see you off?" Taemin asked in surprise and Kibum felt his heart jump.

"He is busy so I don't want to bother him." Kibum said before starting driving. "I will call you when I get to Daegu." With that said Kibum drowe away. Kibum's men, all followed him.



"What, Kibum has left already?" Minho exclaimed in surprise that evening when he asked if Kibum would be joining them at dinner or not.

"He didn't tell you?" Taemin asked in surprise.

"He said he was leaving but he said nothing about leaving today." Minho poked his food with a frown. He had wanted to talk with Kibum again before he left but Kibum had slipped past him it seemed.

"Hyung promised to give a phonecall once he reached the Lee House." Taemin said and Minho glanced up. "He has six of his staff with him, they will continue their ministery work there, I'm sure he will be fine." Minho nodded. Suddenly the maison was a whole lot quieter and lonelier without Kibum in it.

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Chapter 12: so one of their sons is Choi MinKi?! LOL it reminds me of Ren of NUEST XD great fic.. it's really entertaining :D
Chapter 1: i just start reading this.
and at this point.. i hate minho.
Chapter 12: omo! is that really the end? nyuuuuu >~<
Chapter 12: Adhljsaryorayckkfedhksktx!!!!!!!!!! OHMYGLOB that was so perfectly precious!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 daww id like it for minki to be for the one that looks like key XD cuz he's smaller and it sounds better for him and minbum sounds more masculine like minho
Chapter 11: Awwwmygawwd!!!!!!! Yayyyyyy! That's the cutest sweetest thing EVAAAR~~~~~ I loved it!!! <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: Wahh. Jonghyun's love for Kibum is so undying and unconditional. As much as I want MinKey, I prefer JongKey here.

I am a shipper of both pairings actually. they are my OTPs
Chapter 10: Minho is jealous... I like Kibums mom, it's looks like she have a plan (`-`)
Chapter 9: I can't wait for more!! I like the idea <3
I loooveee minkey and jongkey lol
Chapter 9: Aww so short!!!! But yay another chapter!!!! Omo!!! I hope Minho sees key all blonde now and gets all shocked at how pretty he looks XD