Chapter 9: Clubbing Sorrows?

That Smile Of Yours

"Noona! Let's go clubbing tonight!!"

I turned around only to be greeted by Sungjae's overly enthusiastic face. "NO." Was all I said in reply.

"EH?! WAEYO~!" He held onto my arm like a child throwing a tantrum because he wanted something. "Everyone else is going."

"And who does this everyone else include aside from yourself. And aren't you too young to be going out clubbing and drinking, Sungjae-ah?" I said.

"Noona~ I'm not a kid anymore! Plus Eunkwang hyung said that i can go." He stated.

I rolled your eyes. "You still didn't answer my question, nae dongsaeng-ah."

"Oh yeah! Let's see...all the hyungs along with all the noonas. Jihyun noona said that you have to come."

I stopped walking. "And since when did Jihyun get to make decisions for me?" I huffed in disbelief.

"Noona just look on the bright side. You get to go out and have fun after a long time and you get to be with Ilhoon hyung." He then looked me straight in the eyes. "You wouldn't want him to be taken away by some random girl, would you?"

My eyes widen. I never thought of that, I thought to myself. "Wait," I glared at Sungjae, "are you trying to use Ilhoon as bait to make me go clubbing with you guys?"

"What are you talking about, noona?" He looked everywhere else but at me trying to avoid making eye contact with me.

Sigh. "Fine. I'll go, not because of Ilhoon but because i see no harm in going out tonight."

"YAYYYY!" Sungjae jumped on me giving me a bear hug. "Noona you're the coolest noona in the world!"

I smiled slightly and rolled my eyes. "Arasseo, arasseo. And I thought the coolest noona was Jihyun?"

"What are you talking about noona? Of course you're the coolest noona!" We both laughed at that and walked towards the front of the school together.



"Eonni~ that dress is too revealing!" I complained.

"Then how about this one?" Sunny suggested a colored dress that i honestly thought didn't look too bad.

"OH~~ that one looks nice." Hyuna chimed in her opionion from the bathroom doorway.

I studied the dress for a moment before saying, "I guess its not too bad..."

"Then go put it on!" Jihyun said taking the dress from Sunny and shoving it in my face. "The dress isn't gonna wear you, y'know!"

I grabbed the dress and pouted. "Arasseo." After closing the door to the walk-in closet that belonged to Hyuna, I started undressing and put on the dress. Once it was on, I turned around to look at my reflection only to be completely shocked at what I was looking at. The person I was looking at was a completely different person. Though her hair and makeup wasn't done yet, she was breath taking. The dress clung onto her body snuggly and outlined all her defined curves.

"Yah, ____-ah! Are you done yet?" Jihyun yelled from the other side of the door, bringing me back to reality.


"Mwoh? Does it not look goo-"

"I can't wear this." I interrupted her as I opened the door and stepping out for her to observe. "It's too perfect...I can't wear this..."

Jihyun stared at me with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. "What are you talking ab- OH MY GOSH!" Hyuna whispered the last part out loud. Sunny also had the same expression as Jihyun and Hyuna when she saw me.

" look beautiful."Jihyun said.

I was at my limit. I felt my throat tightening as old memories flooded my mind. "Eo-eonni..." That's it, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I bursted out crying.

"____-ah!" Jihyun hugged me. "What's wrong, hmm?" I tried to calm down so that I could tell her what was wrong but I failed miserably; I just kept on crying. Sunny and Hyuna were also both at my side hugging me and carressing my hair. "Shhh~ it's ok. Don't cry."

After 10 minutes or so I stopped crying. "Do you want to tell us why you were crying?" Hyuna gentaly asked.

I looked into her eyes before replying. "The last time...the last time i ever dressed up like this was..."

"It was for him wasn't it?" Sunny finished off for me. i nodded and felt the tears start to collect again.

"It's okay ____-ah. Forget that jerk." Jihyun comforted me.

"Jihyun's right! Forget that jerk!!" Hyuna said standing up. "He never deserved you from the start and when he finally realizes his loss, it'll already be too late for him!!" I looked up at Hyuna. "As a matter of fact, he's already too late! Now you have someone who goes by the name of Jung Ilhoon and he's gonna love you forever until the day you both grow old and gray and maybe even until your next lifetime un-"

"I get the point Hyuna eonni!" I said with a smile plastered on my face. "Now are we just gonna sit here all night and listen to you talk about Ilhoon and his UNDYING love for me or are we gonna go doll up and go meet the guys and my knight in shining armor?"

"DOLL UP!!" Sunny exclaimed as she jumped onto her feet and ran back to the bathroom. We all laughed at her childish behavior (despite her being the oldest) and followed after her.




I started getting nervous and self-concious as we entered the club. Maybe I shouldn't have worn this dress...

"NOONA~~! OVER HERE!!!!" We all turned our heads in the direction of the voice.

"SUNGJAE-AH!! Sunny was the first of us to make it over to were the guys were sitting. We all followed in suit.

"Where's ____-ah?" Peniel asked.

Stepping out from behind Hyuna and Jihyun, I waved at them. All of them had their mouth hanging open once they saw me.

"Noona, you look so pretty!" Sungjae was the first to say something.

I blushed at his compliment but it didn't stop there; compliments continued flying at me from around the table. "Thanks guys." I said. My face felt like it was on fire. Then I realized something. "Where's Ilhoon?"

"Someone called for me?" Turning around I was met face to face with none other than MY knight in shining armor. I saw his eyes go wide when he saw me causing me to look down to hide my already red face that just got even redder. Suddenly I felt his hand on my face, lifting my chin up so that he could look me  in the eyes. "You look beautiful." He said with that same smile plastered on his face, the very same one that I fell in love with. Without realizing it, I was hugging him and also smiling.

"Thank you. That meant a lot to me. YOU mean a lot to me." I said. "I love you Jung Ilhoon. Even if you turn old and gray, I'll always love you. From now until forever." Again, for the second time that night, I felt tears prickling at the corners of my eyes.

I felt him smile. "Me too. I love you forever and always. Even if you do turn into a wrinkled old prune."

Instantly, I pulled away from him. "Yah!! What's that supposed to mean?!!"

He chuckled before bringing our foreheads together. "It means that I'll still love you no matter where and what you are."

"Even if I turn into an Ilhoon-eating witch?" I asked, obviously being sarcastic.

His smile turned even wider. "I wouldn't mind if YOU were the one to eat me up." I felt my face light up again that night, just 10 times redder. He laughed at my reaction and kissed me. "I love you, ____-ah." And again, he kissed me, exept this time I closed my eyes and kissed him back. Whenever I'm kissing him or just around him, the butterflies never seems to go away.

"YAHH!! YOU TWO!! STOP BEING ALL LOVEY DOVEY IN FRONT OF US!! WE'RE STILL LOOKING FOR THE LOVES OF OUR LIVES AS WELL!!!!" Minhyuk and Eunkwang both said from where they were sitting.

Both Ilhoon and i looked at them and laughed.

I wish that this happiness I felt every since I've met you never fades or disappears, Ilhoon-ah.















OMG!!!! I finally updated after the longest time ever!!!!!!!!! I'm so so so sooooooooooo sorryyyyyyyyyy!!!! 

Anyways, I hoped you guys liked this update. It didn't come out as I planned it to but...I like it!! I'll try to update again when I can!!

And I also realized that the story might not make much sense thus far and I'd like to apologize for that as well since i'm not exactly experienced at writing fanfictions...but i'll keep on trying!! ^.^

Don't forget to comment and subscribe!! NEOMU NEOMU SARANGHAEYO~~!!!!!

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Chapter 17: Okay. Oh my gosh!!! This is sooooo adooorable!♥ Omg ilhoon-ah~♥ You're making my heart flutter~♡ This story has sent me smiling like a retard in our classroom. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
nh75378 #2
Chapter 17: So cute I really enjoyed reading it
Chapter 17: Ooooooooooooo soooooo cuteee . Hehe goodjob
Chapter 17: aldkgjakdkfkjsjsjffflsjaj ;; <3
Chapter 15: cries at this <3
Nice story ^^
Chapter 13: ; o ; y u not let her take care of junior for u--
Chapter 12: akfkfjahslfkdhshdfmdksj <3
Chapter 9: Screams ily <3
NikitaPlace #10
Chapter 1: PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!