Sweet times

My heartbreaker



I shoved my thing into bag and slung it on my shoulder.

"See you tomorrow." Mika waved at me and I waved back.

As I went out from my class, I saw Key leaning on the wall, chatting with his friends.

"Annyeong, Key's girlfriend!" The cute one grinned and waved cutely at me.

"Hey there~" Another one winked and I just smiled at them.

"The name is Hyerin, Taemin. H-Y-E-R-I-N. Hye~Rin~. And Jjong, don't flirt with my girl" Key glared at them.

"Hey." Key smiled his boyish smile.

"Hey." I smiled shyly as he took my hand and rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand while lightly swing our hands together.

"Lovebirds." Jonghyun mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Aww, so cute~" Taemin cooed as he clasped his hands together making Jonghyun rolled his eyes again.

"I walk you home, okay?" He asked and I nodded. "Bye guys!" Key waved while I smiled at them.


As we arrived infront of my house, Key said "See you tomorrow."

"See you." I said but he just stood there, still holding my hand.

"Why?" I looked at him.

"I don't want to let go of your hand." He answered as I blushed.

"Bye." I said quietly and turned around after he let go of my hand hesitantly.

All of sudden, he snatched my wrist and turned me around as my hand automatically rested on his shoulder. He s his arms around my waist, pulling me closer, leaving no gap between us.

He leaned his face closer to mine and finally our lips met.

He nibbled on my lower lip making me slightly moaned.

After a few minutes, we broke our kiss and slightly panted.

"See you later.." I mumbled.

"Later." He smiled and walked away. I just looked at him until he's out from my sight.

I smiled and went into my house.

Can I squeal like a maniac?


"KYAAAAAAAAA" I squealed.


"Yeobo, our daughter is crazy~"

"Just let her be. She's just in love~ Just like us. Oh, that sweet memories."




A week later


"Let's go for a date." He said.

"Jjinja? When?" I asked.

"Whenever you want" He answered.

"How about Saturday?" I asked.

"Saturday.. Cool." He smiled and circled his arms around waist.

"Yah, what are you doing? We're in school." I whispered loudly as I looked around.

"There's no one around." he whispered on my ear making shivers ran down my spine.

Then, he crashed his lips on mine as he started drawing circles with his finger on my back.

I moaned and slung my arms aroung his neck.

"Okay, gross. Get a room, Key." We heard a familiar voice said. We broke our kiss and saw Jonghyun closed Taemin's eyes with his hand.

"Hello!" Taemin chirped, his eyes still closed.

"Get a girl, Jonghyun." Key groaned.

"Okay, okay. We go now." Jonghyun raised his hands in defeat.

"Bye!" Taemin grinned and skipped away with Jonghyun.

"Where were we?" He whispered seductively at me.





I waited for Key at the _____ Park and I went to sit on a bench.

"Hey babe." I heard Key's voice and I turned around. He smiled and sat beside me.

"Babe?" I chuckled.

"Why? I can't call my girl 'babe'?" 

"You can. I love it." I smiled and kissed his lips softly. Then, he deepened his kiss as he pulled me closer while I rubbed his thigh making him groaned.

"Okay! Let's go rent bicycles there." I broke the kiss and dragged him with me.

"Urghh, you're such a tease.." He groaned then pouted.

"I know." I winked at him. Then, we rented two bicycles and cycles around the park.

"Yah! Why are you so fast?" I pouted as I tried to catch up with him.

"Mehronngg~" He stuck his tongue out at me.

After an hour, we returned back the bicycles and rested on a bench.

He laid his head on my lap as I fixed his bang.

The sunlight shone on his breath-taking face and I covered his face with my hands.

"I'm so handsome, right?" he winked.

"Tch, you're so full of yourself." I scoffed.

Then, I took my phone and snapped a picture of him. He sat up and looked at the picture.

"Wow, so handsome." He said, nodding.

"So cocky." I chuckled.

"But you love meee~" He pecked my cheek.

"Tchh, who said?" I .

"This said everything." He smirked and cupped my face with his hand before he kissed me gently.

I pulled him closer, forgetting that we're making out in a public place.



"I just wanna take you home!~"

"Yah, ert!"

"Owww, I got chuuu under my skin~"


"michyeosseo jeongmal michyeosseo (Crazy by Son Dambi)"



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hope you can update soon =D
lalalalaaa~i'm so confuse~~~<br />
i'm gonna start plotting the ending :)<br />
but thanks 4 suggesting <3
asa-chan #3
i think that she have to dump key , and to avoid every thing trealated to key even jong who is his bestfreind , and while she's trying to avoid jong she will fall for him , an key in the other hand sence he still love her he will try to come back withe her and she will became so confused , like that u can chose her to be with key or to be with jong it 's up to u !! sorry my english is not soo good sence it's not my first languge
gracesnoopy #4
I think Key should get dumped by Hyerin (Sorry Lockets! >< ) , I mean , because Key sounds like a bad guy ): <br />
AND JJONG AND HYERIN HAPPYILY EVER AFTER ! Pleaseeeeeeeee Update soon~ >< <br />
<br />
Okay I think that Urmmmm , You can make Jjong & hyerin Together and Key ended up being with himself ._. , and Make Hyerin Dump Mika . Okay I sound mean right ? :[
ohhh*nod slowly*...<br />
thx a lot!really appreaciate it ^^ love you guys <33<br />
aldeadenisa: yeah, it think that's hard too..hmm,that's why i need some ideas..<br />
wookielover: he'll change then..but how??<br />
<br />
k...so i just realized that i wrote 'couch' instead of cough in my last comment *fail -.-*<br />
and hmmm key's ending; thats hard.<br />
but:<br />
freshman : first year of highschool.<br />
sophmore: is <usually> 2nd year of highschool- you need at least 5 credits to transition to sphmore level.<br />
junior: grade 11 equivalent<br />
senior: grade 12 eqivalent
1. freshman - 1st year student, sophomore - 2nd year student, junior - 3rd year student... there's also senior - who are 4th/the graduating student. ^^<br />
<br />
2. about that... you can make him change in the end, his being a flirt, right? :)
SHINeeabbie: thx 4 reading <33
SHINeeabbie #9
update! update! update!!!!! <br />
love this story <3
alisonxx227 : lol, i won't mind at all~ n thx ^^<br />
wookielover : keep reading the story and wait for the revenge! *evil smirks*