Chapter 10: You're So Sweet

That Smile Of Yours

I was dying. Not only because I was having a terrible day, but it was also that time of the month again. And these cramps are going to be the reason behind my death. I groaned loudly out of agony and placed my head down ontop of the opened textbook. I was sitting in my area in the library waiting for Ilhoon. And speaking of Ilhoon, he's 15 minutes late. Picking up my phone I checked the time. Ok make that 18 minutes late. I was starting to get worried and annoyed. Worried because Ilhoon is almost never late. And annoyed because I was hungry and we were supposed to meet up and go out for lunch together. 

Whatever. I thought to myself. I'll just take a nap and wait till he comes and wake me. Hopefully by then I won't be so annoyed anymore. Closing my eyes I waited for sleep to overcome me. But that never happened. I mean, how can one sleep when someone is blowing into your ear? Kind of bothered by the motion, I sighed.

"Yah, Ilhoon-ah, what took you so long?"

I could hear him smiling. "Aw~. Did my jagi miss me?" He teased.

I wrinkled my nose at his cheesiness but that changes into my face scrunching up in pain as the cramps once again hits me. "Ugh..." 

Noticing what was going on, Ilhoon squat down next to me. "Jagi, are you ok?" He asked me softly. I only nod since I was in too much pain to say anything at the moment. Reaching into the grocery bag in his hand he pulled out some painkillers and a bottle of water. "Here. I thought you might need this." I looked up at him with sparkly eyes since he just saved my life. 

Not hesitating, I dove for the painkillers and popped two into my mouth and took a swig of the water before setting in down and wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. I didn't care if what I just did was unladylike at the moment, all I cared about was surviving. "Ilhoon-ah," I said smiling down at him and caressing his cheeks. "You're so sweet. But how did you know?"

He smiled at me. "It's something that I should know, isn't it?" Not convinced with his answer, I cocked my eyebrow at him. "Ok, ok. It's because you're always way more demanding and always craving for sweets when you're on your period."

I nodded as I took in everything he just said. "Wait, what? I'm demanding?!" The sweets part I understand, but demanding?

He nodded his head. "Very demanding I might say. Usually you'll just let me do as I please and how I please, but during your time you want all the normal things that I do done in a certain manner. It kind of gets annoying, but overall I think it's cute."

I frown at his last comment. How can a demanding girlfriend be cute? Shaking that thought out of my head I refocused on what we were supposed to actually be doing. "Ok. Whatever. Now can we please now go out and get something to eat? I'm starving!" 

"See what I mean? More demanding than usual." He pinpointed out to me. 

"I get the point now. Now let's go. I want some food in my stomach. And maybe some icecream and chocolate cake as well. Oh, how about some macaroons? Or maybe some donuts?"

Sighing beside me, Ilhoon grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the library. "Hurry up and make your list. I'll buy whatever you want."

Squealing with happiness, I hugged Ilhoon tightly and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you so much Ilhoon! I love you so much!!"

"Yah. If you're going to thank me at least thank me properly."

"What do you mean?" I asked not really understanding how much more proper do I need to thank him. 

Bending down to my level, Ilhoon kissed me on the lips before saying, "That's how to thank me properly." And with that he dragged a blushing me along behind him to our destination. 







hey guys!! I finally updated and I feel so accomplished for doing so!! Although I do feel like these updates are lacking... But don't worry!! I'll think of something to make the story even better!! And I'm also open to ideas. So if you got a lightbulb, hand it over and maybe I'll include it in the next/future/upcoming chapters. And please leave comments!!

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Chapter 17: Okay. Oh my gosh!!! This is sooooo adooorable!♥ Omg ilhoon-ah~♥ You're making my heart flutter~♡ This story has sent me smiling like a retard in our classroom. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
nh75378 #2
Chapter 17: So cute I really enjoyed reading it
Chapter 17: Ooooooooooooo soooooo cuteee . Hehe goodjob
Chapter 17: aldkgjakdkfkjsjsjffflsjaj ;; <3
Chapter 15: cries at this <3
Nice story ^^
Chapter 13: ; o ; y u not let her take care of junior for u--
Chapter 12: akfkfjahslfkdhshdfmdksj <3
Chapter 9: Screams ily <3
NikitaPlace #10
Chapter 1: PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!